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Help with video clips playing


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hey everyone, having a weird issue and can't seem to figure it out. My videos play for every system, except SMS. All the videos are named the same as the rom and other media files but they won't play when you are on a game. I tried to download a new default theme but that didn't seem to fix the issue. thanks. 


The SMS video played on another system when renamed, and the other video i swapped still didn't play in SMS. All videos where loaded from EmuMovies through HyperCloud.


Ok coool,


Must be a naming issue or theme issue. Do you get audio at all?

Check the videos are named as stated in the database. Capitalisation

Check in the theme folder for the default theme. Extract and open theme.xml. check there are settings for video.

Use a theme from one of your other systems as you know they work.

Cant think of anything in hyperHQ but worth havig a look at the settigs in there for sms



Thanks for the help Thatman84, figured out what it was. Had something to do with my game XML. I was using one generated by Don's tool for my rom set. Put the original XML back in the database folder and now it works fine. Not sure what the dat. XML had to do with the videos but it's going now. 



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