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Bezels & FTP Section


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Sorry if this is a bit of a noob question, but dont learn if you dont ask.

Ive been watching some of simply austins videos and he says theres 100's of bezels to download in the FTP section, only thing is a cant find said FTP section, love the bezels I have and if I can find one for my fave game Flying Shark I would be made up!!!

Please can some one point me in the direction of the FTP section, many thanks

1 hour ago, phulshof said:

 Do make sure you get the correct bezel set; some are for RocketLauncher while others are for MAME directly.

Arrr right, this explains the problems ive been having. 

Think I've sorted it now, incidentally while we're on the bezels subject, wheres the best place to store them, it downloaded simply austins dreamcast bezel when it followed his set up video, but no matter where I put them I cannot get the bezel to load up? 

RL bezels go in the RocketLauncher/Media/Bezels directory.

Ah OK great, are all bezels RL or are some hs?

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There are no HS bezels, bezels are a RocketLauncher feature. The only other bezels you may encounter will be MAME bezels (for use through MAME directly instead of through RL) which have .lay files with them.

Ar right OK mate, thanks for your help.
When I finish work I'll double check the dreamcast one as to why I can't get that working.
Does the system name have to exact to the system name I gather.

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The folder name needs to match the system name exactly, but not the bezel file itself since you can have multiple. For example, generic Dreamcast bezels would need to be in the RocketLauncher/Media/Bezels/Sega Dreamcast/_Default directory. Any game specific bezels would go in the RocketLauncher/Media/Bezels/Sega Dreamcast/gameName where gameName is the database name of that game.

Brilliant mate, you've summed that up perfectly,thank you!

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