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Mortal Kombat T-Molding


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This is going to sound like a super-dumb question, but I'm restoring an MKII cab and I want to get it right... I want to match the t-molding exactly to the original, but I don't have one for reference. I found a seller who sells the specific red molding for MK, but there's another seller who has red molding that is significantly cheaper. The only issue is that they have two shades of red and I don't know which one to get. Their standard red molding looks pretty much the same as the guy's who sells the MK-specific molding, but they also have a "bright red" shade that to me looks more like the molding in pics I have of the MKII cab (both are from gamemolding.com-- if anyone has a better recommendation, I'm all ears). I'm inclined to buy the bright red, but I really don't know for sure. Any help would be appreciated!



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OCD Anonymous meetings are on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 7pm to 8pm. I'll see you there. :D

Tough call on the colors. There's obviously a truckload of pics on the interwebs to help you decide, but try and use a reputable source, like...


Also, I don't know if gamemolding does it, but the company I dealt with:


sent me a pack of samples of my choice to help me decide. The samples were free except for a few bucks shipping.

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Will check them out, thanks! Call it OCD if you want to, but I figured that I might as well get it right if I'm going to go to the trouble of doing the restoration! It's hard to tell from the pics-- I'm pretty sure it uses the standard red molding, but camera flashes tend to make it look brighter.

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