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Visual Boy Advance Video mode problem


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I use VBA for the Gameboy

When i configure VBA i change the video mode into 1024x768x32. 

But when i use hyperspin and play a gameboy game the video mode automatically changes into 1920x1080x32. (My current monitor settings!)  When i play outside hyperspin the video mode stays good 

What causes to changes the video mode everytime?

Greetz Carlo

vba1 ini - before Hyperspin.ini

vba1 ini - after Hyperspin.ini

  On 12/27/2017 at 2:56 PM, Carlo said:
I use VBA for the Gameboy
When i configure VBA i change the video mode into 1024x768x32. 
But when i use hyperspin and play a gameboy game the video mode automatically changes into 1920x1080x32. (My current monitor settings!)  When i play outside hyperspin the video mode stays good 
What causes to changes the video mode everytime?
Greetz Carlo
vba1 ini - before Hyperspin.ini
vba1 ini - after Hyperspin.ini
If you are using RocketLauncher, then you probably have to tell it what resolution to use.

Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk



I have setup the VBA link.AHK file in RL-UI.

Changed the fullscreen and videomode settings and it works.



Greetz Carlo


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