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Trying to play sega mega drive games


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Hi Everyone,


Just watched a video tutorial on putting in games , I downloaded a whole set of roms and changed the names with dons tool and thought I had it working great as all the games were then in green after a compile but then I tried opening the game and came up with this error


any help




You need to add the path to your Retroarch configuration files in Rocketlauncher UI.

Highlight the system in the left pane.

Click the modules tad at the top.

Highlight the Retroarch module.

Then click the "Edit Global Module Settings" button

In there you will change the path.



Hey thanks for the reply, I actually found in the pack  downloaded for their was no config pack and then when I downloaded again it was in there , it was just by luck I saw on tutorial that he had some folders I did not...


The only issue is now somehow my Nintendo games wont load up, I just finished downloading a heap of vids and pics from hypersync and now when I try and open my Nintendo wheel its a Black screen.. Hahahah never ending issues.. (I know its another question in a question but any ideas)..

5 minutes ago, patto said:

Hey thanks for the reply, I actually found in the pack  downloaded for their was no config pack and then when I downloaded again it was in there , it was just by luck I saw on tutorial that he had some folders I did not...


The only issue is now somehow my Nintendo games wont load up, I just finished downloading a heap of vids and pics from hypersync and now when I try and open my Nintendo wheel its a Black screen.. Hahahah never ending issues.. (I know its another question in a question but any ideas)..

You may have to explain that a little more.

Was it working before downloading the artwork? Artwork should not make a difference.

Which system is it? Did you name it exactly?



Yeah it was working no problems.. I have a windows 10 system...


I did the tutorial by the archivist and got hyperspin working and managed to get Mame working as well as Nintendo systems ..


then I switched over to simply Austin... and started to add the sega megadrive , during watching his tutorials I was downloading all the videos from emumovies to finish my Nintendo and next thing I know the wheel works for mame and shows up all the other gaming consols but as soon as I go into Nintendo and try and load anything it just goes to a black screen ... I have tried mame and it works perfect... Only thing I am looking at is my mame files are all .zip and the Nintendo and sega megadrive (I am working on) are .7 files


I am new so I am terribly sorry if I am all over the place , just trying to work on building it up..


any advice is welcome greafully


I guess not all guides are created equal.

To save lots of questions it's a good idea to post your HyperSpin log if the game fails to launch and the RockLauncher Log as well, preferably to Pastebin.com. The logs can be found in the root HS folder and the Root Rocketlauncher folder.

I would go back and check over what you did using the Archivists guide that worked for you, the steps should be very similar no matter what emulator you use. Which Emu is it BTW?



Thanks for the replies..


I would say what has happened is I have clicked something I shouldn't have while watching simply austins  guide or downloaded and overwritten the main wheel for nintendo.. I think I will just delete everything and start over...


I have Mame working perfect with everything I need so happy about that ....just Nintendo system messed up for whatever reason..


HS and rocketlauncher load up no issues.. The issue is in hyperspin as soon as I click on Nintendo systems and it goes into the wheel with all games its just black screen pauses up everything..


operating system is nestopia... But I don't believe its that..






YOUR A LEGEND!!!!!! yes I yelled


Thanks mate...


I went into hyperHQ and removed all the checks I did and Bam they returned (Mental not don't stuff around with things I don't know )


Much appreciated mate


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