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Start HyperSpin on specific wheel


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Edit your hyperspin settings.ini file. I'm away from my setup right now, but I think it's in /hyperspin/settings/main menu/settings.ini. If that's not it, poke around and you'll find the file. It's an XML file containing only the wheels on the main menu. They're in order of display from top to bottom. Top = first.


Pro tip: you can comment out wheels you don't want to show up. That way you can be working on a new wheel and disable it when you're taking a break, so it doesn't show up in your menu for guests, etc. Much easier than deleting/recreating, etc.


MAME is my top system, and I unchecked "Use Last System", but it's not opening the wheel when HyperSpin starts,


To clarify, I want the MAME wheel to be open every time I launch HyperSpin.exe, is that possible?


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