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New Tutorial From Tcmt for Creating Override Transitions


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Hello Everybody,


Tcmt has created new tutorial on how to find, convert, and customize new override transitions found on the interwebs that you could utilize in HyperSpin.  When you have a moment, drop a thanks for a job well done!


The tutorial can be find in our tutorials sections -> artwork guides -> transitions



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Once Again,


Tcmt has created a new tutorial on how to create a basic fade to black to back override transition that you may use in HyperSpin.  Hopefully this tutorial will show you how easy it is to create your very own transitions and elevate your skills in Adobe After Effects.  If you have a moment, drop a thanks for this well made tutorial!


The tutorial can be found HERE or you can navigate to the Tutorials section->Artwork Guides->Transitions-> [Written] - tcmt - How to Create a Simple Fade Transition with Cue-Point Using Adobe After Effects

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