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SEGA Baywatch pinball, good for conversion?


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That's a great game. How badly is it broken? Might be worth fixing.

If not, then at the least it will provide you with lots of useable parts. Like legs, coindoor, siderails, glass, and even cabinet if it's in good shape. The playfield and electronics could be sold to recoup costs of the tvs and pc


Yes i've your same opinion...but the price it's very cheap (only 350 Euro i spend 300 only for the steel parts!) and the owner don't know where is the problem...only i have notice it's the backglass broken...:vollkommenauf:

I'm very happy to resell all the broken or working parts!


Please restore it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if it only the backglass, omg! You know that you can restore it and sell it back? IMHO you should find a really broken one or make a cab from MDF/Plywood.


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