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Need some help .ahk


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Hi I hope this is the right place, i'm sorry if it's not.   I'm still on HS v1.0 and my ps1 (eSPXe180) and sega (Fusion) gives an error cannot find sony playstation.ahk and sega genesis.ahk ive searched everywhere and cannot find it can someone point me in the right direction?  I know i can make one but I dont know how



Also a side question I just got HS v1.4 Im scared to upgrade I dont want to delete all my working emus, im guessing just copy everything over and replacing and it'll keep my settings but i want to know if this is true? Should I upgrade to 1.3 first? and how would i upgraded to 1.3? should I do a fresh install of 1.3 add my emus then overwrite 1.4 to my 1,3 directory?


One more thing in hypertheme How do I show Box art, I set it as Artwork 4 however it shows a box (in my case Kindom Hearts) on every game how can I set it so it shows the box art for all games?



I'm sorry i'm all over the place but I figure do one topic, I appreciate any help I can get


First thing I would say is back up what you already have.

Then either start from scratch with Rocketlauncher or download 1.3.3 and 1.4, copy across modules folder and the settings folder. Then copy across the Hyperspin 1.4 exe and set the full path to Hyperlaunch in the settings.ini

You can then copy over the databases and media.

Hopefully that will do the trick but I cannot be certain.

Hypertheme I don't know perhaps you need to update that as well.



Thanks for your reply

Update: I finally got my ps1 working! I figured it had to be the verison of epsxe so I downgraded to 1.7 from 1.8 and took the .ahk from HS 1.33 and added a close command in the file and works like a charm, the hypertheme 1.1 is sooooo much better and easier to configure so to answer my own question to show box art, first choose which artwork u want the box art in load any box art position it then click "don't include in output" then put all your box art in that folder I chose artwork 4 folder


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