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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

Netplay tutorial


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Hey everyone.

- I Don't Know Eng.


Netplay Tutorial. is Short Write.

1.  I used mamehub4.0 by default.
2. Mamehub4.0 uses csume64.exe.

- Csume Command line ( https://github.com/MisterTea/MAMEHub/wiki/Csume-Command-line )

ex) Game 1942

Server  : csume64.exe 1942-server -port 6805 -username Yourname

Client : csume64.exe 1942-client -port 6805 -hostname 555.555.555.555 -username Yourname


3. The requirements are the nickname and IP information of the participant.




4. HyperSpin Main Menu - adding - Sub System Menu ( Participant List )    : This Roms List.

- Nickname.txt

( IP Information,  ex- 555.555.555.555 )


server.txt ( my nick name - ser1 )

ser1.txt ( my ip. )

cli1.txt ( client ip. 1 )

cli2.txt ( client ip. 2 )

cli3.txt ( client ip. 3 )



5. Participant Menu ( Server / Client ) Select.

- Server ->  -server -port 6805 -username Yourname

- Client -> -client -port 6805 -hostname 555.555.555.555 -username Yourname


Mame Parameters is.

- Use the information of the selected item.


6. Using Emulator ( csume64.exe )





[ Test. 01 ]




[ Test. 02 ]



[ Test. 03 ]








MAMEHub related commands | Usel MAME/MESS commands

( https://github.com/MisterTea/MAMEHub/wiki/In-game-commands )


MAMEHub related commands

  • N (remove netstats)

    To remove the blue boxes on the top left & right, hit "n"

  • Left-Shift + F12 (start/stop video recording)

    Press LSHIFT + F12 to begin recording a webm video, and then press it again when you are finished recording. The video will be in your nvram/(system)/ folder, and can be played by opening it in any modern browser (chrome, firefox, etc.)

  • T (open chat)

    Hit "t" inside the game to bring up the chat bar, then type your message and hit enter.

  • Chat Commands (type in the chat bar)

    /lock - Locks the game and prevents any new players from joining

    /# - ( where # = the number associated with a controller slot, so if you want to control player 2, type /2) changes your controls to the selected controller slot, multiple peers can be assigned to the same controller slot. This can be useful for turn-based games, where player 2 can type /1 to share controls with player 1.

Useful MAME/MESS commands

  • TAB (open main menu)

    Opens the internal menu of MAME/MESS. From here you can change various settings such as rebinding the control keys of a player. You can hit Enter followed by Escape (twice) to revert the keys back to the default input.

  • Scroll Lock (partial/full emulation)

    On some systems, such as the MSX, C64 or Amiga, the entire keyboard is emulated. As a result you can not call up the menu with TAB. You can use Scroll Lock to switch to Partial Emulation to enable the emulator keys.

  • F2 (factory settings)

    Brings you into the factory setting menu for Arcade games. Here you can change the difficulty and test various (emulated) functions. May cause desynchronization.

  • F3 (reset game)

    Resets the emulator. May cause desynchronization. If you really want to reset the game, use F2 to emulate a reboot.

  • F11 (show frames & speed)

    Pressing F11 is similar to showing your frames per second in other games as the percentage will show how close your speed is to that of the actual machine. Normally you can also turn on frame skipping if it runs too slow, but in MAMEHub this function is disabled.

  • Print Screen + Insert

    By pressing and holding the Print Screen and Insert buttons you can force the emulation to run faster than a real system would be able to. This is useful for games with lengthy loading screens and such. It is best to use this before other players start connected as it may increase the chance of desynchronization (players start seeing different results).



 [ Test Game - csume64.exe aof2 ]

- Blue box is Netstats

- Remove Key is 'N'




- RocketLauncher UI : Autohotkey Part


sleep 5000

IfWinActive MAME
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 2500
sleep 5000
send {N}




[ Sub System Menu ( Participant List ) Generation   : This Roms List.]

-> Hyperspin Main Directory is \HyperNet

-> sample Roms Directory is \HyperNet\Roms\UMA\


- Nickname.txt

( IP Information,  ex- 555.555.555.555 )


server.txt ( my nick name - ser1 )

ser1.txt ( my ip. )

cli1.txt ( client ip. 1 )

cli2.txt ( client ip. 2 )

cli3.txt ( client ip. 3 )




Module Folder : MAMEHub

- dummy file : user.txt

- dummy file : MAMEhub_list_test.xml













<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <exporterversion>Write. Runa</exporterversion>
<game name="server" index="" image="" enabled="1">
<game name="ser1" index="" image="" enabled="1">
<game name="cli1" index="" image="" enabled="1">






- User_List.ahk is \HyperNet\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAMEHub





FileDelete, .\user.txt  ; Delect File - \HyperNet\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAMEHub\user.txt
FileDelete, .\MAMEhub_list_test.xml  ;  Delect File - \HyperNet\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAMEHub\MAMEhub_list_test.xml




;  MAMEhub_list_test.xml - Menu Header Write.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <exporterversion>Write. Runa</exporterversion>
), ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml




; Read HyperNet\Roms\UMA\server.txt     ( User Name )

; Read HyperNet\Roms\UMA\*.txt   ( Nickname and IP information of the participant )

; MAMEhub.ini Write : [Client] Tab [server] = -server -port 6805 -username "User Name"

; MAMEhub.ini Loop Write : [Client] Tab [Nickname] = -client -port 6805 -hostname "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"  -username "User Name"

;  MAMEhub_list_test.xml - Game Name(USER) Write.


FileList =  ; Initialize to be blank.
Loop, ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\HyperNet\Roms\UMA\*
    FileList = %FileList%%A_LoopFileName%`n
Sort, FileList, R  ; The R option sorts in reverse order. See Sort for other options.
Loop, parse, FileList, `n
    if A_LoopField =  ; Ignore the blank item at the end of the list.
    ;MsgBox, 4,, File number %A_Index% is %A_LoopField%.  Continue?

    RegExMatch( A_LoopField, "(.*)\.(.*)", l )
    name  :=  l1, ext  := l2
 FileAppend, %name%`r`n, user.txt

FileReadLine, serveruser, ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\HyperNet\Roms\UMA\server.txt, 1
FileReadLine, ip, ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\HyperNet\Roms\UMA\%name%.txt, 1

output = -client -port 6805 -hostname %ip% -usernamer %serveruser%

IniWrite, %output%, MAMEhub.ini, client, %name%

IniWrite, -server -port 6805 -username %serveruser%, MAMEhub.ini, client, server

;MsgBox, 4,, File number %output%.  Continue?
FileAppend,`r`n, ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml
<game name="
), ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml

FileAppend,%name%, ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml
" index="" image="" enabled="1">
), ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml

FileAppend,%name%, ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml
), ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml

FileAppend,`r`n, ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml

    IfMsgBox, No

), ./MAMEhub_list_test.xml




;   Sub System Menu (MAMEhub_list.xml)

;  MAMEhub_list_test.xml copy.


FileCopy, ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\HyperNet\RocketLauncher\Modules\MAMEHub\MAMEhub_list_test.xml, ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\HyperNet\Databases\MAMEhub_list\MAMEhub_list.xml,1







[Run - User_List.ahk] - Before


MAMEhub.ini  ( Default Value. )

--------------- Mame Setting Value. -----------------------





[Run - User_List.ahk] - After

-- server.txt file Nick Name is "testHypernet"


MAMEhub.ini  ( Default Value. )

--------------- User_List.ahk Write Value -----------------

cli1=-client -port 6805 -hostname -usernamer testHypernet
cli2=-client -port 6805 -hostname -usernamer testHypernet
cli3=-client -port 6805 -hostname -usernamer testHypernet
server=-server -port 6805 -username testHypernet
testHypernet=-client -port 6805 -hostname -usernamer testHypernet


--------------- Mame Setting Value. -----------------------





Main Menu.xml (Database)


  <game name="Atari Classics" />
  <game name="Capcom Classics" />
  <game name="Capcom Play System" />
  <game name="Capcom Play System II" />
  <game name="Capcom Play System III" />
  <game name="Cave" />
  <game name="Data East Classics" />
  <game name="Gaelco" />
  <game name="Irem Classics" />
  <game name="Konami Classics" />
  <game name="MAMEhub" />
  <game name="MAMEhub_list" />
  <game name="Midway Classics" />
  <game name="Namco Classics" />
  <game name="Namco System 22" />
  <game name="Nintendo Classics" />
  <game name="Sega Classics" />
  <game name="Sega ST-V" />
  <game name="SNK Classics" />
  <game name="SNK Neo Geo MVS" />
  <game name="Taito Classics" />
  <game name="Toaplan" />
  <game name="Williams Classics" />
  <game name="Zinc" />


- MAMEhub is Database of MAME

- MAMEhub_list is Participant List

- Other than that is MAME Parts






- RocketLauncher Module used Mamehub.ahk

[Other than that]

- RocketLauncher Module used MAMEnet.ahk



----------------- [Mamehub.ahk] -----------------Start

MEmu := "MAMEhub_para"
MEmuV := "v0.1"
MSystem := ["MAMEhub_list"]
; Notes:
; MAMEHub_Parameter
; Server - Client

OutputVar := moduleIni.Read("client",romName,,,1)


moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "MAME", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "MAMEhub", "Parameters")

moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Atari Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Capcom Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Capcom Play System", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Capcom Play System II", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Capcom Play System III", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "cave", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Data East Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Gaelco", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Irem Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Konami Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Midway Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Namco Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Namco System 22", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Nintendo Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Sammy Atomiswave", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Sega Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Sega Hikaru", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Sega Model 2", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Sega Model 3", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Sega Naomi", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Sega ST-V", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "SNK Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "SNK Neo Geo MVS", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Taito Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Toaplan", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Williams Classics", "Parameters")
moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "Zinc", "Parameters")


moduleIni.Write(OutputVar, "GlobalModuleIni", "MAMEHub", "Parameters")


primaryExe := new Emulator(emuPath . "\" . executable)     ; instantiate emulator executable object
primaryExe.Run(" " . (If mameID = "MAME" ? romName : mameID . param1 . param2 . param3 . param4 . param5 . param6) . fullscreenParam . cheatEnabled . volume . mameRomPaths . sysStaticParams . romParams, winstate,,,,1) ; wrap quotes around exe






----------------- [MAMEhub.ahk] -----------------End



----------------- [MAME.ahk] -----------------Start
MEmu := "MAME"
MEmuV := "v0.166"
MURL := [http://www.mame.net/]
MAuthor := ["djvj","faahrev","brolly","Tomkun"]
MVersion := "2.3.10"
;MCRC := "2C606685"
;iCRC := "8566ED91"
;MID := "635746812784197028"
MSystem := ["AAE","Aamber Pegasus","Acorn Electron","Amstrad CPC","Amstrad GX4000","APF Imagination Machine","Apple II","Apple IIGS","Applied Technology MicroBee","Arcade","Arcade Classics","Atari 8-Bit","Atari 2600","Atari 5200","Atari 7800","Atari Classics","Atari Jaguar","Atari Lynx","Bally Astrocade","Bandai Super Vision 8000","Bandai WonderSwan","Bandai WonderSwan Color","Bit Corporation Gamate","Camputers Lynx","Capcom","Capcom Classics","Capcom Play System","Capcom Play System II","Capcom Play System III","Casio PV-1000","Casio PV-2000","Cave","Coleco ADAM","ColecoVision","Commodore 64","Commodore MAX Machine","Creatronic Mega Duck","Data East Classics","EACA EG2000 Colour Genie","Emerson Arcadia 2001","Entex Adventure Vision","Epoch Game Pocket Computer","Epoch Super Cassette Vision","Exidy Sorcerer","Fairchild Channel F","Fujitsu FM-7","Fujitsu FM Towns","Fujitsu FM Towns Marty","Funtech Super Acan","GamePark 32","GCE Vectrex","Hartung Game Master","HBMAME","Interton VC 4000","Irem Classics","JungleT
ac Sport Vii","Jupiter Ace","Konami Classics","LaserDisc","Magnavox Odyssey 2","MAME","Matra & Hachette Alice","Mattel Aquarius","Mattel Intellivision","MGT Sam Coupe","Midway Classics","Milton Bradley MicroVision","Namco Classics","Namco System 22","NEC PC-8801","NEC PC Engine","NEC PC Engine-CD","NEC SuperGrafx","NEC TurboGrafx-16","NEC TurboGrafx-CD","Nintendo 64","Nintendo 64DD","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Nintendo Classics","Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System","Nintendo Game Boy","Nintendo Game Boy Advance","Nintendo Game Boy Color","Nintendo Pokemon Mini","Nintendo Satellaview","Nintendo Super Famicom","Nintendo Super Game Boy","Nintendo Virtual Boy","Othello Multivision","PacMAME","Philips CD-i","Philips VG 5000","Philips Videopac Plus G7400","RCA Studio II","Sega 32X","Sega CD","Sega Classics","Sega Game Gear","Sega Genesis","Sega Master System","Sega Mega Drive","Sega Model 1","Sega Pico","Sega Saturn","Sega SC-3000","Sega SG-1000","Sega ST-V","Sega VMU","S
harp X1","Sinclair ZX81","SNK Classics","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo CD","SNK Neo Geo MVS","SNK Neo Geo Pocket","SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color","Sony PlayStation","Sony PocketStation","Sord M5","Soundic Victory MPT-02","Super Nintendo Entertainment System","Taito Classics","Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer","Texas Instruments TI 99-4A","Thomson MO5","Tiger Game.com","Tomy Tutor","VTech CreatiVision","VTech Socrates","Watara Supervision","Williams Classics","Microsoft MSX","Microsoft MSX2","SEGA Mark III","Microsoft MSX2+"]
----------------- [MAME.ahk] -----------------End

----------------- [MAMEnet.ahk] -----------------Start
MEmu := "MAMEnet"
;MEmuV := "v0.166"
;MURL := [http://www.mame.net/]
;MAuthor := ["djvj","faahrev","brolly","Tomkun"]
;MVersion := "2.3.10"
;MCRC := "2C606685"
;iCRC := "8566ED91"
;MID := "635746812784197028"
MSystem := ["Zinc","Toaplan","Gaelco","Sammy Atomiswave","Sega Naomi","Sega Hikaru","AAE","MAMEhub","Aamber Pegasus","Acorn Electron","Amstrad CPC","Amstrad GX4000","APF Imagination Machine","Apple II","Apple IIGS","Applied Technology MicroBee","Arcade","Arcade Classics","Atari 8-Bit","Atari 2600","Atari 5200","Atari 7800","Atari Classics","Atari Jaguar","Atari Lynx","Bally Astrocade","Bandai Super Vision 8000","Bandai WonderSwan","Bandai WonderSwan Color","Bit Corporation Gamate","Camputers Lynx","Capcom","Capcom Classics","Capcom Play System","Capcom Play System II","Capcom Play System III","Casio PV-1000","Casio PV-2000","Cave","Coleco ADAM","ColecoVision","Commodore 64","Commodore MAX Machine","Creatronic Mega Duck","Data East Classics","EACA EG2000 Colour Genie","Emerson Arcadia 2001","Entex Adventure Vision","Epoch Game Pocket Computer","Epoch Super Cassette Vision","Exidy Sorcerer","Fairchild Channel F","Fujitsu FM-7","Fujitsu FM Towns","Fujitsu FM Towns Marty","Funtech Super Acan","GamePark 32","GCE V
ectrex","Hartung Game Master","HBMAME","Interton VC 4000","Irem Classics","JungleTac Sport Vii","Jupiter Ace","Konami Classics","LaserDisc","Magnavox Odyssey 2","MAME","Matra & Hachette Alice","Mattel Aquarius","Mattel Intellivision","MGT Sam Coupe","Midway Classics","Milton Bradley MicroVision","Namco Classics","Namco System 22","NEC PC-8801","NEC PC Engine","NEC PC Engine-CD","NEC SuperGrafx","NEC TurboGrafx-16","NEC TurboGrafx-CD","Nintendo 64","Nintendo 64DD","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Nintendo Classics","Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System","Nintendo Game Boy","Nintendo Game Boy Advance","Nintendo Game Boy Color","Nintendo Pokemon Mini","Nintendo Satellaview","Nintendo Super Famicom","Nintendo Super Game Boy","Nintendo Virtual Boy","Othello Multivision","PacMAME","Philips CD-i","Philips VG 5000","Philips Videopac Plus G7400","RCA Studio II","Sega 32X","Sega CD","Sega Classics","Sega Game Gear","Sega Genesis","Sega Master System","Sega Mega Drive","Sega Model 1"
,"Sega Pico","Sega Saturn","Sega SC-3000","Sega SG-1000","Sega ST-V","Sega VMU","Sharp X1","Sinclair ZX81","SNK Classics","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo AES","SNK Neo Geo CD","SNK Neo Geo MVS","SNK Neo Geo Pocket","SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color","Sony PlayStation","Sony PocketStation","Sord M5","Soundic Victory MPT-02","Super Nintendo Entertainment System","Taito Classics","Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer","Texas Instruments TI 99-4A","Thomson MO5","Tiger Game.com","Tomy Tutor","VTech CreatiVision","VTech Socrates","Watara Supervision","Williams Classics","Microsoft MSX","Microsoft MSX2","SEGA Mark III","Microsoft MSX2+"]
----------------- [MAMEnet.ahk] -----------------End


MAME.ahk copyy MAMEnet.ahk

MEmu change MAMEnet.

MSystem add your System.




RocketLaunchUI Emulator Setting.





This file Compile Script [Mamehub_list.ahk]


-------------- Mamehub_list.ahk -------------------- Start

FileDelete, mamehub.tmp

FileDelete, Atari Classics.ini
FileDelete, Capcom Classics.ini
FileDelete, Capcom Play System.ini
FileDelete, Capcom Play System II.ini
FileDelete, Capcom Play System III.ini
FileDelete, cave.ini
FileDelete, Data East Classics.ini
FileDelete, Gaelco.ini
FileDelete, Irem Classics.ini
FileDelete, Konami Classics.ini
FileDelete, Midway Classics.ini
FileDelete, Namco Classics.ini
FileDelete, Namco System 22.ini
FileDelete, Nintendo Classics.ini
FileDelete, Sammy Atomiswave.ini
FileDelete, Sega Classics.ini
FileDelete, Sega Hikaru.ini
FileDelete, Sega Model 2.ini
FileDelete, Sega Model 3.ini
FileDelete, Sega Naomi.ini
FileDelete, Sega ST-V.ini
FileDelete, SNK Classics.ini
FileDelete, SNK Neo Geo MVS.ini
FileDelete, Taito Classics.ini
FileDelete, Toaplan.ini
FileDelete, Williams Classics.ini
FileDelete, Zinc.ini


Filecopy, mamehub.ini, mamehub.tmp

Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Atari Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Capcom Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Capcom Play System.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Capcom Play System II.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Capcom Play System III.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, cave.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Data East Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Gaelco.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Irem Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Konami Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Midway Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Namco Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Namco System 22.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Nintendo Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Sammy Atomiswave.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Sega Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Sega Hikaru.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Sega Model 2.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Sega Model 3.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Sega Naomi.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Sega ST-V.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, SNK Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, SNK Neo Geo MVS.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Taito Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Toaplan.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Williams Classics.ini
Filecopy, mamehub.tmp, Zinc.ini

-------------- Mamehub_list.ahk --------------------End





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