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Guide On How To Create Rom List To Use In Hyperlist


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Ok guys, most of you probably know how to do this but I thought I would provide a short guide on my way of creating a list of your rom files from your directory so that you can input them into hyperlist to create a perfect xml.

Step One.

First you want to get rid of the file extension at the end of your roms. I use a program called extension renamer available here http://download.cnet.com/Extension-Renamer/3000-2248_4-10438759.html . What you want to do with this program is point it to your rom directory, when the files show up in the list it will say convert extensions from *.* to ext. You want to delete the ext part and have it blank, then press GO and your files will be converted. When doing this always make a duplicate rom folder and convert the files in that instead of using the original folder in case something goes wrong and also you wont have to go and rename the files again which can be a pain if they are different extensions.

Step Two.

Depending on which windows version you are using, in the start menu under Run (search for windows 7/Vista) type command, the command prompt should show up. Then you need to get to your rom directory, I find the easiest way to find them is by having the folder on the main C:\ named something like Mame or snes. When you enter the command prompt it will have something like C:\Users\Username> or c:\Windows>. What you need to do is type cd.. until you can only see c:\> Once this is displayed type cd Snes or cd Mame (whatever your folder was called) and you should see c:\Snes>. The next step is to create your file list, you can do this by typing dir /b > romlist.txt and your list will be created in your rom directory, just look for romlist.txt

Step Three.

Find your romlist.txt file and open it up, in the top menu click edit then select all, then copy. Open your web browser and go to the hyperspin homepage, then click on hyperlist. Log into your account and select create rom list from the menu on the left. Then select the top option (Custom List of ROM's, copy/pasted in with each rom being on a new line). Name your list the same as your System Name (MAME for example.) Choose your system from the system drop down list then in the bottom black box right click and select paste, all of your roms files should now be listed in the box. Click finish and your list will be created. Click on manage my lists in the left hand menu and your list will show up, then just click on the download section and download it to your hard drive, then all you have to do is put that xml file into your database directory and your good to go.

IMPORTANT NOTE - If your files are not named correctly they will not be detected by hyperlist and will therefore be left out of your xml.

Hope this helps someone.


Not to depreciate your guide but how is this easier or faster than clicking HyperRom2XML, pointing it to your rom directory, then having it output the xml database?


Im not saying its easier or faster, I personally had a lot of issues when trying to use hyperRom2xml so this is just an alternative if people run into problems like I did, im sure there are 100's of methods people use, I just thought i would share mine. I also find that the xml that hyperlist creates compared to hyperrom2xml is so much cleaner and easier to edit.


I personally don't advocate this method of building a Database, but I can add that Step 1 is completely avoidable. No one is going to want to create an entire duplicate of their romset. What you can do instead is pipe the directory listing into a text file as you mentioned, but then open that text file and use the Edit-->Replace function built into Notepad to remove the extension. An example:

Find what: .zip
Replace with: 

Rinse and repeat for all extensions. Shouldn't take more than a few seconds.

<em class='bbc'>"But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of Fate, and thus defy the tyrannous stars."</em>

I personally don't advocate this method of building a Database, but I can add that Step 1 is completely avoidable. No one is going to want to create an entire duplicate of their romset. What you can do instead is pipe the directory listing into a text file as you mentioned, but then open that text file and use the Edit-->Replace function built into Notepad to remove the extension. An example:

Find what: .zip
Replace with: 

Rinse and repeat for all extensions. Shouldn't take more than a few seconds.

Ah yeah good thinking, i would never have thought of that. What would be your best way of building the database just out of curiosity? Im always looking for new ways of working.


I use a program I developed. Sorry, I don't really have a good answer for you because I'm not too familiar with what most people do.

<em class='bbc'>"But does one ever truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of Fate, and thus defy the tyrannous stars."</em>

  • 4 weeks later...
Not to depreciate your guide but how is this easier or faster than clicking HyperRom2XML, pointing it to your rom directory, then having it output the xml database?

you saved a lot of lifes!


  • 3 years later...

I appreciate anyone who writes a guide, so thanks Grimoz. What you should do now is update your first post with the information you learned from the community and also write a little introduction outlining the method (Usually want this in the title). I use Don's tools to make databases so I'd write something like "This is a guide on how to use Don's to Create a Database". I am completely unfamiliar with this method so I'm not sure what to call it.




I appreciate anyone who writes a guide, so thanks Grimoz. What you should do now is update your first post with the information you learned from the community and also write a little introduction outlining the method (Usually want this in the title). I use Don's tools to make databases so I'd write something like "This is a guide on how to use Don's to Create a Database". I am completely unfamiliar with this method so I'm not sure what to call it.




With the newly updated HyperLaunch. You can now use HyperLaunchHQ to generate a db for you.

Just be sure your Global Emulator for that system has all the file extensions. Then make sure your Rom Paths and Default emulator is set on your System -> Emulators screen.

Then just hit the db icon on the top of that page. HLHQ will generate a database for you based on the above paths and variables. ;)

Just be careful, it will overwrite what's there now.



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