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Daphne Controller Configuration


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For some reason Daphneloader does not want to let me reconfigure the controls, I downloaded it again, but same issue. I have had this happen before and I simply editing the .ini on the emulator. However, I cannot figure this one out. If someone could post or link a chart to the numbers and corresponding keystrokes, I'd truly appreciate it. Here is a section of the .ini. So up is 273, down is 274, space is 32, etc. I tried finding a chart, but I never found a chart with the numpad, left shift, leftctrl, etc. If this doesn't work I guess its back to keypadder, which works great, I'd just rather do it right.



<switch id="KEY_UP" inp0="273" name0="up" inp1="264" name1="[8]" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_LEFT" inp0="276" name0="left" inp1="260" name1="[4]" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_DOWN" inp0="274" name0="down" inp1="258" name1="[2]" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_RIGHT" inp0="275" name0="right" inp1="262" name1="[6]" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_START1" inp0="49" name0="1" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_START2" inp0="50" name0="2" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_BUTTON1" inp0="32" name0="space" inp1="306" name1="left ctrl" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_BUTTON2" inp0="308" name0="left alt" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_BUTTON3" inp0="304" name0="left shift" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_COIN1" inp0="53" name0="5" inp1="99" name1="c" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_COIN2" inp0="54" name0="6" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_SKILL1" inp0="267" name0="[/]" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_SKILL2" inp0="268" name0="[*]" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_SKILL3" inp0="269" name0="[-]" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_SERVICE" inp0="57" name0="9" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_TEST" inp0="283" name0="f2" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_RESET" inp0="284" name0="f3" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_SCREENSHOT" inp0="293" name0="f12" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_QUIT" inp0="27" name0="escape" inp1="113" name1="q" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_PAUSE" inp0="112" name0="p" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />

<switch id="KEY_TILT" inp0="116" name0="t" inp1="0" name1="" inp2="0" name2="" />


  Jon.Damico said:
Perfect. The second link was what I was looking for. Thanks!

HyperLauch can also be configured with different controls for each game. Read the module notes and it explains how to do it.



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