chillinwater Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre List Creation [updated!] [iNDEX] Create a "Roms List" Create a "Wheels-Only" List Create a "Themes-Only" List Create a "HiToText" List - Works with HiToText! Create a "Command" List" - Works with CPWizard! Create a "NPlayer" List - For MultiPlayer Lists! Create a "Catlist" List for Even More Genres! Create a "Filtered-Working" Mame List Create a "Favorites" List Create a Folder "Favorites.ini" for Mame\Folders (bottom of post). Create a Folder "Series.ini": HyperList Download NO LINK PENDING NEW RELEASE Other List makers - Assemble - CartList -Database Management - fata1err0r's Dir2XML - New Multi Emu XML Generator - HyperSpinDatGen 1.0 by Mancoast - RHipple - HyperSpin Game List Maker - sydaroa XML Generator - HyperROM2XML EX Plus Alpha Another good utility, for Mame, to make filtered (filters Mahjong) rom lists is: ROMLister home Tutorial: BYOAC wiki. [HYPERION] If you dont have a Hyperion account, you should get one, its free. Log onto the Hyperion web page: Follow the instructions to make an ".xml" file or download some user created ones. Works alot like Hyperlist. Once you have created or chosen a "desired.xml", download and copy it into your hyperspin\databases\"desired" directory. (NOTE 1) (I've seen Hyperion add characters to the .xml that will crash Hyperspin like the (minus) "-" sign. Just use the edit\replace all with "blank-space" in wordpad. (NOTE 2) With "Hyperion", if your roms dont match Hyperions database, there will be no output to your .xml Hyperion uses [No-Intro] for carts, [Tosec] for systems using cd's and currently Mame 133 roms, for rom names in its database. If a system isnt supported, it wont show on the "create list for" pull down menu. [Create a Roms List] Showing "Any Systems" roms! -Use Hyperlist to point to: Hyperspin\emulators\"any system"\roms, folder and then point it to hyperspin\database\"any system"\name it "any system".xml". - Direct Hyperlist to use "Hyperion" option to add extra info to your .xml(if system is Supported) No Hyperion Account Required! (NOTE 1) With "Hyperion" option selected, if your roms dont match Hyperions database, or a system isnt supported, there will be no output to your .xml Turn the Hyperion option "off", if your not getting any output or you have an unsupported system. (NOTE 2) (The above directory paths are sample paths. You must point Hyperlist to wherever you actually have them. (NOTE 3) (In some cases you may have to create a new folder in HyperList for your system in the Hyperspin\databases\"Your New System Folder") (NOTE 4) (Hyperlist will create a list of "everthing" within the folder you selected. For best results temporarily move everything out of the roms folder, except the roms, into another temp folder and then move them back when you are done creating the list. (NOTE 5) (This will show all of your roms whether they work or not!) [Create a Themes List] Show "Your Systems" roms with "Themes Only"! [Temporary Work Around for "Themes Only Bug!!"] Until upcoming version of Hyperspin fixes this! - Doesn't fix a broken theme! -Use Hyperlist to point to: Hyperspin\media\"your system"\media\themes, folder and make an xml of "themes only" and put it in hyperspin\database\"your system"\"themes.xml". - Direct Hyperlist to use Hyperion to add extra info to your .xml (if system is supported) No Hyperion Account Required! (NOTE) (This will show "themes" only whether you have the games or not!. If you have the games, they will play. It does not create a game for you and you will be sent back to the wheel if you dont have the games rom! - Edit the roms you dont have out of the xml with Hyperlist's Theme Audit or notepad. (NOTE) (I haven't had any problems with this yet so Ill say its a work around to Hyperlist's "Show only Themes" approach. Still Testing). [Create a Wheels List] Show "Your Systems" roms with "Wheel Art Only"! Upcoming version of Hyperspin will allow this! -Use Hyperlist to point to: Hyperspin\media\"your system"\media\wheel, folder and make an xml of "wheels only" and put it in hyperspin\database\"your system"\"wheels only.xml". - Direct Hyperlist to use Hyperion to add extra info to your .xml (if system is supported)No Hyperion Account Required! (NOTE) (This will show "Wheels" only whether you have the games or not! If you have the games, they will play. It does not create games for you and you will be sent back to the wheel if you dont have the games rom! - Edit the roms you dont have out of the xml with Hyperlist's Theme Audit or notepad. [Create a HiToText List] Show "Mame HiToText" List for HiToText (Hi-Score) support - Mame -Use Hyperlist to point to: Hyperspin\HiToText\Games, folder and make an xml of "HiToText" and put it in hyperspin\database\mame\"HiToText.xml". - Direct Hyperlist to use Hyperion to add extra info to your .xml (System Mame) (NOTE) (This will show games supported by "HiToText" only whether you have the games or not! If you have the games, they will play. It does not create games for you and you will be sent back to the wheel if you dont have the games rom! - Edit the roms you dont have out of the xml with Hyperlist's Theme Audit or notepad. [Create a Commands List] Show "Mame Commands" List works with CPWizard! - (For Command, download "command.ini" and put in mame\folders directory) Download Here: - Open the command ini in notepad and delete everything except the actual rom names, copy the remainder of the contents to you clipboard. Dont Save. - Go to the Hyperion Website, follow the prompts and paste the contents of your clipboard appropriatley to create an .xml for a "Mame-Commands" database. - Once its created download\copy it and put the new "Mame-Commands.xml" into your hyperspin\database\mame directory Hyperion Account Required (see above) (NOTE) (This will show games supported by "CPWizard" only whether you have the games or not! If you have the games, they will play. It does not create games for you and you will be sent back to the wheel if you dont have the games rom! - Edit the roms you dont have out of the xml with Hyperlist's Theme Audit or notepad. [Create a NPlayers List] Show "NPlayer" for Multiplayer Lists! - Purpose: ======== "Have you ever been sitting there with three friends staring at your computer screen where your favourite MAME frontend lies wondering which game to play knowing you need a game that supports four player simultaneous play? After many unsuccessful attempts at finding this damn game, you give up and say: let's watch another anime! Well thanks to this file, you won't say that anymore!" - (For NPlayer, download "NPlayer.ini" and put in mame\folders directory. Download Here: - Open the "NPlayer.ini" in notepad and delete everything except the actual rom names in the section you want, copy the remainder of the contents to you clipboard. Dont Save. - Go to the Hyperion Website, follow the prompts and paste the contents of your clipboard appropriatley to create an .xml for a "Mame-Commands" database. - Once its created download\copy it and put the new "Mame-NPlayer.xml" into your hyperspin\database\mame directory Hyperion Account Required (see above) (NOTE) (This will show games included in "Nplayer" only, whether you have the games or not! If you have the games, they will play. It does not create games for you and you will be sent back to the wheel if you dont have the games rom! - Edit the roms you dont have out of the xml with Hyperlist's Theme Audit or notepad. [Create a CatList] Show "CatList" for Even More Genre Lists - Purpose: ======== One of MAME's main purposes is to be an historical database for arcade games. MAME32 and similar frontends do a great job of organizing this information. You can organize your games even further by using special category lists ("catlists") available at the official Catlist repository. Several specialized lists are available; it also explains how to make your own. The locations for catlist files vary for different frontends, so please see your frontend's instructions for installation details. In MAME32, Catlists have been replaced by the ini files in the "folders" directory, which are not compatible with the catlist.ini format. - (For CatList, download "CatList.ini" and put in mame\folders) Download Here: -Open the "Catlist.ini" in notepad and delete everything except the actual rom names in the section you want, copy the remainder of the contents to you clipboard. Dont Save. - Go to the Hyperion Website, follow the prompts and paste the contents of your clipboard appropriatley to create an .xml for a "Mame-sub genre" database. - Once its created download\copy it and put the new "Mame-?Genre?.xml" into your hyperspin\database\mame directory Hyperion Account Required (see above) (NOTE) (This will show games included in "Catlist" only, whether you have the games or not! If you have the games, they will play. It does not create games for you and you will be sent back to the wheel if you dont have the games rom! - Edit the roms you dont have out of the xml with Hyperlist's Theme Audit or notepad. [show only "Filtered-Working" in MAME roms] Hyperion Account Required A good utility to make filtered (filters Mahjong) rom lists is ROMLister home Tutorial: BYOAC wiki. or If you have a program like MameUIFX, MameXT32 (other FE's for Mame may have this feature too), select the "Working" tab in the "folder list"on the left hand side. (Thats filter #1) -Select "file" ,top left, and at the bottom is a "save current roms list" select that. You will now be able to save a ".txt" file with all the working roms. Use this text file on the Hyperion Website above. (NOTE) (You can also add any of the available filters in MameUIFX, by "right-clicking" on the folder of choice and choosing "add filters", to further weed out say "clones" or "not available" and then have a "Mame-Working-NoClones" .xml (follow the same procedure above but add the filters before you save.) (NOTE) (This works with any MameGui default "Genre" category as well as "NPlayer", "CatList", "Favorites", "Fighters", "Shooters", "Command", "Lightgun", "Vector","Laserdisc", "Multi-Screen", "CPS 1",, "CPS 2", "NeoGeo", etc. (For "Favorites", you have to have "Favorites" set up in "Any MameUI" that supports "Custom Folders".) see below [Create A Favorites.ini Folder for MAMEgui] (NOTE) Upcoming version of Hyperspin will have its own way to add favorites! (OPTION) You can extract COMPLETE themes for your "Favorites" list, see [Advanced User Methods] below, and use them in Hyperspins Favorites Main Wheel Theme available here: or for Another Arcade Emulator here: [Advanced User Methods] [using FatMatch to “Extract” Themes for Favorites, AAE , NeoGeo, Other Themes and Genres] (( I have "extracted" complete Mame themes from Media\Mame to my "Favorites", "AAE" and "Neo Geo" Main wheels with over 130 Mame Games for the "Favorites" themes using FatMatch, and a 100% success rate in under (2) hours. (Some ROMs don’t have themes yet so 100% success means all available themes were matched )). That’s (over 2100 files) to match-extract, copy and move, for the "Favorites" wheel only! What an ordeal. It could have been much much worse though without FatMatch. - If you P.M. to me, your .ini or .txt posting the contents of whatever it is that you have, "favorites.ini", "any Genre.ini", whatever, then I'll make a batch script (.bat) file for you so you can temporarily fill a "Favorites" or "Genre" folder with roms making the above extraction much easier. (I can make these really fast!) How to "Extract Themes" here. [Create A Favorites.ini Folder for MAMEgui] - You must have a Mame gui that supports folders like MameUIFX or MameXT32. - Place "your favorites.ini", that you create from the sample code below, in the Mame\folders directory. - You must have these lines below (in the ini), the rest you can delete and add your own. - If you want sub folders then keep these lines below (in the ini), and rename them to whatever you want. - Delete these lines below (in the ini), if you dont want submenus. (NOTE) Now when you start a Mamegui the folder will show up on the left side of the gui. [To add your own Games] - Run any mame gui that supports folders, like MameUIFX or MameXT32 . - in MameGUI, Right-Click on the game you want to add. - Select "Add to Custom Folder" - Select the Folder you want to add the game to. - Add more Games, Add more Games, Add more Games. [Once you have added a fair amount of games] - Open the Favorites.ini in notepad and delete everything except the actual rom names, copy the remainder of the contents to you clipboard. Dont Save. - Go to the Hyperion Website, follow the prompts and paste the contents of your clipboard appropriatley. to create an .xml for a "Favorites" database. [sample Favorites.ini] [color=orange][FOLDER_SETTINGS][/color] [color=orange]RootFolderIcon golden[/color] [color=orange]SubFolderIcon cust1[/color] [color=orange][ROOT_FOLDER][/color] [color=pink][Wife's Fav's][/color] dkong galaga gaplus mspacman mwalk nametune ncv1 ncv2 promutrv puzzloop rocktrv2 wfortune [color=pink][Daughter's Fav's][/color] backfire beathead ddtod gtmr jpark marble spacewar wacko wfortune [color=pink][My Fav's][/color] 720 9ballsht abaseb2 aburner2 aligatun [Make Your New "System.xml", Pop-Up First when entering "your systems" wheel] (NOTE) (This is mostly for a "System Wheel" with multiple styles or genres such as Mame, though it will work for any .xml you have created above!) (NOTE) Some systems media folders may not have a "genre" folder. Copy that from the \mame\ media folder into hyperspin\media\"your system"\images\genre folder or you'll get unsatisfactory results. No selection pointer or background. -Rename the current "your system.xml" to "All.xml" and rename the new "themes only" or "wheel-only" .xml, created above, to "your system.xml". (NOTE) (If you have renamed "Your System.xml" with the procedure above then once your in "Your Systems" wheel, you can select "G" for genres and select "ALL" to relist "All" of your available roms. If you select "All Games it will revert to whatever your new .xml is). PLEASE, ADD YOUR TIPS and TRICKS Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
Lashek Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Wow. Such clever ways to use both Hyperion and HyperList! I'm quite impressed, as I would never imagine it being so extensible from when I originally wrote it =) -Lashek I invented HyperList! Please do not ask me support questions about HyperList, I am no longer a part of the team/project.
BadBoyBill Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 The next version of HS should at least take care of the themes_only issues, will be able to do the wheels only one, and will be able to do the favorites part also.
chillinwater Posted October 5, 2009 Author Posted October 5, 2009 I think Ive only scratched the surface of Hyperlist and cant wait for the new versions of both HyperSpin and Hyperlist bypassing some of the methods above. Thanks to both you, BBB and Lashek for the hard work on theses excellent programs that work so well together. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
BadBoyBill Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Ya Lashek is currently testing the new HS for me, we're strictly working on these issues right at this moment before I move on with new HS features. He has been extremely helpful for me to track down issues. He thinks of things to mess up HS that I havent thought of. Its good to have a good community and members like him to help. We've already cured several problems with my list filtering and the wheel is running pretty slick. He's working on a new HyperList to help you guys audit your lists for new and upcoming HS features that will really impress you guys. The next version will hopefully the best version to date.
SophT Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 also, I haven't announced it before but I'm working on an auto-stats keeper / generator. tentatively named 'hyperstat' (if it's deemed good enough for the title). It will be cli-based (so you can call it from HyperLaunch, or standalone). And will support top played list generation and 'recent games' list auto-generation as well as generic record keeping (stats). I've been a little burned out on coding lately, but I guess I'll try to wrap this up shortly. I showed BBB a POC using an INI file, but now I'm gonna convert it to XML. Things I Break ----- System Requirements? How do I remove rom warnings? How do I shut-down my computer? How do I shell HyperSpin?
jtslade Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Awesome work guys! has the freeze loading of themes issue been resolved. I always warn new people that come to my house to let the theme fully load when scanning thru the wheel but sometimes it still happens.
chillinwater Posted October 5, 2009 Author Posted October 5, 2009 The method above does not fix it it just makes a clean list (its work around for the black screen crash). All all other issues with themes will still be there. For now its best to let them fully load. I believe I saw a post in these forums that says they are addressing this by speeding up the load times. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
dqderrick Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 tentatively named 'hyperstat' (if it's deemed good enough for the title). Did I just read that correctly??? That sounds AWESOME. I'm dying to see the play stats. I can see the stats being very helpful. I always liked the times played stat built into Mame32ui. Now, if I could use the stats to create "filters" or "favorites" that would be brilliant. I also think it would be great if it were easy to somehow submit your play stats to some central server... but, I suppose that could easily be tampered with. But, maybe it would be worth the risk. I'd love to see what other people find worth of playing over and over. The Hyperspin community is already pretty strong/obsessed... why not feed it a little more.
chillinwater Posted January 3, 2010 Author Posted January 3, 2010 Here are some batch files pre-made for Mame133 to neo-geo theme extraction, if anyone is interested, @ this Mega-Uploads link: Mame133-NeoGeo Theme Extraction I'm Not positive but I believe that the HyperSpin themes are still based on that version, So this is for, Themes from Mame133 using a stand-alone Neo-Geo wheel. Instructions below and in zip. Its impossible for me to know what everyone has already updated or renamed their themes to so... before you extract the themes you can rename them to mame134-135-136, with the other batch files from this thread. * Mame Rom\Art Renaming and then let me know what you have updated your Mame\Theme version # and... ...then, I can also make batch theme extraction folder\files for Mame 134-135-136 or any other mame stand alone wheels, for genres like fighters, shooters, or favorites that use Mame themes, including systems that share the same rom naming conventions\rom versions, like AAE, Misfit, Nebula, Winkawaks, FBA, if anyone wants them. The batch files are quick and easy, setting them up in folders takes a little longer. [[color=orange]Contents[/color]] of Zip File based on Mame 133 (1)-How-To.txt (1)-Mame folder with (9) batch files within (9) subfolders (1)-Neo Geo folder with all required media folders (a mostly empty template) but does include (3) Folders containing: media\Neo Geo\special -folder and files media\Neo Geo\genre -folder and files media\Neo Geo\other -folder and files [[color=orange]How-To[/color]] [color=red]-[/color]unzip "MameToNeoGeo-Theme-Extraction" [color=red]-[/color]If you already have HyperSpin\Media\NeoGeo installed, [color=palegreen]rename[/color] the "Neo Geo" folder to HyperSpin\Media\Neo Geo[color=palegreen]X[/color] (this backs up your original Neo Geo themes installation) [color=red]-[/color]Copy\move the new "Neo Geo" -folder from the unzipped file, into the HyperSpin\Media\ -folder. (You backed up the original First Right?) [color=red]-[/color]move\copy\merge the new "Mame" folder from the unzipped file, into the HyperSpin\Media\Mame -folder. (Just like when adding themes). Batch files have now been added to the original and will be located at the top of your directory list: Media\Mame\Images\Artwork1 -folder Media\Mame\Images\Artwork2 -folder Media\Mame\Images\Artwork3 -folder Media\Mame\Images\Artwork4 -folder Media\Mame\Images\Backgrounds -folder Media\Mame\Images\Wheel -folder Media\Mame\Sound\Background Music -folder Media\Mame\Themes -folder Media\Mame\[color=yellow]Video[/color] -folder (This batch is [color=yellow]optional[/color], you can point HyperHq to the Mame Video folder). [color=red]-[/color]Run each batch file in the (8-9) folders above, (1) time each to copy\extract theme files. (Original Theme files are not moved or deleted but copied to a new sub folder) [color=red]-[/color] move the files from the newly created sub-folders to the appropriate HyperSpin\Media\Neo Geo -sub folders. (works like FatMatch) [color=red]-[/color]remove the batch files and sub folders when done. (if your not using mame 133) goto this post and rename your themes from the provided bats. [color=red]-[/color]Run HyperSpin, goto the Neo Geo Wheel. [How To] Filter NEOGEO Roms: (NOTE) Any one of the batch files can be edited to move your NeoGeo roms into a seperate folder (essentially filtering\seperating\weeding them out of your Mame\roms directory) -open one of the batch files in a text editor and -select edit\replace all (replace what = copy) (replace with = move) -select replace all -select edit\replace all (replace what = .png) or .xml or .mp3 or .swf (replace with = .zip) -select replace all -save as "_neogeo_move.bat" or whatever. -place in your Mame\roms folder -run (1) time A sub folder containing Neo Geo roms will be created (rename it to what yo want) Copy them back into the original Roms directory if desired. Game\Theme\Favorites\Genre - List Creation * FatMatch File Renaming for HyperNewbies. Like Me!
TOLISWR Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 i am very new here and i cant make mame play. i put all the roms and all the others in hyperspin/emulators/mame and then when i start the hyperspin i see the games but i get error. the path for the roms are correct. what should i do. plz can any1 help?
SophT Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 post the contents of log.txt please Things I Break ----- System Requirements? How do I remove rom warnings? How do I shut-down my computer? How do I shell HyperSpin?
TOLISWR Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 01:30:55 AM | HyperSpin Started 01:30:55 AM | Startup Program Unvavailable 01:30:55 AM | Menu mode is single 01:30:55 AM | Play intro video is true 01:30:55 AM | Intro video found......adding video 01:30:55 AM | Entering windowed mode 01:31:02 AM | MAME.xml found 01:31:02 AM | MAME.xml loaded 01:31:02 AM | Themes only, parsing xml 01:31:02 AM | Parsing complete 01:31:02 AM | Loading wheel images 01:31:03 AM | Entering Menu 01:31:20 AM | Excecutable is mameuifx32.exe 01:31:20 AM | Running in normal rom mode 01:31:20 AM | Executable Found 01:31:20 AM | Rom Found 01:31:20 AM | Attempting to launch 01:31:20 AM | Pausing Animations 01:31:21 AM | Launching file 01:31:21 AM | Command Line is: "F:\HYPERSPIN\Emulators\MAME\mameuifx32.exe" "F:\HYPERSPIN\Emulators\MAME\roms\1941.ZIP" 01:32:29 AM | Exiting HyperSpin 01:32:29 AM | Quiting program 01:32:29 AM | Exit Program Unvavailable 01:32:29 AM | Bye!
BadBoyBill Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 try making zip lowercase in your extensions possibly.
TOLISWR Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 i didnt understand. can u explane it to me plz
BadBoyBill Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 open HyperHQ and go to the mame settings in the wheel tab, in the emulator setup area look for the extension area and make sure the extension is lowercase.
spotUP Posted December 27, 2014 Posted December 27, 2014 this hyperion website seems gone, is there any other way to get a filtered list with no clones and only working roms?
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