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RL launches game but HS wont


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Fresh new install. Latest version of RL, HS, Mame .201 with matching rom set. Only trying to get mame to work for now.

When I go into RL and click the rocket to launch a game it works perfect but when I open HS and click the same thing nothing happens.

Didnt create a troubleshooting file yet hoping it's a quick fix but I will make one if needed.

Also on Windows 10.


Have you changed the path to Rocketlauncher in the settings.ini found in the settings folder (shows as hyperlaunch in the ini)? 



for some reason i cant get a log.  i have the setting set to troubleshooter but when i refresh the log viewer it says the .log file doesnt exsist.  does it create one on its own or is there a step i am missing?



I'm not interested in the Rocketlauncher log as you said that side of things are working. 

The Hyperspin log will be in the root hyperspin folder. 

You may have set something in HyperHQ that is stopping it launching. You don't normally need to set anything there unless you are using filters. 




10:31:14 PM |  HyperLaunch v2.25c
10:31:14 PM |  System Specs:
        HyperSpin Dir: D:\Arcade
        OS: WIN_7
        OS Language: 0409
        OS Admin Status: No
        Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1536x864 (1536x824 work)
        HyperSpin Res: 1204x768
        AHK Version:
10:31:14 PM |  HyperLaunch received "MAME" and "10yard"
10:31:14 PM |  INI Keys read
10:31:14 PM |  Checking paths
10:31:14 PM |  Finished injecting functions into module
10:31:14 PM |  Module is built
10:31:14 PM |  Running module:

;Built in script
DetectHiddenWindows, ON
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SendMode, Event
0 = 2
exitEmulatorKey = Esc
emuPath = D:\Arcade\Emulators\MAME\
romPath = D:\Arcade\System Roms\MAME\
romPathFromIni = D:\Arcade\System Roms\MAME\
romExtension = .zip
romExtensionOrig = .zip
romExtensions = zip
executable = mame64.exe
systemName = MAME
romName = 10yard
daemonToolsPath = 
skipchecks = false
fadeIn = false
fadeOut = false
fadeColor = 0x000000
fadeInDuration = 500
fadeOutDuration = 500
fadeInDelay = 0
fadeInInterruptKeys = {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{Capslock}{Numlock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}
gameStartImgPath = D:\Arcade\Media\MAME\Images\GameStart\
moduleExtensionPath = D:\Arcade\Modules\Module Extensions\
7zEnable = false
7zExtractDir = C:\Users\denni\AppData\Local\Temp\Hyperspin\
7zExtractDirOrig = 
7zDelTemp = true
7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gzip,.tar
7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,gzip,tar
mgEnabled = false
mgKey = NumpadSub
mgSelectKey = Enter
mgExitKey = Esc
multiGameImgPath = D:\Arcade\Media\MAME\Images\MultiGame\
mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
mgSidePadding = 0.2
mgYOffset = 500
mgImageAdjust = 1
mgFont = Arial
mgText1Options = x10p y30p w80p Centre cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 Bold Italic
mgText1Text = Please select a game
mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center Bold Italic
mgText2Offset = 70
mgUseSound = true
mgSoundfreq = 300
mgExitEffect = none
mgSelectedEffect = rotate
mgUseGameArt = false
mgArtworkDir = Artwork1
Hotkey, Esc, CloseProcess
;Module script
;ver. .157
; Notes:
; No need to edit mame.ini and set your rom folder, module sends the rompath for you.

GUI_ID := FadeInStart()

Run, %executable% %romName%, %emuPath%, Hide, exePID

WinWait, Ahk_pid %exePID%
WinGetClass,exeWinClass, ahk_pid %exePID%
WinWaitActive, Ahk_class %exeWinClass%

if(ErrorLevel != 0){
  if (ErrorLevel = 1){
    Error = Failed Validity
  }else if(ErrorLevel = 2){
    Error = Missing Files
  }else if(ErrorLevel = 3){
    Error = Fatal Error
  }else if(ErrorLevel = 4){
    Error = Device Error
  }else if(ErrorLevel = 5){
    Error = Game Does Not Exist
  }else if(ErrorLevel = 6){
    Error = Invalid Config
  }else if(ErrorLevel = 7 || ErrorLevel = 8 || ErrorLevel = 9){
    Error = Identification Error
    Error = Mame Error
  MsgBox Mame Error - %Error%

GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()

Process, WaitClose, %executable%

GUI_ID4 := FadeOutExit()

WinActivate, Hyperspin



GUI_ID3 := FadeOutStart()
    WinClose, Ahk_class %exeWinClass%




Suspend, On


7z(7zP, 7zN, 7zE, 7zExtractDir){

7zCleanUp() {

IfNotExist, %file%
If msg
ScriptError(msg, timeout)
ScriptError("Cannot find " . file, timeout) 
Return %file%



I just looked in your uploads and saw that you have a preconfigured version of hyperspin with just MAME on it.  i may end up just going with that.  which version of MAME rom set is used in that version?

18 hours ago, TheMenace said:

I just looked in your uploads and saw that you have a preconfigured version of hyperspin with just MAME on it.  i may end up just going with that.  which version of MAME rom set is used in that version?

Doesn't matter, just update the included mame exe version to the latest. 



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