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Need help with accessing genre menu without pressing 'G' -- remapping genre key??


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Not sure if the title explains what I'm trying to do exactly right...

I'm building a "dedicated" Laser game cab that will only play laser games. My current config has all emulated LD games running from the Daphne module wheel, however I want to add a sub wheel for all of the American Laser Games. I understand that the sub-wheel functionality is not built in to do that, so my only option is to use the genre menu, which is fine and should do what I want it to. I have a genre of "American Laser Games" set up with all of the games.

My problem comes from having to press G to access the Genre wheel. My cab will not have access to a keyboard (using an I-Pac for CP config) and I really don't want players to use a different cp button. just to access one menu/wheel. Trying to make it as seamless as possible. I've created a game entry in the Daphne database for American Laser Games and configured it to use PCLauncher. I've tried running a bat file, pointing to a .ahk script file to send a 'G' when the American Laser Game is selected from the Daphne wheel, but it has me stumped.

Is there an easier way or is there any AutoHotKey gurus out there that can point me in the right direction (or let me know if this is even possible...)



The IPAC will be mapped to only the player 1 up-down-left-right, player1start, player2start, 4 "action buttons", and the coin switches. I have plenty of available slots left on the IPAC, but for continuity sake, didnt want to have a separate button, just to pull up a wheel.

I am not proficient in AHK enough to understand what you mean by sending a key up and down...lol Can you give me an example?


The IPAC will be mapped to only the player 1 up-down-left-right, player1start, player2start, 4 "action buttons", and the coin switches. I have plenty of available slots left on the IPAC, but for continuity sake, didnt want to have a separate button, just to pull up a wheel.

I am not proficient in AHK enough to understand what you mean by sending a key up and down...lol Can you give me an example?


Hello Johnny and welcome!!

You could use the shift function of the IPac and assign 'G' to P1Start+Joy1Up or something of the like.



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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