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TurboGrafx 16 & Mednafen *Help*


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I have searched the forums with no luck. I have TurboGrafx 16 running in Hyperspin but I have 2 problems.

1) How do I switch to fullscreen and keep it fullscreen forever more.

2) Is there anyway to keep the controller mapping settings. It loses them after each game. (I'm using an x-arcade controller)

I am using mednafen-0.8.D-win32



Change the mednefen.cfg file fullscreen option from 0 to 1 in the appropriate section. I think it's pce

You have to configure controls outside of hyperspin for them to be retained. Drag a tg16 Rom into mednefen.exe then altshift1 and enter your desired contols


Thanks ... Where abouts is the full screen setting ... I have found a fill screen setting and changed that to 1 but didnt do anything ...

;Edit this file at your own risk!
;File format: <key><single space><value><LF or CR+LF>

;Compressor to use with state rewinding:  "minilzo", "quicklz", or "blz"
srwcompressor minilzo

;Number of frames to keep states for when state rewinding is enabled.
srwframes 600

;If value is true, use an alternate naming scheme(file base and numeric) for screen snapshots.
snapname 0

;Include the MD5 hash of the loaded game in the filenames of the data file(save states, SRAM backups) Mednafen creates.
dfmd5 1

;Enable simple error correction of raw data sector rips by evaluating L-EC and EDC data.
cdrom.lec_eval 1

;Path override for screen snapshots.

;Path override for save games and nonvolatile memory.

;Path override for save states.

;Path override for movies.

;Path override for cheats.

;Path override for custom palettes.

;Write screen snapshots to the same directory the ROM/disk/disc image is in.
filesys.snap_samedir 0

;Write/Read save games and nonvolatile memory to/from the same directory the ROM/disk/disc image is in.
filesys.sav_samedir 0

;Write/Read save states to/from the same directory the ROM/disk/disc image is in.
filesys.state_samedir 0

;Write/Read movies to/from the same directory the ROM/disk/disc image is in.
filesys.movie_samedir 0

;Disable gzip compression when saving save states and backup memory.
filesys.disablesavegz 0

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
gb.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
gb.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
gb.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
gba.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
gba.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
gba.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
gg.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
gg.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
gg.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
lynx.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
lynx.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
lynx.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
nes.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
nes.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
nes.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
ngp.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
ngp.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
ngp.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
pce.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
pce.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
pce.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
pcfx.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
pcfx.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
pcfx.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
sms.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
sms.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
sms.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Blur each frame with the last frame.
wswan.vblur 0

;Accumulate color data rather than discarding it.
wswan.vblur.accum 0

;Blur amount in accumulation mode, specified in percentage of accumulation buffer to mix with the current frame.
wswan.vblur.accum.amount 50

;Enable cheats.
cheats 1

;Network play server hostname.
nethost fobby.net

;Port to connect to on the server.
netport 4046

;Password to connect to the netplay server.

;Number of local players for network play.
netlocalplayers 1

;Nickname to use for network play chat.

;Key to hash with the MD5 hash of the game.

;Merge input to this player # on the server.
netmerge 0

;Use small(tiny!) font for netplay chat console.
netsmallfont 0

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
nes.xres 640

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
nes.yres 480

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
nes.xscale 2

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
nes.yscale 2

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
nes.xscalefs 2

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
nes.yscalefs 2

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
nes.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
nes.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
nes.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
nes.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
nes.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
gb.xres 800

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
gb.yres 600

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
gb.xscale 4

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
gb.yscale 4

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
gb.xscalefs 4

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
gb.yscalefs 4

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
gb.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
gb.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
gb.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
gb.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
gb.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
gba.xres 800

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
gba.yres 600

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
gba.xscale 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
gba.yscale 3

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
gba.xscalefs 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
gba.yscalefs 3

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
gba.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
gba.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
gba.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
gba.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
gba.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
gg.xres 640

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
gg.yres 480

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
gg.xscale 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
gg.yscale 3

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
gg.xscalefs 2

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
gg.yscalefs 2

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
gg.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
gg.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
gg.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
gg.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
gg.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
lynx.xres 800

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
lynx.yres 600

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
lynx.xscale 4

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
lynx.yscale 4

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
lynx.xscalefs 4

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
lynx.yscalefs 4

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
lynx.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
lynx.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
lynx.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
lynx.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
lynx.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
ngp.xres 640

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
ngp.yres 480

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
ngp.xscale 4

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
ngp.yscale 4

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
ngp.xscalefs 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
ngp.yscalefs 3

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
ngp.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
ngp.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
ngp.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
ngp.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
ngp.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
pce.xres 1024

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
pce.yres 768

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
pce.xscale 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
pce.yscale 3

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
pce.xscalefs 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
pce.yscalefs 3

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
pce.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
pce.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
pce.videoip 1

;Enable specified special video scaler.
pce.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
pce.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
pcfx.xres 1024

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
pcfx.yres 768

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
pcfx.xscale 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
pcfx.yscale 3

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
pcfx.xscalefs 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
pcfx.yscalefs 3

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
pcfx.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
pcfx.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
pcfx.videoip 1

;Enable specified special video scaler.
pcfx.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
pcfx.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
player.xres 800

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
player.yres 600

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
player.xscale 2

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
player.yscale 2

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
player.xscalefs 2

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
player.yscalefs 2

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
player.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
player.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
player.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
player.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
player.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
sms.xres 640

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
sms.yres 480

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
sms.xscale 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
sms.yscale 3

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
sms.xscalefs 2

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
sms.yscalefs 2

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
sms.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
sms.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
sms.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
sms.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
sms.pixshader none

;Full-screen horizontal resolution.
wswan.xres 640

;Full-screen vertical resolution.
wswan.yres 480

;The scaling factor for the X axis.
wswan.xscale 3

;The scaling factor for the Y axis.
wswan.yscale 3

;The scaling factor for the X axis in fullscreen mode.
wswan.xscalefs 2

;The scaling factor for the Y axis in fullscreen mode.
wswan.yscalefs 2

;Enable scanlines with specified transparency.
wswan.scanlines 0

;Stretch to fill screen.
wswan.stretch 0

;Enable bilinear interpolation.
wswan.videoip 0

;Enable specified special video scaler.
wswan.special none

;Enable specified OpenGL pixel shader.
wswan.pixshader none

;Enable fullscreen mode.
fs 0

;Select video driver, "opengl" or "sdl".
vdriver opengl

;Attempt to synchronize OpenGL page flips to vertical retrace period.
glvsync 1

;Fast-forwarding speed multiplier.
ffspeed 4

;Treat the fast-forward button as a toggle.
fftoggle 0

;Silence sound output when fast-forwarding.
ffnosound 0

;Auto-fire frequency.
autofirefreq 3

;Threshold for detecting a "button" press on analog axis, in percent.
analogthreshold 75

;The length of time, in milliseconds, that a button/key corresponding to a "dangerous" command like power, reset, exit, etc. must be pressed before the command is executed.
ckdelay 0

;Disable speed throttling when sound is disabled.
nothrottle 0

;Automatically save and load save states when a game is closed or loaded, respectively.
autosave 0

;Select sound driver.
sounddriver default

;Select sound output device.
sounddevice default

;Sound volume level, in percent.
soundvol 100

;Enable sound emulation.
sound 1

;If non-zero, specifies the desired period size in microseconds.  Currently only affects OSS and ALSA output.
sound.period_time 0

;Specifies the desired size of the sound buffer, in milliseconds.
soundbufsize 52

;Specifies the sound playback rate, in frames per second("Hz").
soundrate 48000

;Enable the help screen.
helpenabled 1

;Automatically go into the debugger's step mode after a game is loaded.
debugger.autostepmode 0

;Character set for the debugger's memory editor.
nes.debugger.memcharset UTF-8

;Character set for the debugger's memory editor.
pce.debugger.memcharset shift_jis

;Character set for the debugger's memory editor.
pcfx.debugger.memcharset shift_jis

;Character set for the debugger's memory editor.
wswan.debugger.memcharset UTF-8

;Disassembly font size(xsmall, small, medium, large).
nes.debugger.disfontsize small

;Disassembly font size(xsmall, small, medium, large).
pce.debugger.disfontsize small

;Disassembly font size(xsmall, small, medium, large).
pcfx.debugger.disfontsize small

;Disassembly font size(xsmall, small, medium, large).
wswan.debugger.disfontsize small

;The length of time, in milliseconds, to display the save state or the movie selector after selecting a state or movie.
osd.state_display_time 2000

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: A
nes.input.port1.gamepad.a keyboard 259

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: Rapid A

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: B
nes.input.port1.gamepad.b keyboard 258

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: Rapid B

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: SELECT
nes.input.port1.gamepad.select keyboard 9

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: START
nes.input.port1.gamepad.start keyboard 13

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: UP ↑
nes.input.port1.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
nes.input.port1.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: LEFT ←
nes.input.port1.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;nes, Port 1, Gamepad: RIGHT →
nes.input.port1.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;nes, Port 1, Zapper: Trigger
nes.input.port1.zapper.trigger mouse 0

;nes, Port 1, Zapper: Away Trigger
nes.input.port1.zapper.away_trigger mouse 2

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 1
nes.input.port1.powerpada.1 keyboard 111

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 2
nes.input.port1.powerpada.2 keyboard 112

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 3
nes.input.port1.powerpada.3 keyboard 91

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 4
nes.input.port1.powerpada.4 keyboard 93

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 5
nes.input.port1.powerpada.5 keyboard 107

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 6
nes.input.port1.powerpada.6 keyboard 108

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 7
nes.input.port1.powerpada.7 keyboard 59

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 8
nes.input.port1.powerpada.8 keyboard 39

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 9
nes.input.port1.powerpada.9 keyboard 109

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 10
nes.input.port1.powerpada.10 keyboard 44

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 11
nes.input.port1.powerpada.11 keyboard 46

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side A: 12
nes.input.port1.powerpada.12 keyboard 47

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 1

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 2

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 3

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 4

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 5

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 6

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 7

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 8

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 9

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 10

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 11

;nes, Port 1, Power Pad Side B: 12

;nes, Port 1, Arkanoid Paddle: Button
nes.input.port1.arkanoid.button mouse 0

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: A

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: Rapid A

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: B

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: Rapid B

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: SELECT

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: START

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: UP ↑

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;nes, Port 2, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;nes, Port 2, Zapper: Trigger
nes.input.port2.zapper.trigger mouse 0

;nes, Port 2, Zapper: Away Trigger
nes.input.port2.zapper.away_trigger mouse 2

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 1
nes.input.port2.powerpada.1 keyboard 111

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 2
nes.input.port2.powerpada.2 keyboard 112

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 3
nes.input.port2.powerpada.3 keyboard 91

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 4
nes.input.port2.powerpada.4 keyboard 93

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 5
nes.input.port2.powerpada.5 keyboard 107

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 6
nes.input.port2.powerpada.6 keyboard 108

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 7
nes.input.port2.powerpada.7 keyboard 59

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 8
nes.input.port2.powerpada.8 keyboard 39

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 9
nes.input.port2.powerpada.9 keyboard 109

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 10
nes.input.port2.powerpada.10 keyboard 44

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 11
nes.input.port2.powerpada.11 keyboard 46

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side A: 12
nes.input.port2.powerpada.12 keyboard 47

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 1

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 2

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 3

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 4

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 5

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 6

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 7

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 8

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 9

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 10

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 11

;nes, Port 2, Power Pad Side B: 12

;nes, Port 2, Arkanoid Paddle: Button
nes.input.port2.arkanoid.button mouse 0

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: A

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: Rapid A

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: B

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: Rapid B

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: SELECT

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: START

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: UP ↑

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;nes, Port 3, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: A

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: Rapid A

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: B

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: Rapid B

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: SELECT

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: START

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: UP ↑

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;nes, Port 4, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Arkanoid Paddle: Button
nes.input.fcexp.arkanoid.button mouse 0

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Space Shadow Gun: Trigger

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Space Shadow Gun: Away Trigger

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F1
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f1 keyboard 282

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F2
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f2 keyboard 283

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F3
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f3 keyboard 284

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F4
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f4 keyboard 285

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F5
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f5 keyboard 286

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F6
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f6 keyboard 287

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F7
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f7 keyboard 288

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F8
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f8 keyboard 289

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 1
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.1 keyboard 49

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 2
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.2 keyboard 50

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 3
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.3 keyboard 51

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 4
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.4 keyboard 52

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 5
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.5 keyboard 53

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 6
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.6 keyboard 54

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 7
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.7 keyboard 55

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 8
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.8 keyboard 56

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 9
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.9 keyboard 57

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: 0
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.0 keyboard 48

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: -
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.minus keyboard 45

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: ^
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.caret keyboard 61

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: \
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.backslash keyboard 92

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: STOP
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.stop keyboard 8

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: ESC
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.escape keyboard 27

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: Q
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.q keyboard 113

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: W
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.w keyboard 119

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: E
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.e keyboard 101

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: R
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.r keyboard 114

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: T
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.t keyboard 116

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: Y
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.y keyboard 121

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: U
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.u keyboard 117

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: I
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.i keyboard 105

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: O
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.o keyboard 111

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: P
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.p keyboard 112

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: @
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.at keyboard 96

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: [
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.left_bracket keyboard 91

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: RETURN
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.return keyboard 13

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: CTR
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.ctrl keyboard 306

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: A
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.a keyboard 97

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: S
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.s keyboard 115

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: D
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.d keyboard 100

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: F
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.f keyboard 102

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: G
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.g keyboard 103

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: H
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.h keyboard 104

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: J
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.j keyboard 106

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: K
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.k keyboard 107

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: L
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.l keyboard 108

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: ;
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.semicolon keyboard 59

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: :
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.colon keyboard 39

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: ]
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.right_bracket keyboard 93

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: カナ
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.kana keyboard 277

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: Left SHIFT
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.left_shift keyboard 304

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: Z
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.z keyboard 122

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: X
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.x keyboard 120

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: C
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.c keyboard 99

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: V
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.v keyboard 118

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: B
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.b keyboard 98

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: N
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.n keyboard 110

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: M
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.m keyboard 109

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: ,
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.comma keyboard 44

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: .
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.period keyboard 46

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: /
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.slash keyboard 47

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: Empty
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.empty keyboard 307

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: Right SHIFT
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.right_shift keyboard 303

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: GRPH
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.graph keyboard 308

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: SPACE
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.space keyboard 32

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: CLR
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.clear keyboard 127

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: INS
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.insert keyboard 279

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: DEL
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.delete keyboard 281

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: UP
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.up keyboard 273

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: LEFT
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.left keyboard 276

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: RIGHT
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.right keyboard 275

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Keyboard: DOWN
nes.input.fcexp.fkb.down keyboard 274

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Hypershot Paddles: I, RUN
nes.input.fcexp.hypershot.i_run keyboard 113

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Hypershot Paddles: Rapid I, RUN

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Hypershot Paddles: I, JUMP
nes.input.fcexp.hypershot.i_jump keyboard 119

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Hypershot Paddles: Rapid I, JUMP

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Hypershot Paddles: II, RUN
nes.input.fcexp.hypershot.ii_run keyboard 101

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Hypershot Paddles: Rapid II, RUN

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Hypershot Paddles: II, JUMP
nes.input.fcexp.hypershot.ii_jump keyboard 114

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Hypershot Paddles: Rapid II, JUMP

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 1
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.1 keyboard 113

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 2
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.2 keyboard 119

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 3
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.3 keyboard 101

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 4
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.4 keyboard 114

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 5
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.5 keyboard 116

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 6
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.6 keyboard 97

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 7
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.7 keyboard 115

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 8
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.8 keyboard 100

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 9
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.9 keyboard 102

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 10
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.10 keyboard 103

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 11
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.11 keyboard 104

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 12
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.12 keyboard 106

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 13
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.13 keyboard 107

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 14
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.14 keyboard 108

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 15
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.15 keyboard 122

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 16
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.16 keyboard 120

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 17
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.17 keyboard 99

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 18
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.18 keyboard 118

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 19
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.19 keyboard 98

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 20
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.20 keyboard 110

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Mahjong Controller: 21
nes.input.fcexp.mahjong.21 keyboard 109

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Quiz King Buzzers: Buzzer 1
nes.input.fcexp.quizking.buzzer_1 keyboard 113

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Quiz King Buzzers: Buzzer 2
nes.input.fcexp.quizking.buzzer_2 keyboard 119

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Quiz King Buzzers: Buzzer 3
nes.input.fcexp.quizking.buzzer_3 keyboard 101

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Quiz King Buzzers: Buzzer 4
nes.input.fcexp.quizking.buzzer_4 keyboard 114

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Quiz King Buzzers: Buzzer 5
nes.input.fcexp.quizking.buzzer_5 keyboard 116

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Quiz King Buzzers: Buzzer 6
nes.input.fcexp.quizking.buzzer_6 keyboard 121

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 1
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.1 keyboard 111

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 2
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.2 keyboard 112

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 3
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.3 keyboard 91

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 4
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.4 keyboard 93

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 5
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.5 keyboard 107

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 6
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.6 keyboard 108

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 7
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.7 keyboard 59

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 8
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.8 keyboard 39

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 9
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.9 keyboard 109

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 10
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.10 keyboard 44

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 11
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.11 keyboard 46

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side A: 12
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainera.12 keyboard 47

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 1
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.1 keyboard 111

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 2
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.2 keyboard 112

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 3
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.3 keyboard 91

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 4
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.4 keyboard 93

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 5
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.5 keyboard 107

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 6
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.6 keyboard 108

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 7
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.7 keyboard 59

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 8
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.8 keyboard 39

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 9
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.9 keyboard 109

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 10
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.10 keyboard 44

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 11
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.11 keyboard 46

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Family Trainer Side B: 12
nes.input.fcexp.ftrainerb.12 keyboard 47

;nes, Famicom Expansion Port, Oeka Kids Tablet: Button
nes.input.fcexp.oekakids.button mouse 0

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: A
gb.input.builtin.gamepad.a keyboard 259

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid A

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: B
gb.input.builtin.gamepad.b keyboard 258

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid B

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: SELECT
gb.input.builtin.gamepad.select keyboard 9

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: START
gb.input.builtin.gamepad.start keyboard 13

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: RIGHT →
gb.input.builtin.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: LEFT ←
gb.input.builtin.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: UP ↑
gb.input.builtin.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;gb, Built-In, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
gb.input.builtin.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: A
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.a keyboard 259

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid A

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: B
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.b keyboard 258

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid B

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: SELECT
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.select keyboard 9

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: START
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.start keyboard 13

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: RIGHT →
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: LEFT ←
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: UP ↑
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: SHOULDER R
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.shoulder_r keyboard 262

;gba, Built-In, Gamepad: SHOULDER L
gba.input.builtin.gamepad.shoulder_l keyboard 261

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: I
pce.input.port1.gamepad.i keyboard 259

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: Rapid I

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: II
pce.input.port1.gamepad.ii keyboard 258

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: Rapid II

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: SELECT
pce.input.port1.gamepad.select keyboard 9

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: RUN
pce.input.port1.gamepad.run keyboard 13

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: UP ↑
pce.input.port1.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: RIGHT →
pce.input.port1.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
pce.input.port1.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: LEFT ←
pce.input.port1.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: III
pce.input.port1.gamepad.iii keyboard 257

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: IV
pce.input.port1.gamepad.iv keyboard 260

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: V
pce.input.port1.gamepad.v keyboard 261

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: VI
pce.input.port1.gamepad.vi keyboard 262

;pce, Port 1, Gamepad: 2/6 Mode Select
pce.input.port1.gamepad.mode_select keyboard 109

;pce, Port 1, Mouse: Left Button
pce.input.port1.mouse.left mouse 0

;pce, Port 1, Mouse: Right Button
pce.input.port1.mouse.right mouse 2

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: I

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: Rapid I

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: II

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: Rapid II

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: SELECT

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: RUN

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: UP ↑

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: III

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: IV

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: V

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: VI

;pce, Port 2, Gamepad: 2/6 Mode Select

;pce, Port 2, Mouse: Left Button
pce.input.port2.mouse.left mouse 0

;pce, Port 2, Mouse: Right Button
pce.input.port2.mouse.right mouse 2

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: I

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: Rapid I

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: II

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: Rapid II

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: SELECT

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: RUN

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: UP ↑

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: III

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: IV

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: V

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: VI

;pce, Port 3, Gamepad: 2/6 Mode Select

;pce, Port 3, Mouse: Left Button
pce.input.port3.mouse.left mouse 0

;pce, Port 3, Mouse: Right Button
pce.input.port3.mouse.right mouse 2

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: I

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: Rapid I

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: II

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: Rapid II

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: SELECT

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: RUN

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: UP ↑

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: III

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: IV

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: V

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: VI

;pce, Port 4, Gamepad: 2/6 Mode Select

;pce, Port 4, Mouse: Left Button
pce.input.port4.mouse.left mouse 0

;pce, Port 4, Mouse: Right Button
pce.input.port4.mouse.right mouse 2

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: I

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: Rapid I

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: II

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: Rapid II

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: SELECT

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: RUN

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: UP ↑

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: III

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: IV

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: V

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: VI

;pce, Port 5, Gamepad: 2/6 Mode Select

;pce, Port 5, Mouse: Left Button
pce.input.port5.mouse.left mouse 0

;pce, Port 5, Mouse: Right Button
pce.input.port5.mouse.right mouse 2

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: A (outer)
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.a keyboard 259

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid A (outer)

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: B (inner)
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.b keyboard 258

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid B (inner)

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: Option 2 (lower)
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.option_2 keyboard 257

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid Option 2 (lower)

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: Option 1 (upper)
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.option_1 keyboard 263

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid Option 1 (upper)

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: LEFT ←
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: RIGHT →
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: UP ↑
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;lynx, Built-In, Gamepad: PAUSE
lynx.input.builtin.gamepad.pause keyboard 13

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: I
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.i keyboard 259

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: II
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.ii keyboard 258

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: III
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.iii keyboard 257

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: IV
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.iv keyboard 260

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: V
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.v keyboard 261

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: VI
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.vi keyboard 262

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: SELECT
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.select keyboard 9

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: RUN
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.run keyboard 13

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: UP ↑
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: RIGHT →
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;pcfx, Port 1, Gamepad: LEFT ←
pcfx.input.port1.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;pcfx, Port 1, Mouse: Left Button
pcfx.input.port1.mouse.left mouse 0

;pcfx, Port 1, Mouse: Right Button
pcfx.input.port1.mouse.right mouse 2

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: I

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: II

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: III

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: IV

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: V

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: VI

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: SELECT

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: RUN

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: UP ↑

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;pcfx, Port 2, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;pcfx, Port 2, Mouse: Left Button
pcfx.input.port2.mouse.left mouse 0

;pcfx, Port 2, Mouse: Right Button
pcfx.input.port2.mouse.right mouse 2

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: UP ↑
ngp.input.builtin.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
ngp.input.builtin.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: LEFT ←
ngp.input.builtin.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: RIGHT →
ngp.input.builtin.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: A
ngp.input.builtin.gamepad.a keyboard 258

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid A

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: B
ngp.input.builtin.gamepad.b keyboard 259

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid B

;ngp, Built-In, Gamepad: OPTION
ngp.input.builtin.gamepad.option keyboard 13

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: UP ↑, X Cursors
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.up-x keyboard 119

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: RIGHT →, X Cursors
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.right-x keyboard 115

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: DOWN ↓, X Cursors
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.down-x keyboard 122

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: LEFT ←, X Cursors
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.left-x keyboard 97

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: UP ↑, Y Cur: MUST NOT = X CURSORS
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.up-y keyboard 273

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: RIGHT →, Y Cur: MUST NOT = X CURSORS
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.right-y keyboard 275

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: DOWN ↓, Y Cur: MUST NOT = X CURSORS
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.down-y keyboard 274

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: LEFT ←, Y Cur: MUST NOT = X CURSORS
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.left-y keyboard 276

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: Start
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.start keyboard 13

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: A
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.a keyboard 259

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid A

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: B
wswan.input.builtin.gamepad.b keyboard 258

;wswan, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid B

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: UP ↑
sms.input.port1.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
sms.input.port1.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: LEFT ←
sms.input.port1.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: RIGHT →
sms.input.port1.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: Fire 1/Start
sms.input.port1.gamepad.fire1 keyboard 258

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: Rapid Fire 1/Start

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: Fire 2
sms.input.port1.gamepad.fire2 keyboard 259

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: Rapid Fire 2

;sms, Port 1, Gamepad: Pause
sms.input.port1.gamepad.pause keyboard 13

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: UP ↑

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: DOWN ↓

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: LEFT ←

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: RIGHT →

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: Fire 1/Start

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: Rapid Fire 1/Start

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: Fire 2

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: Rapid Fire 2

;sms, Port 2, Gamepad: Pause

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: UP ↑
gg.input.builtin.gamepad.up keyboard 119

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: DOWN ↓
gg.input.builtin.gamepad.down keyboard 122

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: LEFT ←
gg.input.builtin.gamepad.left keyboard 97

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: RIGHT →
gg.input.builtin.gamepad.right keyboard 115

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: Button 1
gg.input.builtin.gamepad.button1 keyboard 258

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid Button 1

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: Button 2
gg.input.builtin.gamepad.button2 keyboard 259

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: Rapid Button 2

;gg, Built-In, Gamepad: Start
gg.input.builtin.gamepad.start keyboard 13

;Save state
command.save_state keyboard 286

;Load state
command.load_state keyboard 288

;Save movie
command.save_movie keyboard 286+shift

;Load movie
command.load_movie keyboard 288+shift

;Toggle state rewind functionality
command.toggle_state_rewind keyboard 115+alt

;Save state 0 select
command.0 keyboard 48

;Save state 1 select
command.1 keyboard 49

;Save state 2 select
command.2 keyboard 50

;Save state 3 select
command.3 keyboard 51

;Save state 4 select
command.4 keyboard 52

;Save state 5 select
command.5 keyboard 53

;Save state 6 select
command.6 keyboard 54

;Save state 7 select
command.7 keyboard 55

;Save state 8 select
command.8 keyboard 56

;Save state 9 select
command.9 keyboard 57

;Movie 0 select
command.m0 keyboard 48+shift

;Movie 1 select
command.m1 keyboard 49+shift

;Movie 2 select
command.m2 keyboard 50+shift

;Movie 3 select
command.m3 keyboard 51+shift

;Movie 4 select
command.m4 keyboard 52+shift

;Movie 5 select
command.m5 keyboard 53+shift

;Movie 6 select
command.m6 keyboard 54+shift

;Movie 7 select
command.m7 keyboard 55+shift

;Movie 8 select
command.m8 keyboard 56+shift

;Movie 9 select
command.m9 keyboard 57+shift

;Toggle graphics layer 1
command.tl1 keyboard 49+ctrl

;Toggle graphics layer 2
command.tl2 keyboard 50+ctrl

;Toggle graphics layer 3
command.tl3 keyboard 51+ctrl

;Toggle graphics layer 4
command.tl4 keyboard 52+ctrl

;Toggle graphics layer 5
command.tl5 keyboard 53+ctrl

;Toggle graphics layer 6
command.tl6 keyboard 54+ctrl

;Toggle graphics layer 7
command.tl7 keyboard 55+ctrl

;Toggle graphics layer 8
command.tl8 keyboard 56+ctrl

;Toggle graphics layer 9
command.tl9 keyboard 57+ctrl

;Take screen snapshot
command.take_snapshot keyboard 290

;Toggle fullscreen mode
command.toggle_fs keyboard 13+alt

command.fast_forward keyboard 96

;Insert coin
command.insert_coin keyboard 289

;Toggle DIP switch view
command.toggle_dipview keyboard 287

;Select disk/disc
command.select_disk keyboard 287

;Insert/Eject disk/disc
command.insert_eject_disk keyboard 289

;Activate barcode(for Famicom)
command.activate_barcode keyboard 289

;Grab input
command.toggle_grab_input keyboard 302

;Grab input and disable commands
command.toggle_cidisable keyboard 302+shift

;Configure buttons on virtual port 1
command.input_config1 keyboard 49+alt+shift

;Configure buttons on virtual port 2
command.input_config2 keyboard 50+alt+shift

;Configure command key
command.input_configc keyboard 283

;Configure buttons on virtual port 3
command.input_config3 keyboard 51+alt+shift

;Configure buttons on virtual port 4
command.input_config4 keyboard 52+alt+shift

;Configure buttons on virtual port 5
command.input_config5 keyboard 53+alt+shift

command.reset keyboard 291

;Power toggle
command.power keyboard 292

command.exit keyboard 293~keyboard 27

command.state_rewind keyboard 8

;Rotate screen
command.rotatescreen keyboard 289

;Toggle netplay console
command.togglenetview keyboard 116

;Advance frame
command.advance_frame keyboard 97+alt

;Return to normal mode after advancing frames
command.run_normal keyboard 114+alt

;Toggle cheat console
command.togglecheatview keyboard 99+alt

;Enable/Disable cheats
command.togglecheatactive keyboard 116+alt

;Toggle frames-per-second display
command.toggle_fps_view keyboard 282+shift

;Toggle debugger
command.toggle_debugger keyboard 100+alt

;Decrease selected save state slot by 1
command.state_slot_dec keyboard 45

;Increase selected save state slot by 1
command.state_slot_inc keyboard 61

;Toggle help screen
command.toggle_help keyboard 282

;Select virtual device on virtual input port 1
command.device_select1 keyboard 49+ctrl+shift

;Select virtual device on virtual input port 2
command.device_select2 keyboard 50+ctrl+shift

;Select virtual device on virtual input port 3
command.device_select3 keyboard 51+ctrl+shift

;Select virtual device on virtual input port 4
command.device_select4 keyboard 52+ctrl+shift

;Select virtual device on virtual input port 5
command.device_select5 keyboard 53+ctrl+shift

;Select input device for input port 1.
nes.input.port1 gamepad

;Select input device for input port 2.
nes.input.port2 gamepad

;Select input device for input port 3.
nes.input.port3 gamepad

;Select input device for input port 4.
nes.input.port4 gamepad

;Select Famicom expansion-port device.
nes.input.fcexp none

;Disabled four-score emulation.
nes.nofs 0

;No 8-sprites-per-scanline limit option.
nes.no8lim 0

;Enable less-accurate, but better sounding, Namco 106(mapper 19) sound emulation.
nes.n106bs 0

;Scan filename for (U),(J),(E),etc. strings to en/dis-able PAL emulation.
nes.fnscan 1

;Enable PAL(50Hz) NES emulation.
nes.pal 0

;Enable Game Genie emulation.
nes.gg 0

;Path to Game Genie ROM image.

;Clip left+right 8 pixel columns.
nes.clipsides 0

;First rendered scanline in NTSC mode.
nes.slstart 8

;Last rendered scanlines in NTSC mode.
nes.slend 231

;First rendered scanline in PAL mode.
nes.slstartp 0

;Last rendered scanlines in PAL mode.
nes.slendp 239

;Filename of custom NES palette.

;Enable NTSC color generation and blitter.
nes.ntscblitter 0

;Select video quality/type preset.
nes.ntsc.preset none

;Merge fields to partially work around !=60.1Hz refresh rates.
nes.ntsc.mergefields 0

;NTSC composite blitter saturation.
nes.ntsc.saturation 0

;NTSC composite blitter hue.
nes.ntsc.hue 0

;NTSC composite blitter sharpness.
nes.ntsc.sharpness 0

;NTSC composite blitter brightness.
nes.ntsc.brightness 0

;NTSC composite blitter contrast.
nes.ntsc.contrast 0

;Enable NTSC custom decoder matrix.
nes.ntsc.matrix 0

;NTSC custom decoder matrix element 0(red, value * V).
nes.ntsc.matrix.0 1.539

;NTSC custom decoder matrix element 1(red, value * U).
nes.ntsc.matrix.1 -0.622

;NTSC custom decoder matrix element 2(green, value * V).
nes.ntsc.matrix.2 -0.571

;NTSC custom decoder matrix element 3(green, value * U).
nes.ntsc.matrix.3 -0.185

;NTSC custom decoder matrix element 4(blue, value * V).
nes.ntsc.matrix.4 0.000

;NTSC custom decoder matrix element 5(blue, value * U.
nes.ntsc.matrix.5 2.000

;Force monophonic sound output.
gb.forcemono 0

;Path to optional GBA BIOS ROM image.

;Force monophonic sound output.
gba.forcemono 0

;Load custom color map from specified file.

;Select input device for input port 1.
pce.input.port1 gamepad

;Select input device for input port 2.
pce.input.port2 gamepad

;Select input device for input port 3.
pce.input.port3 gamepad

;Select input device for input port 4.
pce.input.port4 gamepad

;Select input device for input port 5.
pce.input.port5 gamepad

;First rendered scanline.
pce.slstart 4

;Last rendered scanline.
pce.slend 235

;Set mouse sensitivity.
pce.mouse_sensitivity 0.50

;If set, when RUN+SEL are pressed simultaneously, disable both buttons temporarily.
pce.disable_softreset 0

;Force monophonic sound output.
pce.forcemono 0

;Force SuperGrafx emulation.
pce.forcesgx 0

;Enable Arcade Card emulation.
pce.arcadecard 1

;CPU overclock multiplier.
pce.ocmultiplier 1

;CD-ROM data transfer speed multiplier.
pce.cdspeed 1

;No 16-sprites-per-scanline limit option.
pce.nospritelimit 0

;Load custom color map from specified file.

;Path to the CD BIOS
pce.cdbios pce.cdbios PATH NOT SET

;Enable lowpass filter dependent on playback-frequency.
pce.adpcmlp 0

;PSG volume when playing a CD game.
pce.cdpsgvolume 100

;CD-DA volume.
pce.cddavolume 100

;ADPCM volume.
pce.adpcmvolume 100

;Virtually rotate D-pad along with screen.
lynx.rotateinput 1

;Enable sound output lowpass filter.
lynx.lowpass 1

;Select input device for input port 1.
pcfx.input.port1 gamepad

;Select input device for input port 2.
pcfx.input.port2 gamepad

;Set mouse sensitivity.
pcfx.mouse_sensitivity 1.25

;If set, when RUN+SEL are pressed simultaneously, disable both buttons temporarily.
pcfx.disable_softreset 0

;Path to the ROM BIOS
pcfx.bios pcfx.bios PATH NOT SET

;No 16-sprites-per-scanline limit option.
pcfx.nospritelimit 0

;Emulated width for 7.16MHz dot-clock mode: 256, 341, or 1024.
pcfx.high_dotclock_width 1024

;Emulated CD-ROM speed.
pcfx.cdspeed 2

;If =1, tell games to display in English, if =0, in Japanese.
ngp.language 1

;Force monophonic sound output.
ngp.forcemono 0

;Virtually rotate D-pads along with screen.
wswan.rotateinput 0

;Force monophonic sound output.
wswan.forcemono 0

wswan.name Mednafen

;Birth Year
wswan.byear 1989

;Birth Month
wswan.bmonth 6

;Birth Day
wswan.bday 23

wswan.sex F

;Blood Type
wswan.blood O

;Territory, "domestic"(Japan) or "export".
sms.territory export

;Enable FM sound emulation when playing domestic/Japan-region games.
sms.fm 1

;Force monophonic sound output.
gg.forcemono 0


You should be able to Alt-Enter it (running most current mednafen outside of HS so it will keep it's settings) and then press esc. It should keep it that way unless you change it again.


Just to add: Since it's a command-line program just drag a rom file onto the .exe and it should start up (in case you didn't know how to run it outside of HS).

Good luck.


Thanks for all your help ... TurboGrafx 16 up and running in Hyperspin =) ...

Onwards to my next wheel ... Dreamcast ...

  • 3 years later...


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