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Why do I need to download a database file?


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I'm building a new machine with a Mame 0.180 romset.

Hyperlist had a downloadable 1.6 database so this will not match my romset. I see that Rocketlancher allows me to create a database, which I guess is based on sending -listxml to MAME.

Why would I want to use a downloaded old database over one created from the emulator?

Not a loaded question, I only want to learn.




You don't want to use an old database.

You always want your version of roms, version of MAME and version of database to be exactly the same. And don't creat it from the emulator.

If you want up to date, filtered goo databases search for the official MAME database thread and get it from there. 


Thank you, downloading the official database now.

Agent47 thanks for explaining the difference between RLUI and a downloaded database,  that makes perfect sense now.



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