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Seeing all games from the database file in my MAME Wheel - 1st time user


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Good afternoon all .... First time poster and I'm new to the whole experience. I recently moved from Maximus Arcade to Hyperspin after deciding the additional learning curve was worth all the additional functionality and flexibility.I'm hoping someone can help me out. I've gone through the basic setup on Hyperspin and Rocketlauncher and set up connection to many of my emulators. Now that the basics are up and working I'm hoping to work out the first of (I'm sure) lots of questions. And yes, I have been going through every tutorial to minimize my mistakes along the way :good:

When I launch Hyperspin and select MAME the wheel shows every game from the database although I only have a few that I've downloaded and have working. Is this normal and I just need to adjust a setting to display only games that are associated with my ROMs folder? I even tried pointing the ROM path toward a test folder and only placing a single game in it but I still get the list of thousands of games to peel through. I hope I just did something stupid and this is an easy fix. Thanks in advance :newhere:


Firstly Welcome to the Forums. :welcome:

There is a settings folder in Hyperspin and then there should be a MAME folder for your MAME wheel settings.

Inside there will be a file called MAME.ini if its a standard setup.

Open this file with a text editor and look for a [filters] section.

If it doesn't have the roms_only filter you can just add it in as per the below example.



You can also set parents_only=true also if you want so it will only display the Main 'Parent' Item and not all of the sub-versions.

Just be sure also in the [exe info] section you also have set your rompath and extensions.
You can add more extensions to this if you wish, it shouldn't make that much difference if you want to use a 'universal' extension index.






Perfect. Thank you for reply and for the examples along with the explanation. That worked seamlessly. Can I assume the same would apply to any other emulator's config file?



You sure can. As long as the extensions are correct you can filter your wheel to show just the games you have or the wheel art, the videos, or themes available. :)
Only the Games need to have a designated folder location and extension(s), the rest just assume you are using the default media locations. :)




Just remember those config/settings files are not for the Emulators, only for Hyperspin and its categories/wheels etc.

If you are using Rocketlauncher then Hyperspin is only the visual/GUI aspect of your setup.

The loading of the game and emulators etc including any fade screens, bezels, pause screens are all part of Rocketlauncher.


Once you can identify what is visual only and what is functional the packages become so much easier to work with.


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