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Help Setting up Atari 800XL


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Hi All,

I have managed to get Atrai 800Win installed and the roms. Using Hypersin / Rocketlaunch. But when i go to run a rom the emu opens in a very small window if i press full screen in the emu Hyper spin takes over and the emu goes behind the hyperspin menu and you can not see the game running. Music is playing so emu is running. Any ideas what i have not set correctly ?


Thanks Andy



I just looked at the module instructions for 800win and it says this in it (although mine might be an older version of the module).



; This emulator has proven to be very buggy with lots of random crashes. Also fullscreen doesn't work properly.
; To setup fullscreen mode, go to View->Graphics Options and then select:
; - 640x480, partially clipped - This is the only real fullscreen mode, but the image will be clipped so it's 
;   no good.
; - 800x600 or 1024x768, full display - These will work without clipping, but the colors will be wrong and you 
;   will also have the menu and toolbar always visible.
; So it's basically useless. Besides fullscreen will make the emulator crash many times. It's highly suggested 
; than you use Atari800 instead of this emulator since it's a much better version.



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