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My hyperspin and windows spinning out of control


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Well...shit just went sideways.  Perfectly running hyperspin setup, installed my new ipac ultimate I/o and it has MESSSED everything up.

What could be causing windows and hyperspin to spin non stop? Windows menus go crazy all of a sudden and hyperspin wheel spins out of control, won't stop. Windows menus go out of control too, won't stop

joystick/trackball/spinner all not enabled in HQ

this just happened after I wired up my ipac.  Everything was fine.  


Solved the big problem but now mame is giving me the old

"error waiting for ahk" etc

mame 177, never been an issue been running very smooth.




K last thing finally got everything under control.


why is mame uifx not going into true full screen?? It's like 85% there and it's always been full screen for me.


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