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Help with default emulators


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Hi there, im new to this. Lately i´ve been configuring hyperspin and retroarch to emu nes, sega etcetc.
The problem comes, when im going to configure SNES; i mean, i download the core, set up in retroarch config and when im going to Super Nintendo section no default emulators appears,  so i cant select retroarch or any other emulator. Im going to  upload global emulators.ini, and thanks for your help :)

Global Emulators.ini


What have you named the system ? Super Nintendo or Super Nintendo Entertainment System ?

Go into your Rocketlauncher folder and then modules, Retroarch, retroarch.ahk and check you have the system name exactly the same as you have set it up in RL

If not it's probably easier to make it the same as ahk rather than trying to change module to your system name, especially if you are not familiar with changing modules.

Once this is done it should show up as a default emulator in RL


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