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Control settings in Hyperspin


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Hello all,

So... Another odd problem. Running the Stella Atari 2600 emulator. I can run it just fine from RocketLauncher or standalone, but when I try and open it from Hyperspin the spinner does not work.

Thoughts or suggestions??



Why not just using Retroarch? Stella core support run ahead for perfect input and you can use crt shaders too.


Thanks Dark!  I'll look into Retroarch as I haven't read anything about it yet.
I'm coming from a Game-Ex front end and sadly aside from running that and just running the main emulators for systems I don't have much experience with HyperSpin and other solutions.
I'll do some digging and hopefully come to a good solution.  Looking forward to one FE that can have all the emulators that I have configured.
Thanks for the advice!!


If you want to change often the frontend the best solution is probably using RocketLauncher as it is supported by multiple frontends. Right now it is an half mess as you need to dig the forum to get latest .ahk for new versions of emulators but once setted up it works pretty good.

RetroArch is a good choice for lots of systems...


Thanks for the information.

To be completely honest and I know I'm going to get laughed at for admitting this, but I bought a preconfigured drive that was said to have around 90 emulators configured.

Well... everything started out kinda fine and my old Game-Ex interface was working and the external drive I got that was supposed to be pre-configured had issues. I tried everything I could think of to get it to work but it always felt like there was a controllers file in Hyperspin that was hijacking my controllers config.  Spinner and Trackball were working on the old Game-Ex and External drive just fine.

I spoke with the guy who I bought the drive from and he said he needed to remote in and fix it... well... he remoted in and said that my Ultimarc Mini-Pac controller was unable to be programmed. I did some research and found that my pre 2015 Mini-Pac controller was indeed not supported by Windows 10.  So... I buy a newer Mini-Pac controller that is compatible and after I got it and installed it, he was able to program it to work with his "Magic external drive" Well... Now my old Game-Ex front end doesn't work because he remapped the keys. I'm sure I can fix it, but haven't spent any time on it. Many of the emulators that he had on the external drive seem to need special attention. What a waste of money... 😞 

The Hyperspin front end is very slick and I like the look of it. I just want to make it user friendly for my kids and anyone who come over and is playing in the basement. I just need to figure out why Hyperspin seems to be using a different control file. I know HS is the flashy front end that makes the back end look nice and I really thought this was going to be an easy fix.

I won't even go into the fact that I bought another external drive from him that was for the Sinden light guns. Some of them worked... many didn't and I'm sure that it's just a configuration issue. I think that drive was using Launch Box and Parrot something... I really haven't looked too far into it... One problem at a time I suppose.

Thanks again for your advice and suggestions. If I can work out the spinner and trackball issue, I can just configure the emulators one at a time. 

I like the idea about just using RocketLauncher at the front end, but trying to run most of them from there just gives errors. This guy has configurations all over the place. CFG files over here... and INI files over there... and executables over here... and DLLs somewhere else.  It's like saying I need to wash the dishes, but the sponge is in the basement, and the water controls are in the garage, the soap is in the upstairs bedroom and if you want to dry the dishes, you're going to need to go to the neighbors house to get the towel. (A bit of an exaggeration, but I'm sure you see what I mean...)

Just frustrated... I have the ROMs and I suppose at the end of the day that is the most important part. I see he spent quite a bit if time making the front end look awesome, but once you get in the car, all the tires are flat, there's no gas and someone has put a boot on my front tire. 🙂
Thanks again!!! Hopefully the long story of my misery with this has at least made you laugh a bit.




If you buy a preconfigured hard disk for the roms it makes sense but it is basically impossible that evertything works.

There 2 problems: Hardware and Emulators.

I configured my friend's cabinet on a laptop, i tested the emulators and the custom HS skin and everything was working, i put the thing inside the cabinet and the emulators were crawling. Short story: the gpu has a bug, when you load a .mp4 inside the hyperspin the gpu continues to play the video even when it is unloaded stealing cpu. I had to convert all .mp4 videos to .flv 😂 This is the kind of shit you can't foresee.

Moreover some emulators needs per game specific settings and sometimes you need to use alternative emulators for some games. Just as example: beetle Saturn on RA runs the whole saturn official database with the exception of "Creature Shock". For that game you need SSF emulator. This is where RocketLauncher kicks in as you can map alternative emulators for each rom.

Never tried spinner input in HS but I can tell you joystick input is seriously broken, just use keyboard input. You can map the encoder to use keyboard keys on p1 and joystick for p2 or simply use xpadder/Joy2key on hyperspin.




Thanks again!!

I really appreciate the feedback. I made progress this morning and saw where the Mame.ini was pointing to a config that this guy created. I commented it out of the ini and I'm able to remap the spinner and trackball in the main Mame settings.  I'm currently working on getting Stella tweaked for Atari 2600. It's defaulting to Atari / CBM digital Joystick.  I have joytokey installed and have been messing around with the config so I'm definitely getting closer!! 


4 hours ago, SidneyAtl said:

Thanks again!!

I really appreciate the feedback. I made progress this morning and saw where the Mame.ini was pointing to a config that this guy created. I commented it out of the ini and I'm able to remap the spinner and trackball in the main Mame settings.  I'm currently working on getting Stella tweaked for Atari 2600. It's defaulting to Atari / CBM digital Joystick.  I have joytokey installed and have been messing around with the config so I'm definitely getting closer!! 


Remember that MAME has a problem with controllers. If you map a pad and then launch MAME without the pad connected it will fuck up the input configuration you created. Usually is a good thing to set the file as "read only". :)


Well... After many nights banging my head against this cabinet I finally have a solution to my problem.  Hopefully my fix / workaround will help others if they ever have this odd problem.

So... I went into RocketLauncher and looked at all the settings for Stella (Atari 2600) and noticed that the guy had configured.  He was using a "Global config" for most of the emulators. Well... he had MAME launching the Atari 2600 as the default emulator.

I changed that to Stella and was able to launch it fine from the wheel in HyperSpin. The only problem is that it was displaying the game in a really small window in comparison to the size of my screen. Setting "Full Screen" in the Stella config worked fine until you exit the game and then it went back to small. It was getting marching orders from somewhere else that I never found.  Long story short, I disabled the bezzle by just setting the Bezzle enable option in the settings tab of Atari 2600 to False. I really didn't care for the bezzle he was using anyway.

And now... Finally... I have full spinner, trackball and joystick control through Hyperspin.  It took a while, but I learned a ton about how HyperSpin and Rocket Launcher work. Still not an expert, but much smarter than I was when I started.

Thanks again Dark for all your help.  I'll have to go see if anyone has responded to my post about setting up and configuring HyperSearch on the wheel. 🙂

So glad to finally put this problem to bed... it was really driving me nuts!!


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