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HyperLogo Wheel Image Generator


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HyperLogo.gifHyperLogo Wheel Image Generator 0.1.1

It allows you to open any HyperSpin Database XML and automatically generate the wheel logos for it.

A small but very important update, fixing the memory leak problems. Also now autocrops, so if you maximise the window, you can adjust your font size to a much larger size (or smaller aswell).

23/08/08 v0.1.1
Fixed memory leak in ImageMagick
Automatically crops generated logos

17/08/08 v0.1
Initial Release

Download : HyperLogo 0.1.1.zip (1.22mb) 23-08-08



You might need the Visual Studio 2008 Redist to run:

Visual Studio 2008 Redist

How to:

1. Click open and browse to your hyperspin/database/<emulator name>/<database>.xml

2. Click browse and go to any folder of your choice, or the corresponding images/wheel folder

3. Choose your font settings, fontface, size, stroke, colour etc...

4. Press Generate Logos





Great app, thanks. Makes like easy till the wheel images get released.

BTW with the latest version of your app, when I apply it to the mame xlm file, some of the game fonts are smaller and larger then the default size?

Have you come accross this problem? I have attached a screen shot showing the different sized fonts created by the app.

Any sugestions how to have the font sizes consistant?





I think thats just being resized to fit in the available space, you can see the shorter words are larger while longer words are smaller


Hi joebells,

Thanks for the reply. Your correct, the fonts are resized based on the number of characters in the name. I just did not notice that.

The HyperSpin menu wheel also resizes the name of the game based on the number of characters the name has also. Do you know how to configure the HyperSpin settings not to resise the name of the game on the wheel? If it possible.

Thanks for the app. Great job & valuble tool.



Sorry Dariusz, I figured that everyone would want thier images autocropped and didn't worry about having an option to keep them all the same length. Next release i will add a field for min logo length so if you set the min and the max to the same they will all use up the same amount of space.


any possibility of being able to specify a background image and then hyperlogo would use it as a background image for the text and make the text fit? I was thinking something like the nes wheel images would be kind of nice. I see some options in imagemagick for stuff like that so I wasn't sure how hard that would be.


I just started playing around with this program... If anyone is looking for Video Game fonts check out the Game Font Database.

Cool App

Any ideas, getting this error


I was getting an error on Vista 64, but I don't think it was this same error. Try reinstalling the Visual Studio 2008 Redist package. Also, if you are running Vista, try running in XP compatibility mode.



So what fonts are you guys using for this? I haven't come across a descent font yet that I think would fit my cabinet. Any suggestions or better yet examples of what you have done/used?



Only using comic with a navy edge and turquise filling, its only a stop gap till all themes are created, now all I have to do is modify the background to fit the videos a bit better.

before i found this i've been making individual wheel images, of which i'll still use till better are available

great work lads BTW



Just an idea you may want to consider in future builds is the ability to change the font image colour so that you have a multi colour output. By this I mean say every 3rd font image is RED, every 4th is green etc.

This way while proper wheel images are being created & since the original images if placed on the wheel will look in a way multi colour random sorted, having my sugestion in the mean time would be ideal.

I have attempted to think of a way to do it with your currect version of the app using creating single multiple outputs each having a different colour font applied (run one at a time), but merging it to once single output having multi colours is to much of a administrative task, unless you have an idea?

thanks, and keep up the good work,


  • 7 months later...

Hey guys sorry I've been busy working for a games company here in Melbourne. I'm not sure if this program is needed anymore, the lastest version of hyperspin looks awesome. I've open sourced the code on google, let me know if it's still a usefull tool and if its still got some worth. Message me if you want svn access to comit to the project.


cheers! :tee:

  • 7 months later...
  • 4 years later...


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