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Configure iPacs/Minipacs on emulators ...


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I've been searching for specific instructions for a few hours and found nothing clear enough to help me out :(

I have minipacs (virtually the same as ipacs), I want to configure them in emulators and i'm pretty sure there's some instructions out there. The easy part was to setup MAME for my 4 players and it worked but for Retroarch, Epsx, 4DO, Nestopia, NullDC, i'm pretty sure there's some TEMPLATES out there or tutorial on how to do it :| I use Hyperspin and RocketLauncher 


Any help is welcomed


I'm not understanding what you're asking...

You set your control mapping on the iPac, then you just go into the settings of each emulator and set their controls to match.


I was almost sure there were like "config files" available on the community but I think i'll have to go in each emulator to make the configs! (I guess that's why I was not finding anything!)



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