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Menu Themes that work with droid If any


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Hello guys - I have had a previously running HS setup on my shield with the default HS Main menu. 

I decided to slam my current HS setup / Theme Of Aeon MQ6 by TheNewYear onto my shield HDD and turns out that's not compatible. 
Should've read the 'known issues' thread first. 

So my question is, Are there any System wide themes that work on droid?


I have not been here to long but I don't think there is such a thing for Android yet

Most of the 16x9 themes have all the art converted to swf which can cause some problems.

The Horizontal wheel/themes are not supported in droid

The only thing I have seen is the unified megatheme

Recent thread http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/25152-169-themes-found-on-ftp/?fromsearch=1


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