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Hi, I recently saw this video: It looks very promising but I have a question: Is the number of layers limited? Can someone do a dull video with the setup of the art for boxes, cartridges, etc? I curently use in my own themes all layers to display screenshot in backround, then the Logo, and then box and cartridge. Just like this: Thank you very much.
Last reply by whezker, -
- 0 replies
dose anyone have a collection of templates.psd for all the systems including windows both 3d and 2d box? since vgBoxart is down and gone and i dident get the ones i needed
Last reply by werter82, -
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- 8 replies
With the up come court case, Nintendo vs Yuzu, could mean the End of Emulation. Nintendo is tying to prove that Emulation, encourages Piracy and their company is losing money because of it. This is typical Ninendo, they have tried to get Rom Sites hosting their Roms shut down, but that hasnt realy worked, so they are now going after Emulation....
Last reply by shredder, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I don't come to the website much these days, but thought I would swing by for a shameless plug about a website I launched with that contains a section for hyperspin. The website is pretty new so I haven't figured out a groove yet exactly, but I will be pumping out some hyperspin guides in hopes that it helps someone out there. The base website is The hyperspin section should be pretty easy to find from there :), enjoy!
Last reply by shredder, -
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Hello, Working on my Amiga games by putting multiple disk parts in on zip file. Something like this: Lords of the Realm_Disk1 Lightforce_Disk1 Lemmings 2 - The Tribes_Disk1 . . I want to remove "_Disk1" from a big batch of zip files Is there a way to do this easily? (right now doing one at a time..) t
Last reply by thomas3120, -
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test sig size
Last reply by thomas3120, -
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GT2 physic has always been bashed because using walls to turn you did faster laps. Well, it seems that it was actually correct 😂
Last reply by VictorWhite, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, For some I think my old profile got deleted. So I had to create a new one. I am looking for a friend of mine that I kept in touch here but I can't remember his profile name. He used to have one the the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as an Avatar. He has helped out a lot of people get started on making their own Hyperspin. I know he has a very good reputation on here for helping people and made some Hyperspin tutorials as well... If anyone knows this person I speak, or if he contacts me.... Please message me.... I really didn't want to start another profile, but I was left with no choice.... Thank you all.... This site…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 16 replies
Sorry guys, been here on and off over the past couple of years work has been claiming more of my time. anyways I will trying to return to the fold more often as gaming list has grown along with my patience for crap which has reduced a lot. really need to start making content as in reviews and commentaries like I used to its not much but have been keeping an eye on the scene and I have been more of a lurker than a commentor over the past couple of years Thats going to change in other words I'm BACK!!!!!
Last reply by jackhammersalm, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, Looking for a module that will work with the version Sega Model 3 -r860 Hopefully someone will have one
Last reply by brudibru, -
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Good day guys, I am a new memeber, please bear with me. I was trying to download MAME but it says I am unable to download said file. Why is this?
Last reply by Desmian17, -
Last reply by Creezz67, -
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Just thought I'd mention, I finally got down to this place (4.5hr Drive) and what a place it is. What an idea to have and what a business to have! Can't recommend it enough. Never thought I'd see anything like that again. My 13 year old loved it as much as I did. 9 hours done, a full shift 😄 think I will make it an annual event.
Last reply by gigapig, -
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- 2 replies
He hasn't posted a video for 9 months and hasn't been on Twitter for ages. Anyone know if he's ok? Thanks
Last reply by Aspie, -
- 49 replies
**UPDATE** 06/27/2020 - I have uploaded 3 zips and Instructions on how to achieve this. It is very self explanatory. The files are too big to upload here, so I will provide links to my Drive. Test it out, let me know how it looks for you. Thanks. Whats goin' on everyone. So I got tired of the black bars o…
Last reply by pacifikballa, -
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- 7 replies
So to be honest i didnt look much but i couldnt find any relatable information, i was just wondering, what happened to bad boy bill? I never cared about hyperspin 2 as hyperspin has everything we need for a front end, and with the addition or rocketlauncher many more things are posible. But there are a few bugs that need to be fixed, like the fact that hyperspin only likes 100 resolutions, and the fact that flash has been scrape down on windows, so i was wondering, what happened to bad boy bill? did he ever released the source code to anyone here? could it be posible he releases the code, so someone ealse takes over? Like i said, the fact that most, if not all…
Last reply by gigapig, -
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- 16 replies
I'll start with the Mega Drive/Genesis. Like before, I have this system along with it's addons 32X, Sega CD, SegaNet/Channel and even the Power Converter, which I used back in the day to play SMS on Mega Drive. Genres were arranged so I can switch between the addons, best games, exclusives or Japanese games. Once you select this system, there's a pre-selected amount of games ranging from all regions and adapters. Games with regional differences were added. For emulation I use Retroarch and the HSM Reflection Shader and I play a few games in the video below to show how it works. The main theme is based on the Mega Drive III box from Tectoy.
Last reply by Spawk, -
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- 3 replies
14th August. It is a very special day in my hometown. Traditionally, my townsfolk would be doing the "Candelieri" festival, a 500+ years old parade - now UNESCO-listed. Not happening this year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, unfortunately! Let's find another way to feel happy and busy this weekend. I suggest the read of the new issue of RetroMagazine World! It's a free-press, free-for-download 60+ pages PDF magazine in English and Italian. It is packed with articles, reviews and in this issue a 7-page interview with myself. I speak about the genesis of this project back in 1999, I tell anedoctes, explain the programming process and also present a few other projects fr…
Last reply by MADrigal, -
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Hi everyone, I am new to the site so if this isn't allowed please simply delete and I will read the terms better for the future and go through the proper channels of exploring and understanding the software for myself. Long story short I work in at an afterschool program and we had a student pass away. He was a big gamer so I am trying to put together a table top multicade in his memory. I am proficient with all the building aspects of this project but lack the technical aspects when it comes to the software. I was hoping i could pay someone to have everything up and going on a flash drive (or close to) that i can simply plug and play or download to the system and pl…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 2 replies
It looks like Plex is now a player in the gaming front end race: I’ve been using Plex about as long as HyperSpin and always thought it’d be a great platform for running retro games. Did not see this ever happening though. It definitely doesn’t have the eye candy of HyperSpin or Big Box, but the fact it uses libretro cores to launch adds a lot of extra functionality from within the frontend (I’ve never understood why other frontends don’t use libretro cores to bypass the whole extra layer of an ahk powered launcher). The ability to stream games is an intriguing feature too. Would love to see HyperSpin take this approach with futur…
Last reply by Tribe Fan, -
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URL: http://www.madrigaldesign/it/creativemu ********* Happy new year everyone! This is the first post after more than one and a half year of silence, due to pandemic and personl reasons. Even though I did not post anything new all this time, I have never stopped researching actively, almost daily, into the CreatiVision world, I have collaborated with collectors and enthusiasts, and in the end I got so much new material, that I realised that the time had come for me to share it all with this small community! So here we are with a new, massive site update, that fills more gaps in the history of this obscure console! 🙂 Before leaving you with the (u…
Last reply by MADrigal, -
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- 3 replies
Video games have been in the homes of almost all families, and parents spend a substantial amount of time asking their children to do something other instead of playing video games. They have become a part of children’s life and their second nature. Video games rarely seem to be good for anyone, especially children. Indeed, addictive playing all day and night offers no positive impact. However, playing the right kind of video games has a lot of positive outcomes. In order to keep kids from getting into something destructive, parents should watch their children and give them a structure concerning the games they play. The problem is that the majority of parents focus their…
Last reply by gigapig, -
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- 4 replies
Happy holidays Hyperspinners!
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 6 replies
I'm trying to create to create an account on pleasure dome but after I finish filling everything in and doing the verification I get this message (In the picture). I have javascript enabled on chrome though, and I have even tried internet explorer.
Last reply by Spawk, -
Last reply by Panader0,
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