Jon.Damico Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 I first tried setting up FourDo, with no luck. I now am stuck on FreeDo. I have never quite received an error like this before. Well the first error I have which is the timeout waiting for the emulator, but when I exit I have an error with the emulator, which could not have been more descriptive..... See the picture. I think it may be looking for the Bios, which I have pointed out several times with no luck. Also, my files are in .iso/.cue. I know .cue doesn't work with the emulator, so in HLHQ I set the file types to be .iso only, but that didn't work either. The emulator does work outside of Hyperspin though. Has anyone figured this one out? Here is a section of my troubleshooting log. StartModule() FadeInStart() settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini" Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1) SelectGameMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "SelectGameMode","2",,1) ; 1 = Uses a loop to detect the Edit Box has the romname and path in it. This doesn't work on all PCs, so if you get stuck at the open rom window, use mode 2. 2 = Uses a simple Ctrl+v to paste the romname and path, then press Enter to load the game. ToolbarWait := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "ToolbarWait","300",,1) ; increase this if toolbar is staying visible MLanguage := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "MLanguage","English",,1) ; If English, dialog boxes look for the word "Open" and if Spanish/Portuguese, looks for "Abrir" mLang := Object("English","Open","Spanish/Portuguese","Abrir") winLang := mLang[MLanguage] ; search object for the MLanguage associated to the user's language If !winLang ScriptError("Your chosen language is: """ . MLanguage . """. It is not one of the known supported languages for this module: " . moduleName) freeDOFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\config.xml","Cannot find " . emuPath . "\config.xml`nPlease run FreeDO manually first so it is created for you.") 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath) If romExtension in .7z,.rar,.zip,.cue ScriptError("Pheonix does not support archived or cue files. Only ""iso, cdi, nrg, bin & img"" files can be loaded. Either enable 7z support, or extract your games first.") ; restoring a proper config.xml FileDelete, %emuPath%\config.xml FileCopy, %emuPath%\restore.xml, %emuPath%\config.xml Run(executable, emuPath) DetectHiddenWindows, on ; Sleep, 500 WinWait("FreeDO ahk_class TForm1") IfWinNotActive, FreeDO ahk_class TForm1 WinActivate, FreeDO ahk_class TForm1 WinWaitActive("FreeDO ahk_class TForm1") Send, {ALTDOWN}{ALTUP}{UP}{ENTER} ; open ISO WinWait(winLang) IfWinNotActive, %winLang% ahk_class #32770, , WinActivate, %winLang% ahk_class #32770 WinWaitActive(winLang . " ahk_class #32770") If ( SelectGameMode = 1 ) { Loop { ControlGetText, edit1Text, Edit1, %winLang% ahk_class #32770 If ( edit1Text = romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension ) Break Sleep, 100 ControlSetText, Edit1, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %winLang% ahk_class #32770 } ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, AHK_class #32770 ; Select Open } Else If ( SelectGameMode = 2 ) { Clipboard := romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension Sleep, 100 Send, ^v{Enter} } Else ScriptError("You did not choose a valid SelectGameMode.`nOpen the module and set the mode at the top.") WinWait("FreeDO ahk_class TForm1") WinWaitActive("FreeDO ahk_class TForm1") If Fullscreen = true Send, {F11} Sleep, %ToolbarWait% ; increase this if toolbar is staying visible Send, {F9} ; disable toolbar WinWait("FreeDO ahk_class TForm1") WinWaitActive("FreeDO ahk_class TForm1") FadeInExit() Process("WaitClose", executable) 7zCleanUp() FadeOutExit() ExitModule() CloseProcess: WinClose("FreeDO ahk_class TForm1") Return 15:48:47:015 | HL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script 15:48:47:015 | HL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Loaded User Functions.ahk script 15:48:47:015 | HL | INFO | +0 | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module 15:48:47:015 | HL | INFO | +0 | Main - Module is built 15:48:47:015 | HL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if H:\Hyperspin\AutoHotkey.dll exists 15:48:47:015 | HL | DEBUG1 | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes: FileDescription AutoHotkey_H ANSI 32-bit FileVersion InternalName AutoHotkey_H LegalCopyright Copyright © 2012 OriginalFilename AutoHotkey.exe ProductName AutoHotkey_H ProductVersion File Size: 785408 bytes Created: 12/16/2013 - 9:10:14 PM Modified: 6/28/2014 - 11:28:01 PM 15:48:47:031 | HL | INFO | +16 | Main - Hiding taskbar 15:48:47:140 | HL | INFO | +109 | Main - Running module 15:48:47:140 | HL | INFO | +0 | Main - Starting timer to watch if Front End gets displaced and restore it if it does. 15:48:47:250 | MD | INFO | +N/A | Module initialized 15:48:47:250 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | fadeInTransitionAnimation: DefaultAnimateFadeIn 15:48:47:250 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | fadeOutTransitionAnimation: DefaultAnimateFadeOut 15:48:47:250 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | fadeLyr3Animation: NoAnimation 15:48:47:250 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | fadeLyr37zAnimation: NoAnimation 15:48:47:250 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - Started 15:48:47:250 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - MEmu: FreeDO MEmuV: v2.1.1 alpha MURL: MAuthor: djvj MVersion: 2.0.1 MCRC: 6F2E1419 iCRC: 7C16552E MID: MSystem: "Panasonic 3DO" 15:48:47:250 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Panasonic 3DO" 15:48:47:250 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | StartModule - Leaving romName as is because Rom Mapping filled it with an Alternate_Rom_Name: Jurassic Park Interactive (USA) 15:48:47:265 | MD | INFO | +15 | StartModule - Ended 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | FadeInStart - Started 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 1 images exist in: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\Panasonic 3DO\Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)\Layer 1*.* 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 1 images exist in: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\Panasonic 3DO\_Default\Layer 1*.* 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 1 images exist in: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.* 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.png 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Found Fade Layer 1 pic: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1.png 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.gif 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.tif 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.bmp 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Looking for Fade Layer 1 pic: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1*.jpg 15:48:47:265 | MD | INFO | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Randomized images and Fade Layer 1 will use H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 1.png 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 2 images exist in: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\Panasonic 3DO\Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)\Layer 2*.* 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 2 images exist in: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\Panasonic 3DO\_Default\Layer 2*.* 15:48:47:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetFadePicFile - Checking if any Fade Layer 2 images exist in: H:\Hyperspin\Media\Fade\_Default\Layer 2*.* 15:48:47:343 | MD | INFO | +78 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Started 15:48:47:343 | MD | INFO | +0 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Drawing First FadeIn Image. 15:48:49:343 | MD | INFO | +2000 | DefaultAnimateFadeIn - Ended 15:48:49:343 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | FadeInStart - Ended 15:48:49:343 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Starting 15:48:49:343 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Ending 15:48:49:343 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CoverFE - Started 15:48:49:406 | MD | INFO | +63 | HideFE - Hiding Frontend by making it transparent 15:48:49:421 | MD | DEBUG1 | +16 | CoverFE - Ended 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [settings] - Fullscreen: true 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [settings] - SelectGameMode: 2 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [settings] - ToolbarWait: 300 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - [settings] - MLanguage: English 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\config.xml exists 15:48:49:421 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CheckFile - Attributes: File Size: 1553 bytes Created: 8/23/2014 - 12:26:12 AM Modified: 8/23/2014 - 3:47:23 PM 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - Started, received H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\Panasonic 3DO Roms\Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)\Jurassic Park Interactive (USA).iso. If rom is an archive, it will extract to H:\Hyperspin\Temp 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - This rom type does not need 7z: ".iso" 15:48:49:421 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | 7z - Starting non-7z FadeIn animation. 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | NoAnimation - No Animation selected for Fade 15:48:49:421 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | FadeInDelay - Started 15:48:49:421 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | FadeInDelay - Ended 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | 7z - Ended 15:48:49:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | Run - Running: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:49:468 | MD | DEBUG1 | +46 | Run - "FreeDO.exe" Process ID: 892 15:48:49:468 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: CoverFE | Class: AutoHotkeyGUI | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1024 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0x230338 | Process ID: 2324 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch.exe 15:48:49:468 | MD | INFO | +0 | WinWait - Waiting for "FreeDO ahk_class TForm1" 15:48:49:656 | MD | DEBUG1 | +188 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: CoverFE | Class: AutoHotkeyGUI | State: 0 | X: 0 | Y: 0 | Width: 1024 | Height: 768 | Window HWND: 0x230338 | Process ID: 2324 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch.exe 15:48:50:250 | MD | DEBUG1 | +594 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: FreeDO 2.0 Alfa NTSC | Class: TForm1 | State: 0 | X: 299 | Y: 156 | Width: 648 | Height: 534 | Window HWND: 0x1703d4 | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:250 | MD | INFO | +0 | WinWaitActive - Waiting for "FreeDO ahk_class TForm1" 15:48:50:359 | MD | DEBUG1 | +109 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: FreeDO 2.0 Alfa NTSC | Class: TForm1 | State: 0 | X: 299 | Y: 156 | Width: 648 | Height: 534 | Window HWND: 0x1703d4 | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:421 | MD | DEBUG1 | +63 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Open | Class: #32770 | State: 0 | X: 230 | Y: 116 | Width: 563 | Height: 419 | Window HWND: 0x28035e | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:421 | MD | INFO | +0 | WinWait - Waiting for "Open" 15:48:50:531 | MD | DEBUG1 | +109 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Open | Class: #32770 | State: 0 | X: 230 | Y: 116 | Width: 563 | Height: 419 | Window HWND: 0x28035e | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:531 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Open | Class: #32770 | State: 0 | X: 230 | Y: 116 | Width: 563 | Height: 419 | Window HWND: 0x28035e | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:531 | MD | INFO | +0 | WinWaitActive - Waiting for "Open ahk_class #32770" 15:48:50:640 | MD | DEBUG1 | +109 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Open | Class: #32770 | State: 0 | X: 230 | Y: 116 | Width: 563 | Height: 419 | Window HWND: 0x28035e | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:781 | MD | DEBUG1 | +141 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Open | Class: #32770 | State: 0 | X: 230 | Y: 116 | Width: 563 | Height: 419 | Window HWND: 0x28035e | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:781 | MD | INFO | +0 | WinWait - Waiting for "FreeDO ahk_class TForm1" 15:48:50:890 | MD | DEBUG1 | +109 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Freedo | Class: #32770 | State: 0 | X: 464 | Y: 335 | Width: 104 | Height: 126 | Window HWND: 0x29035e | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:890 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Freedo | Class: #32770 | State: 0 | X: 464 | Y: 335 | Width: 104 | Height: 126 | Window HWND: 0x29035e | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:48:50:890 | MD | INFO | +0 | WinWaitActive - Waiting for "FreeDO ahk_class TForm1" 15:49:20:890 | MD | DEBUG1 | +30000 | GetActiveWindowStatus - Title: Freedo | Class: #32770 | State: 0 | X: 464 | Y: 335 | Width: 104 | Height: 126 | Window HWND: 0x29035e | Process ID: 892 | Process Path: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FreeDO.exe 15:49:21:234 | MD | DEBUG1 | +344 | ScriptError - Playing error sound: error8.mp3 15:49:37:265 | MD | ERROR | +16031 | There was an error waiting for the window "FreeDO ahk_class TForm1" to become active. Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module, and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first. Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem. 15:49:37:265 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Started 15:49:37:265 | MD | INFO | +0 | Starting Updating Statistics: 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | Total Elapsed Time in Pause in seconds: 0 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | gameSectionStartTime:18001218 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | ElapsedTime:50 15:49:37:265 | MD | INFO | +0 | CreateRomTable - Started 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CreateRomTable - Checking for match: "Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)" and "(Disc" 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CreateRomTable - Checking for match: "Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)" and "(Disk" 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CreateRomTable - Checking for match: "Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)" and "(Cart" 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CreateRomTable - Checking for match: "Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)" and "(Tape" 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CreateRomTable - Checking for match: "Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)" and "(Cassette" 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CreateRomTable - Checking for match: "Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)" and "(Part" 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG1 | +0 | CreateRomTable - Checking for match: "Jurassic Park Interactive (USA)" and "(Side" 15:49:37:265 | MD | INFO | +0 | CreateRomTable - Ended, 7 Loops to create table. 15:49:37:265 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | Statistics cleared game name: Jurassic Park Interactive 15:49:37:281 | MD | DEBUG2 | +16 | Loaded game statistics from ini files: Number_of_Times_Played: 0 Last_Time_Played: 0 Average_Time_Played: 0 Total_Time_Played: 0 System_Total_Played_Time: 0 Total_Global_Played_Time: 3135 15:49:37:281 | MD | DEBUG2 | +0 | Updated Statistics: Number_of_Times_Played: 1 Last_Time_Played: Saturday August 23, 2014 03:48:47 PM Average_Time_Played: 50 Total_Time_Played: 50 System_Total_Played_Time: 50 Total_Global_Played_Time: 3185 15:49:37:312 | MD | INFO | +31 | Game section statistics updated. 15:49:37:312 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Ended 15:49:37:312 | MD | INFO | +0 | End of Module Logs 15:49:37:421 | HL | INFO | +50282 | Main - Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally 15:49:37:421 | HL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started 15:49:37:421 | HL | DEBUG1 | +0 | ExitScript - Unhiding taskbar 15:49:37:531 | HL | DEBUG1 | +109 | ExitScript - Checking what application is currently in focus. 15:49:37:531 | HL | DEBUG1 | +0 | ExitScript - Freedo is currently active. Putting focus back on HyperSpin.exe 15:49:37:656 | HL | DEBUG1 | +125 | ExitScript - Took 1 attempts to put HyperSpin.exe back in focus. 15:49:37:656 | HL | INFO | +0 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor 15:49:37:656 | HL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Ended [/code]
32assassin Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 If you can't get an emulator to work outside of Hyperlaunch what makes you think they are going to work with Hyperlaunch. you need to get FourDO/FreeDO working outside of Hyperlaunch before you proceed. 1. Did you download an exe of FourDO or did you install the full version? 2. CUE files are not compatible with any Emulator, they are used to mount your Disc images (Bin, ISO) on to virtual drives. Test your emulator outside of Hyperlaunch by - Double Clicking on a CUE file, if you have Demon tools installed your game should be mounted on to a virtual Drive. - Make sure your game is mounted on to a virtual drive. - Open FourDo --> File --> Choose bios your emulator screen should look like this - File --> Open Disc Drive(Your Default virtual Drive) and on a side note Disable Fade and any non essential media when you are trouble shooting a system.
Jon.Damico Posted August 23, 2014 Author Posted August 23, 2014 Weird I am having the same issue with Turbo Engine 16. I get the timeout error telling me to check my emulator version,etc. When I exit Hyperspin The emulator is there with the same windows box as above (Minus the error box). I can then click open and it loads the rom. Weird. I have the proper version of the emulator and everything is set up like my other 29 systems. I wonder if I am missing something in the ahk files. If I find something I will point it out. If not I hope someone as had this issue. :/ Thanks for your future help.
Jon.Damico Posted August 24, 2014 Author Posted August 24, 2014 Thats the thing FreeDo works fine outside of Hyperspin, but I get that error when launching through Hyperspin. I have DT set up and working. I will follow your steps and see if anything changes.
Jon.Damico Posted August 24, 2014 Author Posted August 24, 2014 Ya, I ran through your steps and it loads fine, not a single issue, but through Hyperspin I still have the same errors. I am using a zipped version from the website in the module. I have DT set to true. On the picture I attached, regarding the window behind the error, I wonder if it is looking for the Bios or if is trying to load the image directly rather than using DT. If I load the bios it takes me to the main screen (when the emulator is first turned on), if I go to an iso, it loads the game. hmm... I am stumped.
Jon.Damico Posted August 24, 2014 Author Posted August 24, 2014 Well, I did find out that Hyperspin is not mounting the iso. I mounted the iso, then ran the game outside of Hyperspin using the CD image and it worked. I dismounted the image in DT, then tried loading through Hyperspin and DT had no image. Is FreeDo set-up to use DT? I noticed that DT is not needed to run it outside of Hyperspin. How are you guys running FreeDo? Through DT or directly through the Iso?
32assassin Posted August 24, 2014 Posted August 24, 2014 if you have your files zipped/7z, you are better of running the system without DT; your only extension should be zip or 7z if you have them uncompressed, you are better of running your system WITH DT; your only extension should be CUE and ISO so its all up to your rom formatting.
Jon.Damico Posted August 24, 2014 Author Posted August 24, 2014 Alright, I zipped the cue and iso file and ran it using Hyperspin. I let it sit for just under an hour and nothing loaded. No errors, nothing at all black screen. When I Ctrl Alt Del I can see 7zip running in the background, no FreeDo. The file might have been unzipping, but I don't want to wait around for 50 mins. to play a game. I am going to go with the DT route. I believe some editing of the module is needed. The emulator is either waiting for me to select a bios (Which I have several times and it still prompts me to everytime) or DT is not configured right in the module, since it never mounts anything (when going through Hyperspin). If I manually mount an image and select play from CD in FreeDo, it works fine. If I load CD image through FreeDo and select the iso it works fine. My first guess is the Bios, I named it as it specifies in the module, then placed it in the same directory as the FreeDo.exe. The module stats nothing else. I think FreeDo wants me to select a bios when opening it through Hyperspin.... any suggestions?
dieselboss78 Posted August 24, 2014 Posted August 24, 2014 I switched to FourDO because FreeDO gave me grief too. With FourDO, DT is not needed. Problem was solved when I did that. FreeDO is old and outdated in my opinion. I think my problem in the beginning like many others is I tried to over complicate things. Make sure you do not F with the AHK files. They work... They really do. Get the fz10_rom.bin BIOS file from a website and RENAME it fz10.rom. Make sure it is in the root directory of FourDO. Start up FourDO. Make sure to check "After Startup, Open Last game" under CONSOLE, otherwise you will only get the BIOS screen. Aside from configuring your inputs, do not mess with the settings at all. Well, on that note, I am going to play me some Plumbers Don't Wear Ties! Jealous!? lmao! And don't zip or 7z them. At least I don't.
Jon.Damico Posted August 24, 2014 Author Posted August 24, 2014 Haha. Unfortunately I am making this system as family oriented (I know no fun), but I might just leave it in there until I let the kids play with the system. haha. I hear its better if you use your joystick while playing..... haha. Just one question, what do you mean by "Make sure you do F with the ahk files." Was that make sure you don't F with them?
Jon.Damico Posted August 24, 2014 Author Posted August 24, 2014 I have no idea what I did different the first time, but now it works. haha. Alright now to get Supermodel and Turbo Engine 16 up and running. They are the last 2 for my 30 system setup. Thank You.
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