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Arcade X dual tankstick


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Hey guys, I had hyperspin set up for the past 4 years now,  had it setup exactly the way i wanted it.  I built a new pc and i guess i had some files stored on my old pc, so hyperspin would never run properly.  I decided to restart the install.  I have everything installed in a 4tb hard drive.  I have most games and consoles installed, but i can't figure out how to edit what the buttons do on the tankstick.  I remember using Hyper HQ before, and i would be able to setup how to close hyperspin, go back, insert coin....  The controller works, i just can't figure out how to set up a few things.  Anyone have any ideas?  I'm not used to this different install with rocket launcher.

Hope to hear back, thanks.


if you want help you need to narrow down and pin point a problem

their is no single solution you can do to fix all your problems.


Hyper HQ  --> controls --> keyboard  -->  map your keys to control hyperspin

(go back is usually mapped to Exit key but see below on exit key and tankstick)


Insert coin -->   this button is mapped in your emulator.  You need to load your specific emulator

and configure all your keys.



the problem with a tankstick and the reason why I don't like them is that it was they where made for consoles not for arcade cabinets.

they do not have "ALL"  the required buttons to be used in an Arcade cab.

you need a dedicated button for "Emulator exit" (at least it makes your life easier if you have one)


You can solve this by drilling a hole and adding an extra button for this

or you will need to use the tanksticks "Hot Keys"

where you can set   Button 1+ Button 2 = Exit key


you can also do this in Rocketlauncher


If I had a tankstick I would drill 3 more holes 

2 in the back out of sight for coin 1 and 2

and one by Player 1 and 2 for the exit key.

 this would give me all the buttons I need to bypass the need to use hot keys.






There's no more HyperHQ,  that's what i'm used to using.  I guess it's rocketlauncher now.  I do see the controls area and i tried editing those but it still doesn't work.

I then found this video and tried this method.  But still nothing.  I did everything the exact same way as in the video.  I do notice at one part, in joytokey, where it shows the connected controllers, the tankstick isn't showing up as a controller connected, but the buttons are working and i can edit joytokey no problem with the tankstick.  It doesn't work in hyperspin though.

As for setting up the controller in every emulator, i understand that part, but i can't even open up a game or click on anything in hyperspin.  I can scroll through the emulators, but can't select any consoles.


And about adding more buttons,  there's two buttons on each side that you can use.  I see some people using one on each side for pinball games but i'm pretty sure the other two are unused.  I had it setup before where i would insert a coin with one of the side buttons, and my select button was the Player 1 button.  As for exiting, i used to press the side button and player 1.


if you don't have HyperHQ its because you deleted it or your antivirus deleted it.

Their is not reason for you to NOT have HyperHQ.

HyperHQ --> is your GUI to change settings in HyperSpin

Rocketlauncher -->  used to launch your emulators

RocketluancherUI -->  is your GUI to change settings in Rocketlauncher and configure how your emulators are launched.



the hole point of Joy2key is to do what the name says

Map a joystick button to a keyboard key press

if you have a default tankstick then its more then likely that your PC is seeing it as a generic keyboard

their is NO!!!! need for you to use Joy2key and even if you wanted to use it you CAN"T!!!!  as I mentioned

tankstick is already seen as a generic keyboard.


open up note pad and press buttons on your tankstick and see what they are mapped to more then likely its this



if your tankstick dosent work in Hypespin its because YOU NEED TO MAP each key  IN HYPERHQ.

if you don't have hyperHQ then you need to install it!!!!

You can always do it the hard way,  go and open this text file in note pad


find this 

each number represents a key   

you will need to find a Hot key cheat sheet and find out what each number represents

Exit key = 27

Enter key = 13

change all the numbers to the corresponding key you would like to have

[P1 Controls]

[P2 Controls]


if you decide  to use the side buttons (pinball flippers) as coins don't ever install  Visual Pinball because the Coins are hared coded  to the 3,4,5,6 keys.

setting your tanksticks flippers as coin keys,  you will always insert a coin each time you press the flipper button while playing Visual Pinball.



Hmmm, good to know,  i'm gonna see if i can find a hyperhq download.  I thought it wasn't needed anymore and wasn't included with RocketLauncher.  Thanks so much.


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