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Assigned to missing loads of systems?


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Im trying to sync all my stuff and I noticed on the drop down box "assigned to" there is no SNES option, infact there is only about 10 options?

Am I missing something here, how do I get it so that the SNES art/vids will sync?



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Did you name your wheel "SNES" if so thats incorrect and won't be picked up by Hypersync.

The correct system name is "Super Nintendo Entertainment System"

If you need to know the correct names for any system look in this folder. HyperlaunchHQ> Media> Icons. Every icon in that folder has the correct name.

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Thanks for the reply,

Yes my wheel is called "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" i double checked this.

Its still pulling nothing down from Hypersync though.

Maybe there isnt much stuff out there for the SNES?


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