TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I have Snes9x, MAME, WinKawaks and FCEUX all set up and working on my Arcade PC. I have built a custom 4-player control panel, and everything works great through Maximus Arcade. However, I like the look and feel of Hyperspin, and I also think Hyperspin might solve a problem I'm having with save games and Snes9x (Maximus doesn't close out the emulator properly on exit, so the .sram file is not saved). I got all the way through the setup, and now am having a few issues. Here they are, and what I've done about them so far: Rocketlauncher shows all SNES roms as Red, except four. = I've narrowed this down to the fact that RL is looking for, say, "Final Fantasy III (USA) (Rev 1)" and my rom is titled "Final Fantasy III (USA)." I noticed there is a solution video on this issue, but the solution was to rename all the roms to what RL wants. This would break Maximus, and while I don't foresee using these together, I'd like to avoid messing with the roms. Is there a way to get RL to accept the roms as they're named? Hyperspin doesn't recognize joystick(s), can't navigate through wheels. = This apparently is a known issue with HyperSpin and gamepads (the joysticks and buttons run into a Xin-mo controller, which Windows sees as a gamepad). The current solution I have found is to download something called "Xpadder" which remaps the controls? At this point, I'm running like... four pieces of software just to get Hyperspin to work. Seems like a lot of nonsense just to get sticks working. Is there another solution? Can't find a setting to remove options from the Main Wheel = I can't seem to find a setting to remove options I'll never use from the Main Hyperspin Wheel. It starts out pointing at MAME, but there are dozens of options in this wheel that I don't care about. Is there a way to only have the emulators I'm using as options? No ROM options show up in MAME wheel = I'm able to choose MAME from the Main wheel, but once I'm in there, nothing shows up at all to choose from. This might be an issue with how I've set up RL, but I worked from the guide, and RL sees all 50 of my roms. I can provide more info on this, as I realize this is a pretty vague issue.
adamg Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 1. Yes, you will need to create a database using the romset you have. The downside to this is that you will also have to rename the media for HyperSpin. The databases are directly linked to media assets. I am pretty sure that Don's HyperSpin Tools can accomplish this but I have never done it. I can try to figure it out later if needed. 2. I agree that HyperSpin has alot of nonsense but that is the way it is, seems like everyone is content to leave it that way too. The solution that might be better is to use the Startup Script that is in the downloads somewhere. 3. You have to edit the main menu database, removing the things you do not want. You can do this in HyperHQ but honestly I just edit the database. 4. This seems like either a database issue or that your HyperHQ settings have a filter for either wheels or roms only. MAME is one of the few systems that have roms named the way they nearly always will be so if you have a half decent set you should not have issues here.
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 -Rev tags shouldn't be in the databases and we're currently going through and redoing them to bring them back to quality standards. But what it comes down to is everything revolves around those database names. In RL you can use rom mapping to assign your roms to the name the database expects without renaming them. In HS all of the media must match the database name for that game, and if you're going to use a rom only filter to display only the games you have, they must be named the same (rom mapping's not an option for this). -Most people do use keymappers like xpadder for controller support, but you can also use the startup script from the downloads section here to just map the controls for HyperSpin. It's a super simple one time config. Keymappers are basically a necessity if you plan on using a controller for any of the computer based systems anyway. -To remove systems from the main wheel you can do so through HyperHQ on the Main Menu Wizard tab. -Not sure about this one. Typically you would see some games listed or it would kick you back to the main menu. 1. Yes, you will need to create a database using the romset you have. The downside to this is that you will also have to rename the media for HyperSpin. The databases are directly linked to media assets. I am pretty sure that Don's HyperSpin Tools can accomplish this but I have never done it. I can try to figure it out later if needed. 2. I agree that HyperSpin has alot of nonsense but that is the way it is, seems like everyone is content to leave it that way too. The solution that might be better is to use the Startup Script that is in the downloads somewhere. 3. You have to edit the main menu database, removing the things you do not want. You can do this in HyperHQ but honestly I just edit the database. 4. This seems like either a database issue or that your HyperHQ settings have a filter for either wheels or roms only. MAME is one of the few systems that have roms named the way they nearly always will be so if you have a half decent set you should not have issues here. 1. I couldn't find a rom-mapping option in RL, but it sounds like even if I did, it would solve that problem, but not the larger one. It seems odd to me that there isn't a way to get HS and RL to work together on this. Maybe adamg is saying there is, through building a specific database for MY system, but if I'm reading him right, I'd have to rebuild or annotate that database every time I download a new ROM. :-/ 2. After you both posted, I looked around the downloads section for a Startup Script, and couldn't find it... am I blind? I'm an idiot. I found it. re: Agent47- Each emulator has it's own keymapper built-in. I've gone into each emulator as I've set them up and mapped my buttons to controller functions. Maximus also has a keymapper built into itself, and it works seamlessly. 3. Editing the database seems like the cleanest option (again, I'm sorry if I'm dense, but I looked through HyperHQ and couldn't find an option to remove systems from the wheel)- where is this database located? 4. I'm going to investigate this issue a little more. It's possible I have something messed up in the RL settings, or in HyperHQ. Honestly, I'd feel so much better about working through these things on my own if I could get just one system or rom working.
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 Yes, you're blind on both counts Ahhhh... That's... pretty unclear that that's what that does. (that.) Sorry, I'll try that tonight. I already admitted my idiocy on the startup script.
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 So, the idea being to download the xml for the SNES, and replace it? Can that be done by just file-swapping, or is there a cleaner way to get everyone to recognize the change?
adamg Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 Depending on your file structure this could be different but I am assuming you are using the standard one used in most tutorials here. In your hyperspin folder there should be a database folder. Inside that folder is a list of the system databases you are currently using. I would recommend downloading new databases from the database section here for every system you want to get running. Working from MAME, as that would be a great place to start, lets try to get you setup nicely running 1 system. 1. Download MAME from the database and then replace the exsisting file in the HyperSpin/Databases/MAME folder. 2. Open HyperHQ and select the Wheel Setting Tab. From the drop down menu select MAME. Make sure that It is set to HyperLaunch on the execution. Then on the Navigation/Themes tab make sure that there are no filters checked in the bottom right under the wheel filters heading. This is probably just to make sure but better safe than sorry. 3. Close HyperHQ and open RocketLauncher. 4. Select Global fromt he left hand side. Then emulators and scroll down till you find MAME. Make sure that it is setup with the correct exectuable path and the extensions should be zip|7z 5. On the left hand side select MAME this time. You should still be on the emulator tab so click the green + next to the Rom Paths box. Find where your roms are and click ok. 6. Under the Default emulator, click the magnifying glass and select MAME. 7. Click on the Games tab and press the blue play button. If a game goes green, once the audit stops press the rocket button or alt+l and see if the game launches. If none show up green let me know.
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 Depending on your file structure this could be different but I am assuming you are using the standard one used in most tutorials here. In your hyperspin folder there should be a database folder. Inside that folder is a list of the system databases you are currently using. I would recommend downloading new databases from the database section here for every system you want to get running. Working from MAME, as that would be a great place to start, lets try to get you setup nicely running 1 system. 1. Download MAME from the database and then replace the exsisting file in the HyperSpin/Databases/MAME folder. 2. Open HyperHQ and select the Wheel Setting Tab. From the drop down menu select MAME. Make sure that It is set to HyperLaunch on the execution. Then on the Navigation/Themes tab make sure that there are no filters checked in the bottom right under the wheel filters heading. This is probably just to make sure but better safe than sorry. 3. Close HyperHQ and open RocketLauncher. 4. Select Global fromt he left hand side. Then emulators and scroll down till you find MAME. Make sure that it is setup with the correct exectuable path and the extensions should be zip|7z 5. On the left hand side select MAME this time. You should still be on the emulator tab so click the green + next to the Rom Paths box. Find where your roms are and click ok. 6. Under the Default emulator, click the magnifying glass and select MAME. 7. Click on the Games tab and press the blue play button. If a game goes green, once the audit stops press the rocket button or alt+l and see if the game launches. If none show up green let me know. 52 roms show up green in the list. All the green ones launch great using the rocket button. With the startup script in place, the joystick now works to scroll through the wheels. However, the button I assigned to "exit" does not exit. I can choose MAME, and no longer get the bounceback problem. The issue is that it's showing every MAME game that exists, and if I go into HyperHQ, Wheel Settings, Navigation/Themes, and then choose the "roms only" Wheel Filter, I get the bounceback. I got a weird error when I tried to launch a MAME rom from inside hyperspin about Rocketlauncher not being able to find the .xml I downloaded... it's looking in its own folder. Any way I can point RL to the HS files? We're real close!!!
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 If you have the Roms Only filter on you have to also set the Rom Path and Extensions (separated by commas) in HyperHQ, otherwise it doesn't find any roms and bounces you back. Hmm... closer. Setting these did something. MAME now doesn't bounce me back, but it is only showing me 9 of the 52 roms that Rocketlauncher shows as green. (EDIT: also, at least one of those roms is not a rom I have installed, and throws an error. Seems like pointing RL back to HS like you said did solve the other problem, though, as I can launch Ninja Turtles....) Also, Super Nintendo wheel bounces me back completely.
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 Ugh. Read the post, Madjai. Ok, when I remove the PERIODS as well as the spaces, the ROM lists are good. However, now MAME and SNES do not fire when I choose a rom. I hit the button to select the ROM, and nothing happens.
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 Restarted the computer, working now. Curious, but ok. So now, I think the only issue is that the button I assigned to "Exit" in HyperHQ doesn't do anything.
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 Not backing out of the wheel / HS. I have an exit key assigned in RL, and that exits out of the emulator while in game. Is there a known issue with WinKawaks? It seems like everything's fine until I try to exit out of that emulator, then when I go back into HS, nothing else works until I kill HS and come back in.
TheMadjai Posted April 19, 2016 Author Posted April 19, 2016 When I exit out of WinKawaks, nothing else will work. I have to shut down HS, and manually close out the RL process because it's still running in the background. Then, when I reopen HS, everything's fine again.
TheMadjai Posted April 20, 2016 Author Posted April 20, 2016 Alright, I'm going to work on the couple small things left. If I run into anything I can't solve, I'll start a new post. Thanks so much, agent47!!
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