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A couple of Database Questions...


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A) I've been a bit stumped on the 2 Database locations...one inside Hyperspin and the other inside RocketLauncherUI.

I noticed most games work with the database in HS, but there were a couple that had to be placed in RLUI.


Wondering what purpose to have both?  



B) Just got done renaming my roms art and media to the official Atari 2600 XML DB.

The reason why is each game entry is filled out with the crc data, make, and genre.

Made a genre wheel based off the MAME one (had to modify a few things).


Everything is working great and now I'm not sure were to go from here.


Atari 2600.xml or All Games has genre for each game.

I downloaded each genre for the 2600, but the genre in the sub cats say, for example:  <genre>"Fighter" </genre>  (sorrry for mistakes)  and the main 'genre' xml says "Fighting Games"....


They nned to be named the same?  Is there an easy way/utility XML... That compares different XML's from the same system?


Any advice much appreciated!







A) I've been a bit stumped on the 2 Database locations...one inside Hyperspin and the other inside RocketLauncherUI.

I noticed most games work with the database in HS, but there were a couple that had to be placed in RLUI.


Wondering what purpose to have both?  



B) Just got done renaming my roms art and media to the official Atari 2600 XML DB.

The reason why is each game entry is filled out with the crc data, make, and genre.

Made a genre wheel based off the MAME one (had to modify a few things).


Everything is working great and now I'm not sure were to go from here.


Atari 2600.xml or All Games has genre for each game.

I downloaded each genre for the 2600, but the genre in the sub cats say, for example:  <genre>"Fighter" </genre>  (sorrry for mistakes)  and the main 'genre' xml says "Fighting Games"....


They nned to be named the same?  Is there an easy way/utility XML... That compares different XML's from the same system?


Any advice much appreciated!





There is no need at all to have databases in two places.  RL will use the HS databases when configured correctly.  Make sure you have HS set as both the active and default front end in RLUI and that will correct this issue.


There is no need at all to have databases in two places.  RL will use the HS databases when configured correctly.  Make sure you have HS set as both the active and default front end in RLUI and that will correct this issue.

Ahh lol ok, so the one in HS is fine...

Yep got HS set as active & default FE in RLUI.


The one system may have been Pinball FX2 since I'm using only one wheel to launch the program....I'll recheck.




I would recommend using the Split HyperList app in Don's tools to create your genre xml. It will create the genre xml to match all of the ones it creates.


Awesome I was kindo of leaning toward Don's HL Splitter :)


thanks much for the quick replies.





Ahh lol ok, so the one in HS is fine...

Yep got HS set as active & default FE in RLUI.


The one system may have been Pinball FX2 since I'm using only one wheel to launch the program....I'll recheck.




Awesome I was kindo of leaning toward Don's HL Splitter :)


thanks much for the quick replies.





If you need wheel images and backgrounds for your HyperSpin Genre Wheel juste PM me.


If you need wheel images and backgrounds for your HyperSpin Genre Wheel juste PM me.

Very kind of you.  The only thing that's a bit hard to find are the System's Game themes.  Slowly getting them hehe.

btw, nice controller ;)


Ahh, there was one animated artwork I wanted to turn off.  It's when you go from one system to another and you get that yellow HS swoosh lol (I think it does it with games as well).  Is this setting in HyperHQ?

I don't mind the fade from sys. to sys. etc.. just the loud bamm....swoooosh lol





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