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Hyperspin taking focus again after launching pc games via autohotkeyscript


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I'm launching PC games with Hyperspin. I configured the wheel and set "pc games" to "true" so i'm not using hyperlaunch or rocketlauncher. Just plain Hyperspin.


The exe are actually Autohotkey scripts compiled to exe that launches the actual games within the script, but this should not make a difference to HyperSpin.

However, when I launch these exe's, Hyperspin immediately takes focus again and the launched game window is underneath it. Sometimes the game window stays on top but I can still here the sounds of Hyperspin running too. So Hyperspin takes focus and becomes active again right after starting the games.


This is however not a consistent behaviour because sometimes it does work and sometimes not. So sometimes Hyperspin goes inactive like it should, but most of the times it becomes active again.

I use the latest build 1.4 beta 015. I read that on 014 some issues were solved about Hyperspin taking focus again after launching games, but for me this clearly is not solved yet.

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?



edit: it seems that the reason is the "hyperspin startup script" causing this behaviour. When I remove it, Hypserspin no longer activates after game launch...

I used this startup script to be able to use a joystick to control hyperspin because the build in joystick support still does not work (wheel going crazy when pushing forwars or backward)



No I even tried to run notepad.exe as a test and even that window sometimes goes behind Hyperspin. But this is caused by the "HyperSpin startup script"...

So it's not a Hyperspin issue


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