thatman84 Posted June 24, 2016 Posted June 24, 2016 Hi all, so im trying to put together some tutorials to upload for approval and wanted to get some help with it if you can. Its a Hyperspin core tutorial but aimed towards Android users and people that dont have access to HyperHQ (Android users with only OSx PC's for example) Going to do this for the core settings files, Global Settings.ini, Main Menu.ini, Settings.ini and SYTEMNAME.ini Black Text = Setting Green Text = Example Value Red Text = Explanation Blue Text = Possible Values THIS IS A 1st DRAFT and needs soem editing by myself, but just need some of the blanks filling in if the community can help me out that would be awesome. Global settings ini <I don’t believe anything in here is required for Android but worth annotating anyway> [HyperLaunch] Hide_Cursor=false Fade_In=false Fade_Out=false Fade_Color=0x000000 Fade_In_Duration=500 Fade_Out_Duration=500 Fade_In_Delay=0 Keymapper_Enabled=false Keymapper= Hide_Desktop=false Hide_Taskbar=false CPWizard_Enabled=false CPWizard_Delay=8000 CPWizard_Params=minimized -timeout 9000 7z_Enabled=false 7z_Extract_Dir=C:\Users\toby\AppData\Local\Temp\Hyperspin\ 7z_Delete_Temp=true MultiGame_Enabled=false MultiGame_Background_Color=FF000000 MultiGame_Side_Padding=0.2 MultiGame_Y_Offset=500 MultiGame_Image_Adjust=1 MultiGame_Font=Arial MultiGame_Text_1_Options=x10p y30p w80p Centre cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 Bold Italic MultiGame_Text_1_Text=Please select a game MultiGame_Text_2_Options=w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center Bold Italic MultiGame_Text_2_Offset=70 MultiGame_Use_Sound=true MultiGame_Sound_Frequency=300 MultiGame_Exit_Effect=none MultiGame_Selected_Effect=rotate MultiGame_Use_Game_Art=false MultiGame_Art_Folder=Artwork1 Main menu ini [wheel] alpha=0.8 <changes the visibility of the menu wheel in relation to theme artwork. Values 0 = invisible 1= visible> small_alpha = 1 ??? style=vertical <changes the layout of the wheel possible, values vertical, normal, horizontal> **Not Supported on Android, Always vertical** speed=high <speed of wheel scrolling, values = Low,Medium,High) vert_wheel_position=right <screen placement of wheel. Values = right, centre, left> **Not Supported in Android, always right** norm_large=468 <Size of system wheel pointer has landed on, Value between 0 & 1100> norm_small=230 <Size of other wheels visible but not selected by pointer, Value between 0 & 1100> vert_large=400 <same as above> vert_small=230 <same as above> pin_large=500 <same as above> pin_small=200 <same as above> horz_large=400 <same as above> horz_small=100 <same as above> horz_wheel_y=700 <horinzontal wheel vertical position, Value = any pixel height> **Text is not supported for main menu wheel in Android** text_width=700 < the larger the width the smaller the text will show on the wheel, Value between 500 & 2000> text_font=Style5 <font style, Values = Style1-5> small_text_width=200 <width of smaller image text, Value 100-1100, > large_text_width=400 <width of larger image text, Value 100-1100, the larger the width the smaller the text will height will become > text_stroke_size=7 <size of outer text border, Value between 0 & 16> text_stroke_color=0x000000 <text border color, Hex value colors> text_color1=0x00BFFD <text can comprise of 3 Hex value colors> text_color2=0xFFFFFF text_color3=0x00BFFD color_ratio=149 <the display priority/merging of the 3 colors, Value between 0 &254> shadow_distance=6 <distance text shadow is away from the text, Value between 0 & 20> shadow_angle=45 <position of text shadow, Value between 0 & 360, 280 = top, 100 = bottom> shadow_color=0x000000 <Hex value color> shadow_alpha=1 <visibility of shadow, Value between 0 & 1> shadow_blur=0 <Value between 0 & 15> [pointer] animated = true <pointer will bump when moving wheel, Value true or false> x= 965 <horizontal position of pointer> y = 384 <vertical position of pointer> [video defaults] path=E:\Hyperspin\Media\Main Menu\Video\ <not fully sure, wanted to add relative path examples> [sounds] game_sounds=false <true or false> wheel_click=true <true or false> [special Art A] default=false <???> active=true <displayed or not,Values true or false> x = 512 <horizontal position after animation, Value different per artwork> y=384 <vertical position after animation, Value different per artwork> in = .4 <time it takes the artworks to animate in to position, any value between 0 & 3 .1 increments> out = .4 <time it takes the artworks to animate in to position, any value between 0 & 3 .1 increments> length = 3 <length of time artwork stays in position before animating out, Values = .2 increments between 0 & 6> delay = .1 <the amount of time to wait between animations, values between 0 & 30> type=fade <style of animations, values = normal, fade or bounce> start = bottom <screen location where animations enter from> [special Art B] <same as Special Art A> default=false active=true x = 512 y=384 in = .4 out = .4 length = 3 delay = .1 type = fade start = none Official Hyperspin Tutorials Playlist HS Android Overview & Install HS Android Base Pack Download My Tutorials
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