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Main Menu Issues (button and joysticks)


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I have a few issues regarding navigating the main menu as well as exiting games in Hyperspin, hopefully you guys can help. :)

I use two Ultrastik 360s, and every time I choose a game, upon pressing the P1 Start button in HS, the menu will scroll maybe 15-20 games either up or down as the selected game is loading. So every time I exit the game, I'm 15-20 places from where I left. Another spinning issue is when using the "select letter" navigation feature, where holding left or right for a certain amount of time brings up the starting letter for games. After I choose a letter, and hit the P1 Start to select it, the fast scrolling happens. It usually scrolls way longer than the 15-20 places when I start a game, and I can't stop the spinning either. I have to wait for it to finish before I regain control again. I have the Hyperspin Startup Script enabled, and I believe all the settings for it to work are correct. Does anyone know what's causing this automatic scrolling in menus?

I'm also having a few hotkey issues. Currently, if both P1Start and P2Start are pressed at the same time, whatever game is playing will be exited back to Hyperspin. I can't find where this button combo would be in the settings to turn this off. Also, I have my P1Coin button set to exit the current game when held for 3 seconds, but when I do this, it goes back twice all the way to the main menu. I'd just like it to go back to the game selection. Is there any way to do this or is HS designed to always exit back to the main menu?

Let me know if any images/logs would help in solving these issues. Thanks!


I also have the Ultrastiks but don't use them to control HyperSpin directly, what you need to do is use a keymapper instead as controlling Hyperspin with controllers does not work properly.

Please follow this guide.

For exit I have set up a key combo in RLUI which is like button 8 & 7 pressed together.



I found the reason Hyperspin was spinning when selecting a game. In the Hyperspin Startup Script, the mapping for Roulette was the same as my P1Start mapping, so every time I started a game, it'd do the roulette action. Removing the mapping from HSS fixed the issue. I still cannot remove this Hold Coin1 for 3sec. to exit game combination though. I've tried removing it from JoyToKey and the combination somehow still works. I can't find where HS is pulling the info from. I followed the guide you linked gigapig and doing the combination didn't seem to work, I assigned the buttons to 7 and 8 just like the guide...which should activate the Esc key. If I could find how HS is still seeing the old Coin1 press for 3 seconds mapping I could probably assign the new combination as well.


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