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Using my own Physical Media.


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Really, this video explains it all. Gam3B0x updated with Physical Media and CRT Support.

This is what I've been working towards as of late. If you're not familiar with what Gam3B0x does, there's a brief introduction at the beginning..

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RJtyiNHGQhs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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19 hours ago, husko said:

Wow great project! I like the custom label on the floppy disks

Thanks! Ever since starting to play with Hyperspin, I've gotten pretty good with photoshop. So it was pretty cool to see some of the art I made end up on something 'real'.

All the art that you see in the wheel on the main menu, as well as the themes is stuff I've put together or made myself, or something I played with a lot to make it my own.
There's some custom box-art in a few of the wheels as well. Some that are for the whole system.
I'll probably revisit upgrading the themes themselves at some point as well, they look dated in relation to the project now.


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9 hours ago, husko said:

You did an awesome job on your Gam3BOx. This emulation console should get more attention! I look forward for your next update :good2:

Thanks! I try to spread it around on a few sites when I can lol. There's a lot of arcade cabinets, which is cool (I'll make one someday for sure), but I was always about consoles.

There are some people here who've built smaller consoles like the Pis and some other mini boards. Usually built into an NES or something. Those projects are cool too, but you don't see stuff like that too often. As far as I know I'm the only console style build that boasts this many systems, mostly because I do strange things like put Breath of the Wild on Cemu and add it to a "switch" wheel. It's the same way I add things like XBOX,X360,XOne, PS3, PS4, & Vita to the lists. Obviously it's not 'really' those versions, but casual players can't tell the difference lol.

As far as updates, I want to make sure 4-Player is working. I got a new 6-button modern controller (apparently they DO exist) and had to rework player 1.

Plus I want to focus on some tutorials at some point with my channel. I seem to 'get' retroarch and rocketlauncher really well for some reason. Hyperspin's theme system is cool too and I don't see many people talk about it. Either way I'd like to show people how it can all be easy if you just know what to do.

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