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Intro video


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Can someone help? For some reason I cannot find the search function for the forum.  I'm trying to find alternate intro videos for hyperspin. In case I'm not using the correct terminology, I want the video that plays when Hyperspin starts/launches. Or if there is someone on here that does custom into vids for a fee then that would work as well. Thanks for any help in advance. -nake

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13 hours ago, Nakeworks1 said:

Can someone help? For some reason I cannot find the search function for the forum.  I'm trying to find alternate intro videos for hyperspin. In case I'm not using the correct terminology, I want the video that plays when Hyperspin starts/launches. Or if there is someone on here that does custom into vids for a fee then that would work as well. Thanks for any help in advance. -nake

Here is one to get you going ...

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19 hours ago, Nakeworks1 said:

Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ? Pour une raison quelconque, je ne trouve pas la fonction de recherche du forum. J'essaie de trouver des vidéos d'introduction alternatives pour l'hyperspin. Au cas où je n'utiliserais pas la terminologie correcte, je veux la vidéo qui sera lue au démarrage/lancement d'Hyperspin. Ou s'il y a quelqu'un ici qui personnalise des vidéos moyennant des frais, cela fonctionnerait également. Merci d'avance pour toute aide. -nu

I have a bunch! lol I've been doing it for almost 10 years! tell me what you are looking for more precisely and I will post

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