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Bartop Hardware Help


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Hi Guys,

Hoping for your feedback on my hardware below. This is for a bartop (Retrocade clone) and I put the hardware together based on tons of research on the forums. I don't plan to overclock right away and I'll add cooling once I see how this runs as is. My goal is to run as much as possible:


CPU: Intel I5-4670K


RAM: Ripjaws X Series 8GB (1600)

SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 250GB SSD

PSU: SeaSonic G Series SSR-550RM 550W

OS: Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium

Any problems here?

Thanks so much!!

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I do not see any issues with that. Very similar to mine (except you got the i5-4670k) and I only got the i5-4570

GTX660 is the same as mine - works great

I have the same SSD - awesome quality

You will love it

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newoski, not sure if you pulled the trigger yet, but I have almost exactly the same mobo and CPU. I used a SSHD instead because my ROM collection is so vast combined with all the Steam games, I am already at 75% of 2TBs, so my only concern in your layout is total storage. I am using the 650 TI since the total card width matched my bartop. I happened to use a small form factor 450W PSU instead as well, which was more than enough for PC components and lighting so 550W should be plenty. I used this fan http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835118143 , not the best rated but I was pushing for low noise and low profile components. I have no need to overclock. I am playing steam games such as Mortal Kombat Komplete and InJustice with maxed graphic settings and 1920x1080 resolution, and never dropping below 60fps.

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I'm using a low end I3 and everything runs fine. I would skip the overclocking and add high capacity usb3 external drive to up the rom storage. Especially if you plan on the running the newer systems.

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