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MAME 225


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Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me get a mame.ahk that works with 225.  I have been trying to find a spot that tells me how to modify it to work, or that offers a download, but neither appear anywhere on google.  I have not used hyperspin since .800, so Im basically a newb at this again.  any help would be useful.  Thank you!


Search the RL forums for a thread called “mame .212 won’t load” or something similar. This is when mame changed. Agent47 posts a fix a few replies into the thread.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks a ton Spawk!  every time I looked, it was showing the text, not the attachments.  Now I just have to figure put why its only reading parent files instead of everything in the merged set and ill be ready to go!


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