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I dont think i can google this one to get this question answered?


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I am totally in need of some torreting needs.  Once upon a time over time i was able to amass a song library of over 6000 songs alot of them was from recordings from my youth the 70s some i came to love the 50s and the 60s and alot from the decade of my heart the 80s, well of course i had everthing backed up on disk but the pc i burnt the music to no long exist so now i get cyclic errors when i try to download to another pc.  and the music used to be on my external but its now my secondary interanal when my externals usb took a crap on me.  i also want back and discover whats new out there in the gaming world.  So can anyone tell me the best wat to download torrents without getting nasty letters from my ISP?  pretty please.  thanks.


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