montanaroots Posted September 6, 2014 Posted September 6, 2014 Hi guys, I know before I start everyone here prefers Nestopia to JNES. I do enjoy all of the options that Nestopia offers, however there is one thing about Nestopia that drives me up the wall, its screen tearing. It is god awful, especially with games like Super Mario Bro.’s I currently have my system hooked up to my CRT Tv and LCD monitor and the screen tearing ruins the feel/authenticity of playing on a console for me. I know that JNES hasn’t been supported in quite a while by its developer but out of all of the NES emulators out there it seems to handle the screen tearing the best. I don’t see any tearing at all actually. Guys I need some help here. It doesn’t appear that the JNES emulator is exiting correctly. When I exit the emulator GUI screen comes up and I have to alt+tab to get it to go away. I’ve changed the exit emulator key to different characters, numbers and letters. I’ve also tried multiple key presses and hold down key presses in HyperLaunchHQ. It doesn’t appear that JNES gives you the option to change any key configurations in its .ini file either. This is the last of my emulators I need to get up and running without a hitch before I start working on my MAME cabinet. I really like JNES, all the other emulators tearing issues drives me insane. Is there anyone out there that can help out without spending a lot of time on this and see immediately what might be wrong for me with DJVJ’s JNes script? I would really appreciate any ideas. Thanks guys, MTroots
Blu_Haze Posted September 6, 2014 Posted September 6, 2014 Strange, I've never noticed any screen tearing in Nestopia myself. Have you tried forcing vsync in your video cards control panel? That doesn't really help you with JNES though...
montanaroots Posted September 7, 2014 Author Posted September 7, 2014 Blu_Haze, Just wanted to say thank you for your input. Once I started noticing the screen tearing in Nestopia I did some research and it looks like it is a known issue so I gave up on it and went back to JNes. I do like JNes but the not being able to exit out back into Hyperspin properly was too much, it would ruin the feel of the arcade cabinet. I started goofing around a little more in Nestopia since you said you have no issues with thearing yourself and low and behold there is a way to get rid of it ! Not only do you have to go into the 'Timing' options and set your Timing to V-Sync (which slows the response time to your controllers) and 'Enable Triple Buffering (which takes care of the lag in the controllers) but you also have to go into the 'Video' Options and Un-check the Monitor Frequency box that has 'Auto' checked. Un-checking this box seemed to fix the tearing. If you are unsure if you have tearing issues or not, go into Super Mario Bro.'s and just run with Mario, don't stop, just keep running and you'll see that nasty horizontal line creep up the screen from bottom to top. Anyways, this cured it and now I'm more than happy to switch over to Nestopia. The exiting emulator back into Hyperspin seems to have no problems with this emulator. Thanks guys, MTroots
Blu_Haze Posted September 7, 2014 Posted September 7, 2014 Blu_Haze,Just wanted to say thank you for your input. Once I started noticing the screen tearing in Nestopia I did some research and it looks like it is a known issue so I gave up on it and went back to JNes. I do like JNes but the not being able to exit out back into Hyperspin properly was too much, it would ruin the feel of the arcade cabinet. I started goofing around a little more in Nestopia since you said you have no issues with thearing yourself and low and behold there is a way to get rid of it ! Not only do you have to go into the 'Timing' options and set your Timing to V-Sync (which slows the response time to your controllers) and 'Enable Triple Buffering (which takes care of the lag in the controllers) but you also have to go into the 'Video' Options and Un-check the Monitor Frequency box that has 'Auto' checked. Un-checking this box seemed to fix the tearing. If you are unsure if you have tearing issues or not, go into Super Mario Bro.'s and just run with Mario, don't stop, just keep running and you'll see that nasty horizontal line creep up the screen from bottom to top. Anyways, this cured it and now I'm more than happy to switch over to Nestopia. The exiting emulator back into Hyperspin seems to have no problems with this emulator. Thanks guys, MTroots Yeah, I completely agree with the need to have a clean startup and exit without ever seeing any extra command prompts or the desktop. It's one of the reasons that I always come back to Hyperspin, because without the Hyperlaunch scripts most other frontends have trouble with switching to the actual emulator. I'm glad you were able to get it working properly!
jamaster14 Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Hi guys,I know before I start everyone here prefers Nestopia to JNES. I do enjoy all of the options that Nestopia offers, however there is one thing about Nestopia that drives me up the wall, its screen tearing. It is god awful, especially with games like Super Mario Bro.’s I currently have my system hooked up to my CRT Tv and LCD monitor and the screen tearing ruins the feel/authenticity of playing on a console for me. I know that JNES hasn’t been supported in quite a while by its developer but out of all of the NES emulators out there it seems to handle the screen tearing the best. I don’t see any tearing at all actually. Guys I need some help here. It doesn’t appear that the JNES emulator is exiting correctly. When I exit the emulator GUI screen comes up and I have to alt+tab to get it to go away. I’ve changed the exit emulator key to different characters, numbers and letters. I’ve also tried multiple key presses and hold down key presses in HyperLaunchHQ. It doesn’t appear that JNES gives you the option to change any key configurations in its .ini file either. This is the last of my emulators I need to get up and running without a hitch before I start working on my MAME cabinet. I really like JNES, all the other emulators tearing issues drives me insane. Is there anyone out there that can help out without spending a lot of time on this and see immediately what might be wrong for me with DJVJ’s JNes script? I would really appreciate any ideas. Thanks guys, MTroots I use JNES for the same reason. mario brothers is near unplayable for me on nestopia. screen tearing is beyond awful. i dont have the same issues you have with JNES though. it exits back to the HS wheel just fine for me. I havent made any edits to it, default settings. maybe reinstall JNES?
djvj Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Try toggling admin rights on jnes. Sent from my Samsung S3 using Tapatalk "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."RocketLauncher's Official Home If you appreciate my work:My Apps:Window LoggerIdle Volume AdjusterExplorerRestorerRom Folder CleanerModule UpdaterMy Guides:How To Mod Guncons with Aimtrak
mcfasa09 Posted April 15, 2016 Posted April 15, 2016 Here's a work around (Note: Change "m" in the "keywait, m, d" line of the script below to whatever you have mapped to your exit button in HyperHQ or this script will do nothing): Before I start I also want to mention that the "try using Admin/compatibility" idea was a no made things worse when set to Windows XP SP3 and on all other compatibility settings the problem was the same despite changing to admin. Anyway, I created an AutoHotKey script that remedies the error you're talking about. There is two errors going on with Jnes and HyperSpin trying to work together. One error is that the image of the program box of Jnes' windowed version shows up even after the program is closed (as you mentioned above), and the other error is that Jnes will try to close, but instead of fully closing it just closes out of full screen mode and goes into windowed mode. This script does fix both problems, but you will still see a flash of the windowed mode at game startup and game close for a couple of milliseconds while Jnes loads the game and closes the game (that's an issue with Jnes, not the script, but still an issue that I want to fix). All this script does is change the the normal way Jnes closes and force closes it so it doesn't have a chance to go screwy in the process. The script is below (if you're new to autohotkey just download the autohotkey program from their website (its free) - don't download from a 3rd party site or you might get maleware - and after it's downloaded right click on your desktop and select, "New/AutoHotKey Script." It'll open a NotePad type window where you should copy and paste the entire script I have shown below). Save this script file where you want and then right click it and select, "Compile Script." This will create an .exe in the same location as the script file. Move the .exe file into, "Start/All Programs/Startup" so that it starts when your computer starts and you don't need to think about it. The program will auto start when Jnes starts and will wait patiently in the background when Jnes is not running. You'll need to open the script the first time unless you want to restart your computer. To do this just double click on it like you would any .exe file. You'll know it's running because it will have an "H" icon in the bottom right of your task bar on your desktop. The script starts immediately after this line and goes to the end of this post: #SingleInstance force ;this line just means that only one instance of this script will run Loop ;this is the line that will keep this script running no matter how many games you play { WinWaitActive, Jnes ;tells the script to do nothing until Jnes is opened KeyWait, m, D ;tells the script to do nothing until the buttom "m" is pressed Down (change to your own exit key) { IfWinActive, Jnes ;tells the script that if Jnes is open when the exit key is pushed to do the following lines command WinKill, Jnes ;tells Jnes to go die..and then it does. } }
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