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Help needed!


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I'm wondering if anyone would be able to help me out.

I have a friend that has an computer in an old Street Fighter arcade cabinet. The computer is from 2009 and has stopped working, to the point it won't show anything on the screen, even the bios. I took it to a shop and they say it's the motherboard. So, I got another computer to use for it, I've set it up from scratch with Window 10.

Now, he has a 4tb hard drive that is full of games and hyperspin and Rocketlauncher are on there, and there are some videos on how to set it up, but between those videos and what I have found online, I have had no luck at all getting Hyperspin to work. Previously the computer would turn on and go into hyperspin right away and all the games worked fine, but I cannot get it to see any of the games once loaded.

Would anyone be able to help me out at all? Thanks


The first thing I would check is to see if the drive letter is set to the correct drive.  Usually on pre-built drives that have videos on how to set it up (this is a guess but I bet that is a Chris Upchurch drive which is like the anitchrist aroudn here), they require that the drive be set to D.


The second thing I would do is recognize that your friend bought a pre-made drive that is not officially supported 'round these parts.  Part of the reason for that is because of how difficult this program is to get working.  When you have problems you need to know how to fix them.  In this case your friend was able to use the drive for as long as the pc worked but now they are back to square one since they do not know how it works.  All that to say, unlike some here, I am willing to try to help you to get what you have running but with the caveat that you understand I will be explaining things as though I assume you have set the thing up.


I have assumed alot, I recognize that but I have been around a long time my friend.  Either way, I hope we can get this thing up and running.


Hey, thanks for the reply. 

Really appreciate that you're willing to help.

I have come to realize that prebuilt drives don't receive much love. 

So far I've followed this guide: https://gameroomsolutions.com/setup-hyperspin-mame-hyperlaunch-full-guide/

20 game systems show up in Rocketlauncher, there are roughly 130 systems on the drive (this is hard for me to tell because some folders are for things like a bunch of the emulators in one, a few are various hyperxxx folders etc). Currently, I have MAME working in Hyperspin.  I don't have any of the artwork in it, just the red exclamation mark, but the games are loading/playing. 

I guess I need help figuring out how add more of the game systems to Rocketlauncher, and how to put the games from those systems into Rocketlauncher, along with the artwork. 

Again, I really appreciate the help! 



Hey man, I have a very basic guide that might be of use to you.


It is an older video but should help you with most systems as retroarch runs many.  It will also walk you through a very basic install of Rocketlauncher and HyperSpin.  Once you watch it, it may help you make sense of what is on the drive.

As an aside, there should be a folder on the drive called Media found in the HyperSpin folder.  That should be something you can copy paste into your new hyperspin directory and get the media.  If you want, post a file directory and I can help make sense of it as best I can.


I have Hyperspin on the external drive, as my idea is to clone it to a backup once this is setup.

I have a shortcut on the desktop leading to the drive. 

Is this what you want to see? 


PS. I just did a google search for the name Chris Upchurch, and you guessed right. Found some YouTube videos and it's the same person as the videos on the hard drive.




The picture you posted is perfect.  You have the start of a very good setup right there.  Just need to sort out some backend stuff and I bet that thing works great.


Would you ever be available to meet with me in discord so I can walk you through stuff?


So far I have SNES and Arcade games working. That video you sent was very helpful.

I just made an account on discord, I'm available pretty much anytime.
Just let me know what you need from me to use it.

Thanks again!


if you are available after 9 Central time, I can hopefully help tonight otherwise Thursday I am free after 6.


I have done that, and now it's giving me this error instead. 

Do I need to uncompress them? I don't see an option on the Rocketlauncherui to enable the 7z support 



Go to Global in the left side menu, select Settings in the header menu.  Then the 4th box should be for 7zip.  Set Enabled to True and make sure to setup the exe and the extract path.



Well, I've messed it up now, I started to do what you said about the ini files, but it looks like you changed your mind on what I should do? I never finished what I had started to do. 

Nothing I've set up loads now. When I click the rock launcher icon to start them, it just sits. 

I'm guessing I should just reinstall retroarch again? 


I remembered where it was.


The ini files shouldn't matter if you do what I said above.


This has nothing to do with retroarch.


Sorry, I meant Rocketlauncher, not Retroarch. 

I can't get anything to laod. When I try it just sits there now since I started to change the ini files. 

If I reinstall Rocketlauncher, will it mess anything up you did on Hyperspin? 


What did you change in those ini files???  You should not be experiencing that kind of issue from editing those lines?


But either way, Rocketlauncher is 100% independtant of HyperSpin so as long as you install it over the previous install you will be fine.  In reality, just replace the two ini files from a new install would fix it IF that is the issue.


I had some of it working again.

Now I'm getting this error, and I've deleted Rocketlauncher and reinstalled it and I still get this. 

Totally lost now. 



Lol what have you done.  You probably need to stop till I can help again cause I just think you are making it worse.


I got on this morning and checked.  Was able to launch RocketLauncher without any issues.  I went ahead and setup hyperspin as the front end and fixed the emulators ini file.  I think copied retroarch into the emulator folder so it should be ready for you to setup retroarch in rocketlauncher and fire up a game.  if you'd rather wait, i will pop in from time to time to set it up as time allows.  Would rather you be there so I can teach you what you need to know if we can work that out however.


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