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msx, msx2, msx2+, msx turbo r


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here is what i have to offer

msx2 main menu and default theme

not that great

but note on the default system theme:

you get to see the name of the game even if no video or image exists

but also

if video exists it plays

if snap exists it shows

if nothing exists you get a default msx2 screen

but the name of the game shows for all three scenarios


same kinda idea for msx

(art borrowed from macklinb)



my database for msx2+ based on this website AND THE TOSEC DOWNLOAD


not done yet

has duplicates

dont know which ones work etc

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<game name="DIX (1992)(MSX Engine)" index="" image="">
<game name="DIX (1992)(MSX Engine)[a]" index="" image="">
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 1 of 3)(Opening Disk)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk A)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk A)[a2]" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk A)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 3 of 3)(Game Disk B)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 3 of 3)(Game Disk [a]" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="Gladius (1992)(MSX Magazine)(DE)" index="" image="">
<game name="Golf, The (1988)(Pack In Video)(jp)" index="" image="">
<description>Golf, The</description>
<game name="Golf, The (1988)(Pack In Video)(jp)[a2]" index="" image="">
<description>Golf, The</description>
<game name="Golf, The (1988)(Pack In Video)(jp)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Golf, The</description>
<game name="Golvellius II (1988)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 1 of 3)(Opening Disk)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II</description>
<game name="Golvellius II (1988)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II</description>
<game name="Golvellius II (1988)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 3 of 3)(User Disk)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II</description>
<game name="Gulf Stream. Galf Streem (1989)(Xain)(JP)(Disk 1 of 4)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Gulf Stream. Galf Streem</description>
<game name="Gulf Stream. Galf Streem (1989)(Xain)(JP)(Disk 2 of 4)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Gulf Stream. Galf Streem</description>
<game name="Gulf Stream. Galf Streem (1989)(Xain)(JP)(Disk 3 of 4)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Gulf Stream. Galf Streem</description>
<game name="Gulf Stream. Galf Streem (1989)(Xain)(JP)(Disk 4 of 4)(User Disk)[o]" index="" image="">
<description>Gulf Stream. Galf Streem</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 1 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 2 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Lubeck (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<game name="Lubeck (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<game name="Megadoom (1992)(First Class Software)(NL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Opening Disk)" index="" image="">
<game name="Megadoom (1992)(First Class Software)(NL)(Disk 2 of 2)(Game Disk)" index="" image="">
<game name="Nyancle Racing (1988)(Bit2)(jp)" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing</description>
<game name="Nyancle Racing (1988)(Bit2)(jp)[a2]" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing</description>
<game name="Nyancle Racing (1988)(Bit2)(jp)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing</description>
<game name="Nyancle Racing (1988)(Bit2)(jp)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing</description>
<game name="Playboy Strippoker (1992)(First Class Software)(NL)" index="" image="">
<description>Playboy Strippoker</description>
<game name="Quinpl (1988)(Bit2)(JP)" index="" image="">
<game name="Quinpl (1988)(Bit2)(JP)[a2]" index="" image="">
<game name="Quinpl (1988)(Bit2)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<game name="Quinpl (1988)(Bit2)(JP)[b]" index="" image="">
<game name="Sea Sardine (1991)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Sea Sardine</description>
<game name="Sea Sardine (1991)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Sea Sardine</description>
<game name="Space Manbow (1989) (Konami) (J)" index="" image="">
<description>Space Manbow</description>
<game name="Starship Rendezvous (1988)(Scaptrust)(jp)(Disk 1 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Starship Rendezvous</description>
<game name="Starship Rendezvous (1988)(Scaptrust)(jp)(Disk 2 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Starship Rendezvous</description>
<game name="Super Cooks (1989)(Compile)(jp)" index="" image="">
<description>Super Cooks</description>
<game name="Super Cooks (1989)(Compile)(jp)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Super Cooks</description>
<game name="Tetris v2 (1988)(BPS)" index="" image="">
<description>Tetris v2</description>
<game name="Tetris v2 (1988)(BPS)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Tetris v2</description>
<game name="Twinkle Star (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star</description>
<game name="Twinkle Star (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star</description>
<game name="Twinkle Star II (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star II</description>
<game name="Twinkle Star II (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star II</description>
<game name="Wig, The (1989)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Wig, The</description>
<game name="Wig, The (1989)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Wig, The</description>
<game name="Witch Iz, The (1991)(Chihiro)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Witch Iz, The</description>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer</description>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a2]" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer</description>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a3]" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer</description>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer</description>


my final database

im no database expert

just sharing what i have

needs to be cleaned up

dont know if bluemsx module can load second disk etc

feel free to fix names, dates, whatever you want...


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<game name="Ahparmyadock. Am-Pah-Mata (1991)(T&E Soft)(ja)" index="" image="">
<description>Ahparmyadock. Am-Pah-Mata</description>
<game name="Arc (demo) (1990)(Parallax)" index="" image="">
<game name="Arc (demo) (1990)(Parallax)[a]" index="" image="">
<game name="Barunba (1990)(Namcot)" index="" image="">
<game name="DIX (1992)(MSX Engine)" index="" image="">
<game name="DIX (1992)(MSX Engine)[a]" index="" image="">
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 1 of 3)(Opening Disk)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk A)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk A)[a2]" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk A)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 3 of 3)(Game Disk B)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (1988)(Konami)(Disk 3 of 3)(Game Disk [a]" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special</description>
<game name="Gladius (1992)(MSX Magazine)(DE)" index="" image="">
<game name="Golvellius II (1988)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 1 of 3)(Opening Disk)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II</description>
<game name="Golvellius II (1988)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 2 of 3)(Game Disk)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II</description>
<game name="Golvellius II (1988)(Compile)(jp)(Disk 3 of 3)(User Disk)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 1 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 1 of 2)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 1 of 2)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 2 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 2 of 2)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (1988)(T&E Soft)(JP)(Disk 2 of 2)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack</description>
<game name="Lubeck (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<game name="Lubeck (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<game name="Megadoom (1992)(First Class Software)(NL)(Disk 1 of 2)(Opening Disk)" index="" image="">
<game name="Megadoom (1992)(First Class Software)(NL)(Disk 2 of 2)(Game Disk)" index="" image="">
<game name="Nyancle Racing (1988)(Bit2)(jp)" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing</description>
<game name="Nyancle Racing (1988)(Bit2)(jp)[a2]" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing</description>
<game name="Nyancle Racing (1988)(Bit2)(jp)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing</description>
<game name="Nyancle Racing (1988)(Bit2)(jp)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing</description>
<game name="Playboy Strippoker (1992)(First Class Software)(NL)" index="" image="">
<description>Playboy Strippoker</description>
<game name="Quinpl (1988)(Bit2)(JP)" index="" image="">
<game name="Quinpl (1988)(Bit2)(JP)[a2]" index="" image="">
<game name="Quinpl (1988)(Bit2)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<game name="Quinpl (1988)(Bit2)(JP)[b]" index="" image="">
<game name="Sea Sardine (1991)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Sea Sardine</description>
<game name="Sea Sardine (1991)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Sea Sardine</description>
<game name="Space Manbow (1989) (Konami) (J)" index="" image="">
<description>Space Manbow</description>
<game name="Starship Rendezvous (1988)(Scaptrust)(jp)(Disk 1 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Starship Rendezvous</description>
<game name="Starship Rendezvous (1988)(Scaptrust)(jp)(Disk 2 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Starship Rendezvous</description>
<game name="Super Cooks (1989)(Compile)(jp)" index="" image="">
<description>Super Cooks</description>
<game name="Super Cooks (1989)(Compile)(jp)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Super Cooks</description>
<game name="Tetris v2 (1988)(BPS)" index="" image="">
<description>Tetris v2</description>
<game name="Tetris v2 (1988)(BPS)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Tetris v2</description>
<game name="Turtle Mania (Europe)" index="" image="">
<description>Turtle Mania</description>
<game name="Twinkle Star (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star</description>
<game name="Twinkle Star (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star</description>
<game name="Twinkle Star II (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star II</description>
<game name="Twinkle Star II (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star II</description>
<game name="Wig, The (1989)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Wig, The</description>
<game name="Wig, The (1989)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Wig, The</description>
<game name="Witch Iz, The (1991)(Chihiro)[b]" index="" image="">
<description>Witch Iz, The</description>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer</description>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a2]" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer</description>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a3]" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer</description>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (1990)(MSX Magazine)(JP)[a]" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer</description>


Here it goes:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<game name="Ahparmyadock. Am-Pah-Mata (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Ahparmyadock. Am-Pah-Mata (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>T&E Soft</manufacturer>
<game name="Arc (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Arc (Japan)</description>
<game name="Barunba (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Barunba (Japan)</description>
<game name="DIX (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>DIX (Japan)</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (Japan) (Disk 1 of 3)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special (Japan) (Disk 1 of 3)</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (Japan) (Disk 2 of 3)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special (Japan) (Disk 2 of 3)</description>
<game name="F-1 Spirit 3D Special (Japan) (Disk 3 of 3)" index="" image="">
<description>F-1 Spirit 3D Special (Japan) (Disk 3 of 3)</description>
<game name="Gladius (Germany)" index="" image="">
<game name="Golvellius II (Japan) (Disk 1 of 3)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II (Japan) (Disk 1 of 3)</description>
<game name="Golvellius II (Japan) (Disk 2 of 3)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II (Japan) (Disk 2 of 3)</description>
<game name="Golvellius II (Japan) (Disk 3 of 3)" index="" image="">
<description>Golvellius II (Japan) (Disk 3 of 3)</description>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (Japan) (Disk 1 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack (Japan) (Disk 1 of 2)</description>
<manufacturer>T&E Soft</manufacturer>
<game name="Laydock 2 - Last Attack (Japan) (Disk 2 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Laydock 2 - Last Attack (Japan) (Disk 2 of 2)</description>
<manufacturer>T&E Soft</manufacturer>
<game name="Lubeck (Japan)" index="" image="">
<manufacturer>MSX Magazine</manufacturer>
<game name="Megadoom (Netherlands) (Disk 1 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Megadoom (Netherlands) (Disk 1 of 2)</description>
<manufacturer>First Class Software</manufacturer>
<game name="Megadoom (Netherlands) (Disk 2 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Megadoom (Netherlands) (Disk 2 of 2)</description>
<manufacturer>First Class Software</manufacturer>
<game name="Nyancle Racing (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Nyancle Racing (Japan)</description>
<game name="Playboy Strippoker (Netherlands)" index="" image="">
<description>Playboy Strippoker (Netherlands)</description>
<manufacturer>First Class Software</manufacturer>
<game name="Quinpl (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Quinpl (Japan)</description>
<game name="Sea Sardine (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Sea Sardine (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>MSX Magazine</manufacturer>
<game name="Space Manbow (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Space Manbow (Japan)</description>
<game name="Starship Rendezvous (Japan) (Disk 1 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Starship Rendezvous (Japan) (Disk 1 of 2)</description>
<game name="Starship Rendezvous (Japan) (Disk 2 of 2)" index="" image="">
<description>Starship Rendezvous (Japan) (Disk 2 of 2)</description>
<game name="Super Cooks (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Super Cooks</description>
<game name="Tetris (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Tetris (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>Bullet-Proof Software</manufacturer>
<game name="Turtle Mania (Netherlands)" index="" image="">
<description>Turtle Mania (Netherlands)</description>
<manufacturer>MSX-Studio Agnes Müller</manufacturer>
<game name="Twinkle Star (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>MSX Magazine</manufacturer>
<game name="Twinkle Star II (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Twinkle Star II (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>MSX Magazine</manufacturer>
<game name="Wig, The (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Wig, The (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>MSX Magazine</manufacturer>
<game name="Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (Japan)" index="" image="">
<description>Yoshida Kensetsu. Super Zelixer (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>MSX Magazine</manufacturer>


Ver.1 of a unofficial Microsoft MSX Database can be found in my FTP Folder - this features 615 titles

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time"

Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)

16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

Ver.1 of a unofficial Microsoft MSX Database can be found in my FTP Folder - this features 615 titles

A mixture of 2D & 3D box artwork renamed to this database has been uploaded to my ftp (around 260 titles)

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time"

Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)

16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

Ver.1 of a unofficial Microsoft MSX Database can be found in my FTP Folder - this features 615 titles

Videos and Snaps renamed to this database can be found in my FTP folder on emumovies

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time"

Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)

16th president of US (1809 - 1865)


Ver.1 of a unofficial Microsoft MSX2 Database can be found in my FTP Folder - this features 153 titles

Also uploaded is some 2D box artwork renamed to this database

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time"

Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)

16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

Ver.1 of a unofficial Microsoft MSX2 Database can be found in my FTP Folder - this features 153 titles

Also uploaded is some 2D box artwork renamed to this database

Videos & snaps renamed to this database can be found in my FTP folder on emumovies

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time"

Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)

16th president of US (1809 - 1865)


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