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Controls not working - Main menu scrolling goes haywire


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Hello, I am currently trying to set up my Logitech F310 to control HyperSpin. It allows itself to be mapped correctly within HyperHQ, but it does not control correctly.

I have the POV set to navigation and buttons set for confirmation. Whenever I press something on the POV, HyperSpin reacts as if the button is being held. I'll press POV_Down and the menu will scroll infinitely. Does anyone know how to fix it?


HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


For the love of Bod, somebody please fill this forum with sticky threads warning new users of this bug and the speaker bug!

Doesn't anyone have the ability to update the front page of the website or add a readme file to the HyperSpin download package? I'm tired of seeing the same questions coming up almost every day.

Friendly word of advice to BetaWolf and any other new folks: whatever problem you encounter while using HyperSpin, someone else has almost certainly already posted about it. Search the forum for solutions first, and only start a new thread if you are really sure it's a unique problem on your setup.

Also read this great post by Ron:


HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


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