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Trouble with Fusion Emulator


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Hi everyone. 
I'm having a n00b problem. (I guess) 
Trying to set up my cabinet using Hyperspin 1.51. My NES emulator setting worked flawlessly (using Nestopia) but when I'm configuring Fusion emulator for my geneis... well... i'm stuck.
I can't seem to get the Emulator to exit on pressing ESC button. It only changes from fullscreen to windowed mode or nothing happens at all. I'm totally new to this so please be gentle with me... 
Thanks ;)


ESC is the Fusion364's key for swapping Windowed/full screen.

On other systems (ex. MS-DOS), using ESC can also be problematic.

If you're using RocketLauncher, change the default key (GLOBAL/Settings->Controls

Here, it's mapped to Left Alt+x




I suggest you use an emulator that is less then 10 years old

Fussion is nice stand alone emulator  but its not very friendly with Frontends.

even if you have a low end PC you might want to look into Mednafen (retroarch if you have a modern PC)

it will emulate all the classic Nitnendo and Sega stuff up to the Saturn and PSX


I was looking into Mednafen but I can't seem to connect it into hyperspin. Works when I try it as standalone but not in hyperspin or hyperlaunch. Nothing happens.. .


so what did you do to configure it to launch in Hyperspin,  are you still running  Hyperlaunch   ONE  or TWO

did you get the module,  did  you updated your emulator paths


Oh. Yeah. Installed hyperspin 1.51 from here - dont know if thats hyperlaunch 1 or 2. Cant find a module. Just edited the one for fusion 🙈. But my rompath is correct at least...


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