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Custom database!


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This has probably has been asked before, BUT, when I get HyperSync will I need an "official" xml file? Or could I use a custom one?  For example for the NES database I don't have the (USA) (Rev1) and (Europe) in the titles so

"Aero Fighters (USA)" is just "Aero Fighters" is this ok? If not is there a automated way of going through my Rom folder and renaming each ROM file to match it to an official xml?


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Use fat match on the dl. Select the wheel folder under the first field where it says roms then under the second where it says wheel put in rom path so that it will make you roms match the wheel. You shouldn't manually rename your xml as that would mess you up later with hyper sync

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HyperSync does not have the ability to download official media and rename it to your custom names.

you are better of renaming your roms. If you want to use custom names for your roms.  YOU!!!! will have to rename the corresponding media.

this could end up being 10K roms custom named roms.

10 K boxes

10K videos

10K carts


its much easier to rename roms than to renameing media.  Trust me I know,  when I first started using Hyperspin,  I had Good roms. and was dumb enough to rename all the media to match the good sets name.


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