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In thought can this be done in Hyperspins apps directories


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Im kinda new to this section and I noticed its confusing figuring out what to put where in what folder and what do i add to show on menu. Then where do i put this cmd to play in android. ect ect . I hope you get my gist of my sentence. But i was thinking has anybody made a script that auto reads any files dropped into a folder and basically writes the cmd to say the finished output?.. 

Example like this I drop a dloaded say file that has the roms and media in the proper structures and upon adding the files i know i am gonna need to add something to my menu to show the new game i added.... So i can See it now that i added my pack.. A auto menu maker? a script that reads what you dropped and what steps have to be complete said... .xml or .ini to make it run? would something like this work

The easiest way to do this is: to start i think is  or am i way off line in my thinking?

  1. open Notepad
  2. copy [CTRL + C] this line:
  3. ECHO | SET /R=Rom Name.xml | CLIP
  4. paste [CTRL + V] this line to Main Menu.xml or Main Menu Android.xml
  5. and change "Rom Name.xml" for your text, then save it as "filename".bat

And you can edit this copied text whenever you want just edit this file with Notepad. 


IS this feasable guys and if it can be done is it allowed withis hyperspin?

found some ideas here in my reading? and put to paper today

so since nobody really has offered   a input yet i was hoping that i get some input other than 1 reply not so much help i was hoping for this is what i done so far and its just a start but its forming to the end path in theory.

So in my writing something along the start of what i suppose to accomplish this is what i have written so far to make my idea maybe more understandable here you go for the ones that i hoped to input into my topic, stars to form my ideas

Please don'trip this i am making public once i am done at least let me finish the idea for all to use

Programming is like sex. One mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life. – Michael Sinz

Sometimes it is necessary to check whether a file exists in a certain folder. Batch scripting provides a programmer with a really nice construction called 'If Exist'. It's pretty useful when you want to check for existence of a given file, for example, 'autoexec.bat'. To check for it, you should write the following code:
If Exist autoexec.bat Echo Autoexec.bat exists!ut if you try to check for existence of any files in the way described above, you'll be surprised. Written '*.*', you'll be notified about existing files anyway, even when there are no files in the given folder. So instead of using '*.*' in 'if exist', it's better to look at the following code:
@Echo Off
For %%a In (1\*.*) Do Call :File_Ex %%a
If Defined FileExist Echo Exist
Goto :EOF
Set FileExist=Yes
Goto :EOF 
This code will give you proper answer about files in the specified folder, and I hope this can be included or maybe not include it into your own batch scripts.
Sorting Files into the wanted sections
The task is to sort the archive of different Docs and files.

There is a plenty (about 5 thousands) of files named the following way: 
number(3-6 digits)_name_.zip(jar,rar) 
And the same amount of images in 'media' folder: 
number(3-6 digits).jpg(gif,png,flv,mp4) 
Alse there are .ini files in 'ini' folder or such examples
number(3-6 digits).ini(ini) may have numbers as the sometimes do
Is it possible to write a batch script that creates folders named after a file and move there a file, a picture and a ini files? ZIP archive should be also extracted there.

The batch script to solve this task looks like this:

@Echo Off 
Set ArcDir=c:\archives 
Set ScreenDir=c:\screens images or misc just to show poss ideas... #mightneed to fix line here 
Set HyperspinDir=c:\Hyperspin 
Set DatabasesDir=c:\Hyperspin\Database
Set DocsDir=c:\Hyperspin\Docs
Set EmulatorsDir=c:\Hyperspin\Emulators
Set HyperlistDir=c:\Hyperspin\Hyperlist
Set HyperSpinDir=c:\Hyperspin\HyperSpin
Set HyperSync CloudDir=c:\Hyperspin\HyperSync Cloud
Set HyperThemeDir=c:\Hyperspin\HyperTheme
Set JoyToKeyDir=c:\Hyperspin\JoyToKey
Set MediaDir=c:\Hyperspin\Media
Set ModulesDir=c:\Hyperspin\Modules
Set RocketLauncherDir=c:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher
Set RomsDir=c:\Hyperspin\Roms
Set ScriptsDir=c:\Hyperspin\Scripts
Set SettingsDir=c:\Hyperspin\Settings
Set ToolsDir=c:\Hyperspin\Tools
Set Settings_AndroidDir=c:\Hyperspin\Settings_Android
Set OutDir=C:\ 
For %%A In (%ArcDir%\*.zip %ArcDir%\*.jar %ArcDir%\*.rar) Do ( 
md "%%~nA">Nul 2>&1 
If /I "%%~xA"==".zip" ( 
pkzip -extr=up "%%A" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1 
) Else ( 
Copy /y "%%A" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1 
Copy /y "%HyperspinDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1 
Copy /y "%HyperspinDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1 
Copy /y "%DocsDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%EmulatorsDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%HyperlistDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%HyperSpinDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%HyperSync CloudDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%HyperThemeDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%JoyToKeyDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%MediaDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%ModulesDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%RocketLauncherDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%RomsDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%ScriptsDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%SettingsDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%ToolsDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1
Copy /y "%Settings_AndroidDir%\%%~nA.*" "%OutDir%\%%~nA">Nul 2>&1


Borrowed idea thanks to the poster of this it comes in handy so it my script but can be useful

Have you got directories with thousands and thousands of unsorted files? Sure everyone has. I also have folder called 'Downloads' where I place almost everything downloaded from the Web. Usually I clear it once or twice per month and then start to fill it with 'digital garbage' again. But in this case I often lose gems among the garbage, that's this week I decided to sort files in 'Downloads' instead of removing them. I didn't want to lose my time and started to create the batch file which had to sort everything without my additional effort. I won't waste your time describing what I tried to do, just give you the code that was created after some experiments.

@ECHO off
REM Creating folders to separate files of different types
ECHO Moving text files
MOVE /-Y *.txt TXT
MOVE /-Y *.doc TXT
MOVE /-Y *.rtf TXT
ECHO Moving movies
MOVE /-Y *.avi AVI
MOVE /-Y *.mpg AVI
MOVE /-Y *.divx AVI
MOVE /-Y *.xvid AVI
ECHO Moving audio
MOVE /-Y *.mp3 MP3
MOVE /-Y *.wav MP3
MOVE /-Y *.ogg MP3
MOVE /-Y *.wma MP3
ECHO Moving images
MOVE /-Y *.jpg JPG
MOVE /-Y *.bmp JPG
MOVE /-Y *.gif JPG
MOVE /-Y *.png JPG
ECHO Moving archives
MOVE /-Y *.gz RAR
MOVE /-Y *.7z RAR
ECHO Moving executables
MOVE /-Y *.exe EXE
ECHO Everything is sorted!

As far as you can see, this script is quite simple though it is long enough. This Flag '/-Y' is added to avoid replacing one file existing in a target folder with a new file with the same name. Hope you'll find this script useful.


I dont think anything has been done for this as it probably would not save any time.

There is HyperHQ for the PC setup which creates all folders the .ini and edits the main menu xml for a new system.

If your talking android I will move this post over to that forum. 

If your grabbing packs it really is just a case of putting the name into the main menu xml and setting your rompath in the ini....not sure a batch file is needed


the batch was a example but Id like to as i add the files to a build if a part is not complete can it some how alert you to the missing files that your currently dropping in the build, and the example would auto populate the menu is kinda what i am after. I realize these tools are already there in parts with othertools but to me they are too many and very confusing  just simplify the intial step add to many and toss aflad at the missing say menu graafic or missing emulator .. I hope this is making sence 


does this make  a lil bit more understandable say your builds are not in place jumbled files missing pieces or mis aligned?.. id like to fix it as much in one pass to sort properly for me and all that runinto the messy files and roms ect ect..


On 10/2/2018 at 10:28 PM, thatman84 said:

It’s a good idea. Just need someone to make it...good luck

Its been Created  I sent you the files to test 

This is a interesting feature of HyperDrop, because allow you to move your files in a destination directory, 
recreating the original folder structure.

You can for example drag&drop a folder like:
C:\[My Hyperspin]  

To move files from:

To a new destination like:
or like:

As you can see, HyperDrop has recreated a portion of the path of your files (\Subdirectory or \Directory\Subdirectory).

It works also with other actions like Copy, Compress, Extract and in general with all the actions that have a path as destination.

You only need to use %SubDir% and/or %DroppedDirName% abbreviations in your destinations. For example, 
to move the files as described above, you will use these respective destination folders:
Let's consider that I have a main Media folder that contains subfolders of music, movies and other stuff.
I'm not very neat, so there are some subfolders that contain mp3, txt, doc, avi together.

Now I want to extract only mp3 files from there, but I want to keep the folder structure, because subfolders
 have names like U2, REM, Taylor Swift, etc.


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