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hyperspin help


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Hey guys i purchase hyperspin hard drive as a plug and play but i can't get it to work, how do i properly install hyperspin i changed my drive letter to "H" drive from "D" drive as instructed to do but none of the games are working they all say "No exe path Defined" nothing will play except the video 


Whoever you bought your harddrive from is not affiliated with hyperspin or this website. All he has done is take what is freely available here on the site along with the games from wherever and slapped it onto a harddrive and sold it to you.

There is virtually no way for anyone here to know how it is that he set it up and your best bet is to contact the seller of the harddrive for instructions from him, get your money back if possible or to salvage what you can from the harddrive (ie roms, artwork, themes, etc.) and follow one of the many tutorials freely available on this site on a fresh hyperspin build. You will get a better understanding of how it all works and you will be able to download more artwork for any systems you want to add on your own instead of being locked down to the systems he has set up on the harddrive


First of all, these drives are kind of a sore subject on this site.   That said, here is probably the best advice you're going to get:

Figure out where your emulators are on this drive and make sure they work.  Then figure out how they are being launched (probably RocketLauncher, but maybe Hyperlaunch if older).  Get the launcher to launch the games, then learn how to tie the launcher to the front end (Hyperspin).  And if none of what I just said makes any sense, everything you need to understand what I'm talking about is in tutorials or on YouTube.


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