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Main menu auto select


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I have searched this up and down in google and spent some time looking for it in here but i did not see it.

you would think its a easy solution... can not figure it out. anyhoo, I am trying to disable auto select in the main system menu so i can take my time looking at the system selections.

meaning, when i stop scrolling the menu at a system, i dont want it to make transition to that system theme but only when i press select.

I have seen some peoples had theirs done this way so i know it can be done. Anyone know? 


when i get to to the system wheel, i select the game, it used to launch the game pretty much right away but now it takes about 4 seconds to launch into loading screen.

did i mess up something in HQ or RL? 


Thank you!


I am not sure exactly what you mean with the main menu. You can turn the "Alpha" up to "1.0" in HQ and the wheel will stay visible all the time.

As far as loading goes, it's hard to tell without knowing a whole lot of specifics. I generally just use RL "fade-ins" to hide everything til stuff is fully loaded. They seem to pop up pretty quick so I guess that hides any delay for me.

If you still think it's unusually long you can set the RL log to "troubleshooting":

RL log lvl.PNG

Then try to run a game you feel is slow. The log is massive but the actual launch stuff is near the bottom. All the actions in the log have timestamps so you can in fact see at which step it is taking a couple of seconds.

** Just remember to turn "troubleshooting" back off for the log after because just having it on can slow the launch.


O.K  Here is what i mean by Main manu.

When you launch the HS it takes you to this "main menu" wheel that shows all the different systems.

Lets use this Pic 1  and Pic 2 as a example. 

if i scroll up or down through the wheel and lets say i decided to stop at MSX 2+. 

in a normal circumstances, soon as I stop at  MSX 2+, right away it goes into  system theme (see Pic2). with out me choosing to do so.

what i would like my system to do is, if i decide to stop at the MSX 2+, i want it to stop there and  that's it. not automatically transition to the theme itself.

is it  possible?

Pic 1                                                                                                                                            Pic 2




for loading issue, it was already set it as  "troubleshooting". maybe thats why it took forever to load. 

I set it as "OFF" and it did seem to improve the speed.


Thank you


Yeah ok, not really possible though.

If a theme is there, HS will load it.

You could try just using “default” main menu theme instead of each system. Then it would only change when you actually entered a system wheel. Main menu would never change though!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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