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Alternative to VJoy for shelled HyperSpin?


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I was on my merry way to forgoing the use of explorer.exe and instead shelling HyperSpin in Windows 10.  Everything is working fine, computer boots up, runs an ahk script that starts a volume changing program, steam (in silent mode), waits 10 seconds and then starts HyperSpin.  This is all fine and from bootup to playing a game you would have no idea Windows is running.

My problem comes from running games in Steam that require an xinput gamepad as I am using an Ipac2.  Before I shelled HyperSpin, I was getting around the gamepad problem by using ahk script to open vjoy as well as having x360ce.ini in game directories that require it.

It seems Headsoft's Vjoy is completely incompatible when shelling HyperSpin, this is not HyperSpin's fault, more that VJoy seems to have a dependency on explorer.exe.  I can start and disable Vjoy through a startup ahk script and then enable/disable in-game, but if explorer.exe is not running, this is ignored by the games and they just won't detect a gamepad.  If I start up explorer.exe this problem goes away.

I am about to give up on shelling HyperSpin and just doing my best to hide the desktop, notifications etc but thought I would ask here to see if anyone has found ways around this issue?

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16 hours ago, Dime333 said:

Maby you can try to run and close explorer.exe using ahk when you need it. Maby you can hide it with fade. I had this idea once when I ran into this issue, but I never tried it.

So this works fine, the only issue left though is when you start explorer.exe the taskbar pops and then goes away.  I have tried messing with fade, relaunching hs (which just ensures focus) and even a third party app that will permanently make the taskbar invisible, the catch, only while explorer.exe is running.

I may just have to deal with the taskbar popping up each time a game is launched that required vjoy.  I will keep trying and if there are any other suggestions I would love to hear them :)

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