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Mame and Mess 0.154


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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Mame 0.154 and MESS yet. Looks like the new MESS supports FMTowns although I haven't been able to get it to work yet....

New System Drivers Supported:


-Goldstar Famicom FC-100 [Robbbert, Anna Wu]

-New driver added: Xerox Alto 2 [Juergen Buchmueller]

-FM-Towns Marty 2 [caius, Barry Rodewald]

-Yamaha FB-01 [Wilbert Pol]

-Texas Instruments Compact Computer 40 [hap, Jon Guidry]



There is already a couple of posts. Jumpstile has uploaded the updated MameUIFX and someone has already mentioned the XML in another post. True I haven't seen comments about MESS yet.


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